Shadow Spy

Chapter 470 The beginning of the new year is not peaceful

Chapter 470 The beginning of the new year is not peaceful

This year's Christmas, due to sudden changes on the European battlefield, more than 100,000 U.S. troops are in danger. Senior officials in Washington are in a very uneasy state and have canceled most of the planned holiday celebrations. Important federal departments will only open in the afternoon Getting off work two hours early is a holiday bonus this year.

After getting off work early, Li Junhao sent someone to pick up Ayers and Mrs. Brown, and took the people around him to the Baltimore Manor by helicopter. After all, you have to have a meal during the holidays!

After the meal, Li Junhao and Ayers drank tea and chatted around the fireplace. Because they had talked enough about the military in the past few days, the two of them were talking about other things now.

While speaking, Ayers suddenly sighed: "Time flies so fast. I will soon be sixty-six years old. I am really old. Ogg, I have decided to retire. When Franklin is sworn in again, it will be me." When you retire.”

Li Junhao was not too surprised. He had discovered that the old man had this intention before, but he still asked: "Nelson, I want to know, is it because of physical reasons or do you really want to retire?"

"Both!" Ayres said, "But speaking of it, it's really strange. Franklin's physical condition was already very bad some time ago, but he quickly got better again. Now his physical strength and energy are actually better than I'm okay!"

Li Junhao smiled secretly in his heart and said: "I do know about this. I have a magical oriental medicine that will enhance your physical fitness after taking it without any side effects... Do you want to try it?"

"Haha!" Ayers laughed, "Ogg, your joke is really funny!"

Li Junhao looked at him seriously. He stretched out his right hand, and a small crystal bottle appeared in his palm. There was a little red liquid in it...

Um? Ayres was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Oger, is what you said true?"

"Of course, I have never lied to you." Li Junhao said, "Take it. Even if you want to retire, having a good body is the most important thing!"

Ayres subconsciously took it and saw that Li Junhao was not joking. He looked at the red liquid in the small bottle, opened the bottle and poured it into his mouth without hesitation!

After only a moment, he felt the changes in his body. He looked at Li Junhao again in surprise and got a look of affirmation...

The next day, when the two of them returned to Washington together, Ayers said happily: "Ogg, your Oriental medicine is really magical. I feel twenty years younger... Well, I have decided not to do it yet. Retire and work with Franklin for one more term..."

Li Junhao smiled and said: "Of course that's good. Only with you here can I feel at ease!"

Ayres smiled and said: "Ogg, don't worry, we old guys will protect you, just move forward boldly!"

After Christmas, as the Allied forces continued to increase their troops in the Ardennes, the battlefield situation basically stabilized, but the US troops under attack suffered heavy losses; while the British troops that were supposed to support the US troops on the northern front failed. Hesitating... There is even a situation that the United States cannot accept - British Field Marshal Montgomery, who has been clearly asked to withdraw from the Allied Forces, is still in the position of commander of the British Expeditionary Force!

The Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately issued a question to the British General Staff and the Allied Expeditionary Force Command. The former stated that Montgomery was the most suitable frontline commander of the British army and that his use was to ensure the victory of the campaign;

Eisenhower admitted in his reply that Montgomery had taken office in mid-December and that he knew about it, but in order not to cause too much controversy, he did not report this information...

After seeing this at the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, Li Junhao felt that this Eisenhower was not as wise and loyal as rumored!

Because the battle was in progress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff did not immediately investigate, but everyone knew that this matter was not over yet! ——

New Year's Day arrived in 1945. At noon, Li Junhao delivered a speech at the New Year's dinner of the Maritime and Land Command. In the evening, he attended a reception at the White House and celebrated the victory of the war in advance with enough champagne.

During the reception, Li Junhao got along well with the military generals and exchanged opinions with the army generals headed by Marshall. However, he and Army Stimson still did not speak. They just said hello and others could see it. There is no dealing between the two.

President Roosevelt's condition surprised those who cared about him. He attended the entire three-hour cocktail party without showing any signs of fatigue, indicating that he was in excellent physical condition!

Li Junhao also met the new Vice President Truman who was waiting to take office. The other party came over with a wine glass. The two clinked their glasses and said a few polite words. No matter what the other party thinks, he is sufficiently wary of this guy, but it is unlikely that the other party will make a big splash now, so he only needs to pay ordinary attention! ——

On January 1, the Allied forces launched a large-scale counterattack on the European battlefield. Lieutenant General Patton's U.S. 3rd Army and the U.S. 3st Army holding on to the Ardennes attacked simultaneously. After five full days of bloody battles, the German army suffered heavy losses and was forced to retreat. On the 1th, the battlefield situation returned to the position before the launch of the Ardennes Campaign, and the Ardennes Campaign ended.

This battle involved more than 60 German troops and nearly 65 Allied troops.

The German army suffered about 12 casualties and missing persons, and lost 600 tanks and heavy artillery, 1600 aircraft and 6000 vehicles;

The US military suffered 8.1 injuries, 1.9 deaths, and lost 733 tanks and anti-tank guns;

The British army suffered 1400 wounded and 200 dead.

Although the German counterattack caused heavy losses to the U.S. military, it severely weakened the defensive power on the western front and the mobile force on the eastern front. There was no reserve force to supplement it. Not only did it completely lose its counterattack capability, but it also made it difficult to carry out lasting and effective defense. .

As soon as the Battle of the Ardennes ended, the U.S. military generals who couldn't bear it broke out. Lieutenant General Bradley, commander of the 12th Army Group and commander of the 1st Army Group, Lieutenant General Patton, commander of the 3rd Army Group, Lieutenant General Ridgway, commander of the 18th Airborne Corps and other senior officials The generals angrily accused General Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, believing that it was with his connivance that the British army neglected their responsibilities to their allies...

Washington immediately initiated accountability for this. White House Chief of Staff General Leahy issued a stern question to the Allied Expeditionary Force Command on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asking Eisenhower to explain three important issues:

1. The domestic intelligence department provided information about the German army’s movements before the battle. Why was it not taken seriously?

2. After the German offensive began, why did the British army delay taking action and ignore the fact that the US military was attacked by the enemy?

3. Why didn’t Montgomery notify the Joint Chiefs of Staff when he took up the post of commander-in-chief of the British front line before the war?

(End of this chapter)

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