Shadow Spy

Chapter 451 The situation in the Pacific War is great

Chapter 451 The situation in the Pacific War is great

After the Battle of the Mariana Islands, the status of the Marine Corps in the US military rose sharply. In terms of beach landing operations, no other force dares to say that it has such a level and record!

Therefore, Li Junhao, a young navy and land commander, has truly established himself in the top military hierarchy. No one dares to question his age and position anymore!

On the Pacific battlefield, after the Battle of Mariana, the U.S. military took complete initiative, while the Japanese military's strategic defense posture seriously deteriorated. The "absolute defense circle" stipulated by its base camp was on the verge of collapse due to the loss of core points. The most direct threat Yes: US B-29 bombers taking off from the Mariana Islands can already directly attack the Japanese mainland!

After the US military takes control of the Mariana Islands, it is equivalent to gaining an advanced base in the Central Pacific. Whether it continues to attack or defend, it is already in an invincible position - the Japanese army, whose naval power has been greatly reduced, has no Ability to counterattack!

After the Battle of the Mariana Islands, the Japanese mainland was directly threatened by U.S. bombers, and high-level conflicts intensified. Under tremendous pressure from all walks of life in the country, Tojo Hideki's cabinet resigned before the battle was over!

Starting in June, the U.S. military dispatched a group of B-6 bombers to the Mariana Islands to carry out bombing missions on the Japanese mainland, focusing on military and industrial facilities in major Japanese cities...

In just over a month, tens of millions of residents of Japan's major cities fled to the countryside. The absenteeism rate of workers in major factories rose rapidly from 26% to 49%, which had a negative impact on its wartime industrial production capacity. great influence!

Just halfway through 1944, Japan's economy had reached a point where it was almost at the end of its rope: refinery output dropped by 70%, steel production dropped by 56%, mechanical power production dropped by 75%, aircraft body production dropped by 60%, and electronic equipment production dropped by 70%. increased by 600%... Its more than [-] major military factories continued to encounter bombings, the worker turnover rate increased rapidly, and production capacity continued to decline...

In fact, by this time, Japan's national war potential has been exhausted, and it is simply impossible to turn around - in the end, modern war actually relies on industrial production and logistics support capabilities!

Of course, the Japanese don't think so. It's their character to make big bets with small gains, seize a little bit and make big bets, but this time they are destined to lose the bet!

In mid-June, Li Junhao took a special plane to inspect three battlefields in Saipan, Guam and Tinian Island in the Maria Islands. He told the accompanying sea and land staff and media reporters:

This is the cruel Pacific island battlefield! Contrary to the imagination of the American people who enjoy safety, these places were once stationed by Japanese soldiers who were like beasts...

They will disguise themselves as wounded soldiers at the end of the battlefield and use hidden grenades to die with the US soldiers;

They will force the captured civilians to advance forward and cover the charge of the headquarters...

They will use surrendered prisoners of war to practice rifle assassination...

They will inflict the most brutal punishment on the people in the occupied areas and use killing to ensure that no one in the occupied areas dares to resist...

As for the other evil deeds of the Japanese army, he couldn't even tell them!

At this time, Li Junhao, who had already gained a certain public opinion mouthpiece, began to use TV, radio, and newspaper propaganda to introduce to the people of North America what the Japanese had done in Asia, why Honolulu was attacked, and why the U.S. military wanted to fight the Japanese in the Pacific. bloody battle……

To his surprise, the ABC radio network aired his program because of the interview, and it became popular!

On June 6, as soon as Li Junhao returned to Washington, he received a notice from White House Chief of Staff General Leahy, requiring him to immediately rush to London, England, to attend a meeting of the Allied Expeditionary Force Headquarters to discuss the battle plan for the Atlantic Theater. He knew that the Pacific Theater was basically the U.S. military operating and the U.S. military could decide on its own plans. At most, the theater headquarters could report it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for approval. The situation in the Atlantic Theater was much more complicated, involving many European allies. Of course, Mainly UK.

Because he had served in the Far East for a long time, and when he came to Washington, he was mainly responsible for intelligence work. He had not been working at sea and land for a long time. He knew a lot about the intelligence of the Atlantic Theater and Europe, but he had not participated in specific military operations. , and did not pay attention to the actions of the Allied Expeditionary Force.

At this time, he was suddenly asked to attend the meeting, which made him think of a possibility...

According to the original historical process, on June 6, Allied troops would land in France and launch a major counterattack on the European battlefield. However, the Battle of the Mariana Islands on the Pacific battlefield had just begun, and there would be three subsequent battles. More than a month.

Now, because of his intervention, the "Food Requisitioner" operation started a month and a half ahead of schedule and ended successfully in less than a month, while the counterattack on the European battlefield did not start. He has never asked about the reason before. It seems that when he goes to the meeting tonight, it should be time to reveal it!

On the afternoon of June 6, Li Junhao traveled through North Africa and arrived at a secret airport outside London, England. He was warmly welcomed by Army Lieutenant General Omar Nelson Bradley, commander of the U.S. 20st Army, who came to pick him up.

While riding to the Allied Expeditionary Force Headquarters, Li Junhao and Lieutenant General Bradley had a good conversation. Although there was a 21-year age difference between the two, they had many things in common regarding military command...

Especially in terms of landing operations, Bradley has served as the commander of the Tenth Army and the Second Army since the beginning of last year. He has participated in the battle in the North African Theater and participated in the landing operations in French North Africa and Sicily; while Li Junhao has just After personally commanding the Mariana Islands landing battle, there is certainly something to talk about!

In addition, there is a connection between the two, that is, the 82nd Airborne Division once served under Li Junhao. Bradley was Li Qiwei's previous division commander, but at that time the division was only an infantry division. From this, the two of them were once in the same camp in the military system! ——

After arriving at the Allied Expeditionary Force Headquarters, Bradley first took him to meet with the commander-in-chief, Army General Dwight David Eisenhower. The other party was very enthusiastic about Li Junhao's arrival. He drank tea and chatted, and also specifically instructed Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Walter Bedell Smith: Make sure to arrange Commander Panson's life and security work in London!

After Smith accepted the order, he cordially asked Li Junhao what his requirements for accommodation were, and his attitude was very kind... and after learning that Xiaoyu, the attaché leader, was responsible for life, and Nick was responsible for security, he immediately went out to communicate with the two so as not to affect Conversation between the two commanders.

(End of this chapter)

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