Shadow Spy

Chapter 446: Landing and seizing the island requires professionalism

Chapter 446: Landing and seizing the island requires professionalism

At a subsequent Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, Army Chief of Staff Marshall and Chief of Naval Operations Stark had a heated argument. White House Chief of Staff Leahy and Army Deputy Chief of Staff and Air Force Commander Arnold could not intervene to dissuade them due to their respective identities. , other temporary participants and observers were not of sufficient rank, and they did not dare to speak out to dissuade the two service chiefs...

Seeing that the two people were arguing more and more fiercely, Admiral Leahy looked at Li Junhao, who had been silent during these meetings and always lowered his head to write and draw, and said: "Oger, please say a few words. ?”

Um? Li Junhao raised his head, as if he had just discovered the current atmosphere, looking puzzled.

Marshall and Stark were tired of the quarrel and each picked up a cup to drink water. Leahy and Arnold both looked at Li Junhao, waiting for him to speak.

Li Junhao put down the pen in his hand and took the cigarettes on the table. Except for Lai Xi, who did not smoke, everyone else passed them around. After he lit one himself, he said: "In all the previous wars, there has never been a situation like this." Having experienced so many and so frequent battles to seize islands, this is a new topic for all of us...including the military of other countries!

"Starting from the Battle of Guadalcanal in [-], we began counterattacks against the Japanese in the Pacific. The naval fleet achieved several good victories, but the Japanese army fought extremely hard to seize the islands in the Central Pacific. Troop casualties remain high...

“After taking over as Commander of the Navy and Land Forces, I seriously considered this issue. The reasons can be attributed to three reasons: First, the tenacity of the Japanese army is beyond our previous imagination;

"Second, there is an extremely anxious mood in our troops from top to bottom, eager for revenge, eager to attack, eager to win...

"The third one is the most important, because there has never been such a large-scale continuous operation to seize the island before. The Navy, Army, and Marine Corps have no experience, and the combat plans they formulated are not reasonable, and even because different campaign commanders With the troops participating in the war, the tactics of seizing the island are different every time...

"Among them, the battle between the 'Flintlock' and the 'Bailiff' that just ended was pretty good, but the 'Electricity' operation was a complete mess!"

At this point, he saw that everyone's expressions were a bit wrong. Marshall and Stark opened their mouths to speak, so they raised their hands and said: "Seniors, I am not talking about responsibility or anything, but carefully analyze why this is happening. ?Listen to what I have to say."


"The prepared landing force is two infantry divisions, the 27th and 36th Infantry Division of the Army, with a strength of more than 3.5 people. Three amphibious tank battalions have also been specially strengthened. What is their record?

“Facing Makin Island defended by 800 Japanese troops, the 27th Division fought for four days and suffered more than 1000 casualties;

“Facing Betio Island defended by 3000 Japanese troops and 1800 Korean laborers, the 36th Division also fought for four days, with 1500 killed and nearly 3000 injured!

"This kind of performance can't be explained by just saying that it is due to lack of experience and weak attack, right?" Marshall couldn't help but defended: "The 27th and 36th Divisions are units adapted from the New York and Texas National Guards respectively. They are indeed experienced. insufficient!"

Arnold, who is still a member of the Army, also said: "Yes, these two divisions have not experienced actual combat before, and many problems were exposed in the battle... But speaking of it, Commander Panson, you also have a certain responsibility - according to the original According to the battle plan, the Second Marine and Land Division was originally supposed to be the main attacking force, but you transferred it back home before the action!"

Li Junhao laughed angrily, but considering the age and seniority of the other party, he could only say in a calm tone: "Commander Arnold, the four divisions of the sea and land have been fighting in the Pacific theater for nearly a year, with more than 2.5 casualties. Shouldn't we?" Do you want to withdraw and rest for a while? To put it bluntly, the sea and land are currently undergoing refitting and training, can't you guys wait even three months?"

At this time, Arnold stopped talking, and Marshall and Stark also kept silent - they couldn't admit that they wouldn't be able to fight without the Marine Corps, right?

Seeing that the situation was a bit cold, Leahy smoothed things over and said, "Ogg, what exactly do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that through the 'Electric Current' operation and the subsequent 'Flintlock' and 'Bailiff' operations, we should sum up some experiences and lessons!" Li Junhao said, "For example: for amphibious landing operations, we must You must conduct detailed reconnaissance in advance and then make a careful plan!

“In the actual execution of the plan, the first wave of attacks must use experienced landing forces, and must be equipped with a sufficient number and good quality of landing craft and amphibious combat vehicles;

“Before and after the landing begins, the fire support and air strikes accompanying the ships must be sufficient, accurate, and well coordinated;

“At the same time, we must pay attention to the application of new equipment such as emerging helicopters, such as allowing modified armed Huey helicopters to accompany landing infantry and provide synchronized fire support...

“The first wave of landing troops must have a complete set of tactics to deal with trenches, tunnels, roadblocks, bunkers and other defensive points, be equipped with suitable heavy equipment, have the ability to attack tough battles, and be able to quickly occupy the beachhead position to ensure the safe follow-up of subsequent troops;

"The command of landing operations must be timely and effective, and can coordinate sea, land and air forces to conduct a three-dimensional combat mode. It can no longer be like before, where the troops in the landing group fight independently;

“In addition, logistical support must be completed efficiently, communications must be timely and smooth, the second and third waves of offensive troops that follow must be sufficient, and the soldiers must be well-trained and have good combat capabilities, etc…

"The combination of the above factors can ensure that every landing and island seizure operation will be successful, so that our frontline soldiers will have fewer casualties!"

After Li Junhao said these words, the several military bosses sitting here and the people recording and listening around were stunned - the level of professionalism in landing operations was so high! Now listening to Commander Panson say it, why do you think it makes so much sense?

At this time, Admiral Stark realized the meaning of his words and immediately asked: "General Panson, are you now re-equipping the navy and land forces and asking Rear Admiral Hewitt to supervise the construction of a new amphibious command ship?" Isn’t it just because of the landing combat theory you just mentioned?”

(End of this chapter)

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