Shadow Spy

Chapter 46: Enjoy learning and learning

Chapter 46: Enjoy learning and learning
Li Junhao was thinking, what on earth is the American trade delegation doing in Shanghai at this time?He is quite familiar with the mentality of capitalists. If it were not for the huge benefits, heirs to financial groups like Lester Rockefeller would not leave the United States easily, especially to China, which is in the middle of a war. There must be a special reason for bringing my daughter who has just grown up, and it can’t be because of me!
Also, what is going on with Linda? Since she is the daughter of Ernst Rockefeller, it means that she is one of the heirs of the consortium, but she keeps saying that she knows herself, and even tells her that she made up the name... Oh, Stuart’s surname was also added!At this time, he had already remembered that there was a Stuart dynasty in England in the late Middle Ages. Could this surname be related to the dynasty?Why did the little girl identify herself?
After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he gave up and thought, forget it, just take it one step at a time!
Lunch was a little late, so Xiaoyu arranged for Linda to go to bed before starting to cook. She made relatively simple and quick fried kidney beans with shredded pork, scrambled cucumber and eggs, and tomato and egg soup, plus rice. Although it was simpler, it was still delicious. Li Junhao was very satisfied with the meal, and he also liked this kind of home-cooked food.

Over this period of time, Xiao Yu has become more familiar with Li Junhao's taste. In her mind, she has somewhat neglected his appearance. She feels that his various living habits are more like Chinese people; and what makes her happiest is that her own The husband always enjoyed the meals, which made her feel useful.

During the meal, Li Junhao told Xiao Yu that this American girl was only 18 years old, her name was Linda, and she was a recent college student. She came to China with her father this time. Her father was on a business trip, and she was basically here to have fun. She was probably going to After staying in Shanghai for a few days, I was ordered to protect her safety during these days.

Xiaoyu was very happy. She knew that her husband didn't have to tell her this kind of thing, but he told her, which showed that her husband valued her mood, which made her feel trustful and cordial.
After lunch, Li Junhao asked Xiao Yu to take a rest by herself. He made a cup of tea, went upstairs to sit down in the study, and began to write and draw on paper, recording all the situations in his past life memories about the current era. , whatever comes to mind... It is said that a good memory is worse than a bad writing. These things are the basis for his survival in this era.He has started this job for a few days, and he has found something meaningful to do. After all, there is no Internet or TV in this era, and his spare time life is really boring.

On the other hand, he has now begun to buy and read books. After being enhanced with genetic medicine, his intelligence and memory have been greatly improved. It would be a waste not to learn some knowledge.The first thing I started reading was the set of Four Books and Five Classics I just bought, namely The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Zhouyi, Shangshu, Book of Songs, Book of Rites, Zuo "Biography", and it is also an annotated version of the late Chinese classics master Mr. Liu Shipei.Although this set of books cost him one thousand French coins, it was definitely worth it.

What has to be explained is that although this era was full of wars, it was also a period of great development in Chinese cultural studies, represented by Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinke, Wang Guowei, Liu Shipei, Huang Kan, Zhao Yuanren, Wu Mi, Liu Wendian, etc. A large number of masters of Chinese studies have all made outstanding achievements in their research and writings on ancient Chinese culture, as well as in teaching and educating people!
In his previous life, Li Junhao could only be regarded as a semi-academic scumbag. Apart from having to learn some knowledge in marketing due to work needs, he only learned a little about Chinese studies. The purpose was to intersperse some knowledge of ancient Chinese during training. , to show off, as for how to have time to study the real Chinese studies works!To be honest, how many young people who were born and grew up in the era of information explosion can settle down and study in peace?
In this era, because work is relatively simple and there is a lack of entertainment in life, he has time and energy to study, and it is not because he wants to learn anything and achieve something, just because he is interested.

However, when he was reading these books, Xiaoyu was greatly surprised when he discovered them!Although she had only studied in an informal private school for a few years with an old gentleman in the village, she still knew the names of the Four Books and Five Classics. When she saw Mr. Li, a foreigner, reading such books, she would of course be surprised.From this, she also determined that although this Mr. Li looked foreign, he must be Chinese at heart - of course she would not know that this was actually a fact! ——
At three o'clock in the afternoon, he was a little tired from studying. Li Junhao put down his books and walked to the yard to do some military exercises to relax his muscles.Xiaoyu was very interested after seeing it and asked him what kind of boxing technique it was?
"What, Xiaoyu, do you know martial arts?" Li Junhao said with a smile.

"I practice Yanqing Quan and Thirteen Forms of Short Soldiers. I have been practicing since I was six years old." Xiaoyu said seriously.

"I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child!" Li Junhao was a little surprised, "Can you let me see it?"

"Of course." Xiaoyu agreed, walked to the yard, opened up his posture, and hit a set of fast and fast punches with a combination of hardness and softness, and complicated changes in reality and reality. Li Junhao's eyes lit up!
Li Junhao's thinking is much stronger now than before. Although he doesn't understand martial arts, it can be seen that Xiaoyu's boxing method is obviously suitable for women. Many of the moves emphasize flexibility and change, which is not suitable for him now. A situation in which strength is greater than that of ordinary people.

This situation is different from what he imagined. You must know that the "prodigal son Yan Qing" in his mind is a hero in Liangshan. Long before he went to Liangshan with his adoptive father Lu Junyi, he had "both civil and military skills, versatile, chivalrous" in Daming Mansion. How could Yan Xiaoyi, known as "Unparalleled", only know how to punch such a small woman?So, he couldn't help but ask: "Is this Yan Qing Fist?"

"To be precise, what I just did was only the ten close body strikes in Yanqing boxing. This is more suitable for girls to practice." Xiao Yu said, "The other techniques include long hands, long kicks, high collapses, low smashes, and middle shoulder techniques. Techniques such as Iron Palm Kung Fu and Iron Leg Kung Fu are suitable for men to practice and use; similarly, in terms of weapons and equipment, weapons such as Qinglong Sword, Five Tigers and Sheep Sticks, Broken Door Spear, Spring and Autumn Broadsword, etc. are mainly used by men, while women Most of the practice is Sancai Sword or Thirteen Styles of Short Weapons..."

Li Junhao was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that this Yanqing boxing was so complicated, and asked again: "Xiaoyu, is the 'Yanqing' in Yanqing boxing the same as the Yanqing in Liangshan?"

(End of this chapter)

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