Shadow Spy

Chapter 459 The emergence of internal enemies

Chapter 459 The emergence of internal enemies

Compared with Ayers and Leahy, Li Junhao knew better that Roosevelt's physical condition was not optimistic. If there was no miracle, he would only have the last eight months of his life. Although he would successfully run and be re-elected as president for the fourth time But in this fourth term, he only served for 39 days!

If Roosevelt's change of attitude was really because of Truman, then eight months later, when Truman took over as president, his life would be difficult! He estimated that by then he would first lose the title of Director of National Intelligence, be kicked out of the White House Advisory Council, and then the CIA director would not be guaranteed. Then at most he would persist until the end of World War II, and then he would be kicked out of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and even lose the command of the Navy and Land Forces. position, forced to retire...

Of course, this is only the worst case scenario, but since it is possible, he cannot let it happen, and he still wants to be a five-star general! You must know that a five-star general is for life, and a four-star general is gone after he retires! ——

The next day, in order to verify his conjecture, Li Junhao took the opportunity to work in the White House and secretly met with several of his own people. It was confirmed that Truman had indeed reminded Roosevelt many times after joining Roosevelt's campaign team in June: Be careful. The Stuart family has expanded its influence in politics and the military... However, the president does not seem to show his approval.

Li Junhao knew that Roosevelt had taken this matter seriously! It seems that from now on, he will need to work without the full support of the president, which requires him to make absolutely no mistakes!

In fact, this situation is a lose-lose situation for him and Roosevelt - Roosevelt no longer regards him as a good subordinate and friend in his heart, and even thinks of being wary of him and reducing his rights. This will certainly affect He reached his status in the political and military circles, but he also lost the surreal opportunity to seek help from him at a critical moment!

In the past, Li Junhao thought about finding an opportunity to give the president a red bottle of the system, but he always felt that it was not yet time. Unexpectedly, when Roosevelt's physical condition began to deteriorate, the relationship between the two changed!

He noticed the speed at which the color of Roosevelt's light spot changed, and judged that in another three or four months at most, the green would turn to gray, and by then he would have no choice but to save him! And these three or four months were the last time he had to think about whether to save him in this situation.

Well, since there is still some time, let’s take a look at the situation first! ——

In the afternoon, Li Junhao gave Donovan an order in the CIA office, requiring him to immediately launch surveillance and investigation of Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Truman, of course in secret! He didn't even give a reason for this, but the other party immediately accepted the order. This was the benefit of his own people.

After Donovan left, Li Junhao couldn't help but think, if he mobilized his own power, could Truman survive until he was elected vice president? After thinking about it carefully, the answer is: No!

On Monday, August 8, Li Junhao got down to business.

When he returned to the United States before, he brought back the LCC-12 "Stuart" amphibious command ship and sent it to the sea and land base in Virginia Beach for new upgrades and modifications - because when commanding the Normandy invasion, He found that the communications between the U.S. and British forces were not very compatible, causing many problems, so the communication command system of the command ship needed to be upgraded.

In contrast, the LCC-11 "Libes", which was sent to perform tasks in the Pacific Theater, did not encounter this problem, because the landing operations it commanded were all carried out by the US military alone.

After calling to inquire about the latest progress, he learned that the upgrade was going smoothly and was expected to be completed before the end of the month, so he put the matter aside for now.

Then, Li Junhao called Lieutenant General Whitehead, the director of the air support department of the sea and land, and rushed to Charleston, West Virginia, where there was a Bell Aircraft Company that moved from Texas in early 1943 and was his "King" fund. Absolutely controlling the company and currently the most advanced helicopter company in the world - this is of course only possible because of his "forward-looking" attitude. In the past nearly a year and a half, with his technical support and large investment, Bell Company mass-produced the mature model UH-15 "Huey" multi-purpose helicopter 1 years earlier than in the original history. Now It has completely monopolized the helicopter market of the US military. So far, it has provided more than 1000 UH-1s of various types to various military services, 600 of which are for land and sea. However, these helicopters are now basically resold to the Allied Expeditionary Forces.

This time he took Whitehead to Bell Company to put forward suggestions for improvement on some problems discovered during the Normandy landings, and asked it to continue to expand production capacity and meet as many urgent requirements as possible for the various services of the US military, with a view to winning the battle during World War II. Deliver more goods in the last year!

On August 8, Lieutenant General Richard Sutherland, Chief of Naval and Land Staff, reported to Li Junhao that the Third Army and the Eighth Army sent to Italy to participate in "Operation Dragoon" set out from Naples as the first wave of the Allied offensive. The troops successfully completed their combat mission and successfully landed in southern France.

During the battle, the Third Army took only half a day to seize the landing site on the west coast of Cannes with a frontage of 90 kilometers and a depth of 25 kilometers; the Fifth Army captured the ports of Toulon and Marseille in the southwest a little later.

At present, the second wave of follow-up US 7th Army, under the command of Lieutenant General Alexander Patch, has begun to land in Cannes, Toulon, and Marseille, taking over the land and sea forces, and attacking deep into France...


Although Li Junhao did not participate in the command of this battle, Lieutenant General Roy Geiger, commander of the Third Army whom he appointed as the commander-in-chief of the landing, completed the task outstandingly.

At the same time, the Second and Fourth Marine and Land Armies, which were dispatched to the Pacific Theater, had already entered the Philippines and were preparing to participate in the campaign to capture the Ryukyu Islands and Bay Islands... The landings are expected to begin at the end of the month.

Because of Li Junhao's decision-making and deployment, the former US Far East Force stationed in the Philippines continued to fight and successfully secured this key forward base for the US military. Wainwright, the former commander of the Far East Force, was promoted to a four-star general for this credit. Therefore, he specially sent a message of thanks to him through Lieutenant General Julian Smith, commander of the Second Army and Navy.

In addition, the troops in the Allied India-Burma Theater have basically occupied the entire territory of Thailand, recovered French China, and are preparing to cooperate with the US military in the Pacific Theater to attack the Malay Peninsula. The troops are currently in good condition...

(End of this chapter)

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