Shadow Spy

Chapter 472 Work very hard and do your best

Chapter 472 Work very hard and do your best

Li Junhao is still very satisfied with the result of his hard work - he just wants to personally weigh the weight of the "famous generals of World War II", crack down on those who are not worthy of their name and are just trying to gain reputation, so that truly capable generals can take over!

At the end of the meeting, witnessed by hundreds of senior and middle-ranking US military officers in the theater, Li Junhao, as Roosevelt's entrusted representative, awarded Bradley and Patton the rank of Army General, and awarded McAuliffe the rank of Army Major General. The atmosphere at the scene reached a climax...

On February 2, Li Junhao left France and returned to China with the investigation team. At the airport, many senior officials of the American Expeditionary Force came to see him off. Now he has a very high status in the hearts of the US military stationed in Europe. All the generals are completely convinced and admire him as a young general!

Only Stilwell said "helplessly" when he hugged him goodbye: "Ogg, I realize this is arranged by you again!"

"Haha!" Li Junhao laughed, "Are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

"Satisfied!" Stilwell rolled his eyes and said, "Thank you!" Although it was a joke, he was really satisfied - he was more willing to be in the front line than sitting in an office in Washington, and he turned out to be a strong soldier. The commander of the 1st Group Army is really satisfied! He had a hunch that the rank of general was not far away from him! ——

On the plane, Eisenhower, who was returning to China with the investigation team, couldn't help but come to Li Junhao and asked: "General Pan Sen, did I really do something wrong this time?"

"Dwight, don't you still want to admit your mistake?" Li Junhao asked, "Can't the one hundred thousand casualties of the US military still wake you up? Your current state is not suitable for front-line command. After returning to China, you will go to the medical department of the Army Department. Bureau, see what the wounded soldiers think of you... Or, go to the casualty pension office and see what the families of the fallen officers and soldiers think of you?"

Major General Eisenhower opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything more! ——

On this day, on the sidelines of the Allied Summit in Newfoundland, the heads of participating countries learned about the changes in the European Allies. The US military formed its own expeditionary force without the British troops. This surprised everyone!

Roosevelt and Marshall, who had been reported and approved beforehand, remained calm, but the British Churchill was panicked. The fat prime minister, who had always been confident and thought he could control the world, was very nervous at this time - he was afraid that this was the U.S. military. In expressing his position: I am disgusted with the British army and no longer want to fight side by side with the British army!

In response to the fat prime minister's inquiry, Roosevelt directly answered: After the European counterattack began, the US military fulfilled its responsibilities and even assumed more tasks, but it did not receive the respect of the British army! Especially in the previously concluded Battle of the Ardennes, the British army refused to save their lives, which was unacceptable to the frontline officers and soldiers, which led to the current situation. He is the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief of the US military. He cannot accept the 10 US military casualties caused by the British army's indifference!

General Marshall next to him looked at Churchill directly with indifferent eyes, not even bothering to say anything. At this time, he felt very regretful - why hadn't he discovered Dwight's problem before?

Other military generals were relatively simple-minded and just felt that Eisenhower was too indulgent to the British army and caused the current situation. However, Marshall understood that this was because he was too utilitarian, paving the way for his future career in politics and taking care of the interests of Britain, a traditional ally. It is for the votes of British voters in future elections!

At this time, he felt very tired and determined not to support such a scheming general in the future! In his opinion, soldiers should be simple. Soldiers who think too much are not real soldiers! ——

Li Junhao, who returned to Washington, got a few days off and went to Baltimore to rest for a few days.

He is still very satisfied with this operation. I believe no one can see the deep meaning! Only he knows that he has not only eliminated another five-star general, but also cut off the future of a future president. If the United States and Britain no longer stand side by side in the final battle in Europe, it will directly affect the final process of World War II, and in turn will Influencing the world situation after World War II is his real purpose.

Under this premise, he eliminated a MacArthur early, killed Edgar Hoover, took control of the FBI and CIA, gained a very high status in the US military, then changed Roosevelt's destiny, and now he has killed Eisenhower. , the next step will be to try to do bigger things, and strive to change the direction of the future world. This sense of accomplishment makes him very intoxicated! ——

On February 2, another result promoted by Li Junhao was confirmed: the resolution of the Newfoundland Conference!

Taking advantage of various situations and influences, with his efforts, the "Yalta Conference" in the previous life was replaced by the "Newfoundland Conference". He used his close communication with Roosevelt to add his own will to the conference.

Li Junhao did not interfere in the post-war settlement of Germany and Poland, but he interfered a lot in the Far East issue...

Originally, the Soviet Union promised to participate in the war against Japan within 2-3 months after the end of the European War. The conditions were: maintaining the status quo in Outer Mongolia, returning southern Sakhalin and adjacent islands to the Soviet Union, internationalizing Dalian Commercial Port, and leasing Port Arthur as a Naval base, the Soviet Union and China jointly operated the Eastern Railway and the South Manchuria Railway, and the Kurile Islands were handed over to the Soviet Union...

Roosevelt made it clear: As the first major country to fight fascist aggression, China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected...

This made Stalin furious, but Roosevelt refused to give in. Churchill was worried about the affairs in Europe, so of course he spared no effort to support the United States at this time... Although Stalin was strong, he did not dare to turn his back on him in the end and could only compromise!

As for China, which was originally invited to attend the meeting, the leaders of the two parties did not come and only sent one observer to attend the meeting. It is a pity! …

According to Marshall after returning to China, Stalin left Newfoundland in a very angry mood, which was very relieving. In the past, he always looked at the Soviet Union’s cold face, but this time he finally returned the favor!

(End of this chapter)

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