Shadow Spy

Chapter 477: If you have strength, you will have confidence

Chapter 477: If you have strength, you will have confidence

Nearly 20 transport ships, fully loaded with 400 land and sea soldiers and equipment, left the Kerama Islands and headed south. Admiral Spruance still knew how to advance and retreat, and sent four escort aircraft carriers, two cruisers, and 24 destroyers. A squadron was formed to escort them.

Li Junhao stood on the bridge of the amphibious command ship "Libes" and looked at the sea outside. He actually felt a little depressed. It seemed that his trip was in vain this time, so he should let a lieutenant general of the army chase him away. gone!

Turning around to look at the huge fleet around him, he was very unwilling! Just leave like that?

Well, something suddenly moved in his heart and he immediately shouted: "Xiaoyu, record, I want to send a report..."

At just eight o'clock in the morning on April 4, when the White House in Washington started working, the confidential room received an emergency telegram from the Far East. It did not dare to neglect it and immediately sent it to the White House Chief of Staff, General Leahy.

After reading the telegram, Leahy slapped his forehead, sighing and speechless - this Ogg is really brave!

The matter was so important that he immediately got up and took the telegram to find Roosevelt...

At 8:30, Roosevelt convened a meeting with his advisers and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at home. There was only one topic on the agenda - Admiral Panson, who was currently in the Far East, proposed a plan to raid Bay Island!

Leahy passed the shock period at this time, and after thinking about it carefully, he said: "When I first saw this plan, I thought Ogg was too bold, but when I thought about it carefully, I found that launching the Bay Island Battle at this time would The timing is very clever..."

After reading the very simple combat plan, Arnold also said: "Currently, the Navy's 5th Fleet and the Army's 10th Army are attacking Ryukyu. The Japanese navy and air force originally stationed on the bay island have basically been mobilized. About 17 of the Japanese army defending the island have been mobilized. Wan, with Ogg’s commanding ability and 20 land and sea soldiers, there is no problem in winning.”

Stark said with a smile: "I got a piece of information that after arriving at the 5th Fleet, Ogg had some suggestions for the battle plan of the Ryukyu Campaign, but Admiral Spruance and Buck of the Army's 10th Army Lieutenant General Na felt that he had interfered with his command, so he asked the navy and land forces that had completed the first step of the beaching operation to retreat to the Philippines to rest and recuperate... Ogg is angry!"

"Is there such a thing?" Ayers frowned, "I think Ogg is very good at fighting. If they don't listen to Ogg's opinion, won't there be problems?"

"No problem!" Stark waved his hand nonchalantly, "In this battle, not counting the land and sea forces, the Navy dispatched nearly 1500 ships of various types, the Army's 10th Group Army nearly 20 troops, Ryukyu Island There are only about 10 defenders, so victory is absolutely no problem."

Roosevelt said at this time: "Since there is no problem with the Ryukyu campaign, let's not talk about it for now. What do you think of the Bay Island battle plan proposed by Ogg? Can it be implemented?"

Leahy said: "I think it's okay. Since Og proposed this plan, he must be sure to complete it."       "I also agree." Arnold followed, "However, the sea and air power of Og's troops should be strengthened. I suggest Order the 7th Fleet and the Far East Army Air Force stationed in the Philippines to cooperate with Ogg's actions."

After thinking for a while, Stark said: "Okay, the 7th Fleet has no combat missions for the time being and can cooperate with the operation. Regarding the Far East Force... William, you are also the Commander-in-Chief of the Far East now, just give the order."

Leahy said straightforwardly: "As the concurrent commander-in-chief of the Allied Far East, I have not been to the Far East yet. I think I should leave it to Ogg directly. He happens to be in the Far East and is familiar with the situation there, so he can also take command nearby. …”

Roosevelt nodded and said, "That's it. Appoint Ogg as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in the Far East. He will unify Allied combat operations in the Far East. As for its relationship with the Pacific Theater, let the Department of Naval Operations coordinate it!"

"Yes, sir." Stark agreed.

On the evening of April 4, Li Junhao received a formal order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff: "Appoint General Ognyan Lee Panson as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Far Eastern Theater to take charge of the China Theater, the India-Burma Theater, the Southeast Asia Theater and other Far East Theaters. Affairs. In addition, the Navy’s 5th Fleet cooperates with operations in the Far East Theater and accepts the command of Admiral Panson. Military operations such as the Gulf Island Operation Plan can be planned and implemented as appropriate."

This order was conveyed to the Far East General Headquarters and the Pacific Theater Headquarters at the same time. Li Junhao received the necessary command authority, and even the naval fleet and air support matters were resolved.

Marshall, who was at the European Allied Forces Headquarters in Reims, France, naturally received the notice from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Looking at the order and accompanying explanation, the Army Chief of Staff sighed, feeling sorry for Lieutenant General Buckner's dissatisfaction. Zhi felt worried - how did this man become the commander of the group army? The commanders of other military services kindly reminded him that if he didn't appreciate it, he would just talk about it. Do you really think that General Panson is a good-tempered and helpless young general?

No, the counterattack is coming! Pan Sen directly assumed the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Far East and proposed a plan to regain the Bay Island. Not only did he take away the next target in the Pacific Theater, he also took away the command of the Army's Far East Force, the Navy's 7th Fleet and several sub-theaters in the Far East. Take it! Marshall estimated that Nimitz, the current commander of the Pacific Fleet, must be angry and scolding his mother, right?

Forget it, he can't control it anymore, so he should take good care of his current situation! After entering April, the Allied Western Front Corps under his command began to besiege the Ruhr Industrial Area in Germany. Now the battle has come to an end... After occupying the Ruhr area, the next step is to march to the Elbe River in the east!

The Soviet army on the eastern front is also progressing extremely fast. It has already invaded the eastern border of Germany and is marching towards Berlin. In terms of distance, the Allied forces cannot catch up anyway! This shows that in the previous division of labor between the East and West lines, the Soviet army was responsible for capturing Berlin, which was the correct choice!

Marshall was right. Admiral Nimitz, who was at the Pacific Fleet Headquarters in Honolulu, was so angry that his hands were trembling after seeing the order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A small part of him was angry that Admiral Penson came to the Pacific Theater. Most of them are angry that Spruance, an old subordinate, doesn't know how to do things and offends people for nothing!

Well now, Admiral Panson took office as Commander-in-Chief of the Far East. Not only did he take away the command of each ground theater, but he also took away the command of the 7th Fleet!

Behind the telegram he received was a private message from Chief of Naval Operations Stark, telling him not to be stupid and not to restrict Admiral Panson, otherwise the consequences would be worse and detrimental to the entire navy!

Nimitz also had his own information channels, understood what this meant, and knew what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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