Shadow Spy

Chapter 479 The overall situation has been decided and the report has been written

Chapter 479 The overall situation has been decided and the report has been written

Li Junhao, who was on the command ship "Libes", was also very surprised after receiving reports from various ministries. The Japanese army was completely unprepared and waiting to be beaten! Immediately ordered: three follow-up troops of the main force to land immediately and seize the dock with all their strength. Three airborne divisions immediately controlled the traffic arteries in the area and cut off the communication channels between the Japanese troops in the three places.

As of 75 p.m., the main force of the First Army that landed from Keelung has entered Taipei. The Japanese 121th Independent Brigade at Keelung Port has been completely wiped out, and the troops of the st Group Army are disembarking;

The 11th Airborne Division completely occupied Hsinchu, leaving the garrison troops to guard the city and roads. The main force marched north, preparing to coordinate the First Army and attack the 9th Division in Taoyuan;

The Second Army has crippled the 1.2st Division, which has only 71 men, leaving two brigades to clear out the remaining enemies in the urban area of ​​Taichung. The main force moves north along the island highway to attack Miaoli;

The 13th Airborne Division occupied Changhua, and the main force attacked southward to eliminate the Japanese and puppet troops;

After the Fourth Army landed, it only took three hours to annihilate the naval garrison at Kaohsiung Garrison. The remaining 5000 Japanese navy soldiers actually surrendered! The main force of the army marched to Tainan in the north, preparing to join the 17th Airborne Division and march north to attack Chiayi...

Before the war, Lieutenant General Kincaid, commander of the 7th Fleet, was still a little worried. With one-fifth of the sea and air force and 30 infantry in the Ryukyu Battle, he would attack an island that was more than ten times larger than Ryukyu, and there were even more Japanese troops. Double, is this possible? But when the battle started, even he started laughing!

Afterwards, Kincaid began to admire Admiral Panson. Although he was suspected of taking advantage of loopholes, he chose this moment to launch the Battle of Bay Island. His strategic vision was really amazing! This made him put away his other thoughts and determined to cooperate with the action to win a big victory and add glory to his resume! ——

On the 15th alone, the Bay Island Campaign commanded by Li Junhao achieved brilliant results. He occupied Keelung, Hsinchu, Taichung, Changhua, Tainan, Kaohsiung and other places, invaded Taipei, Miaoli, Nantou, Chiayi, and annihilated more than 5 Japanese and puppet troops. Ten thousand, captured 2.4, captured four airports, destroyed or captured 145 Japanese aircraft and 48 ships... while suffering less than 3000 casualties.

In particular, the Japanese Navy's Kaohsiung garrison was captured by the Japanese army, which was the first time the Allied forces fought against Japan!

When the news came out, all walks of life were shocked. The Allied forces were surprised and the Japanese army was panicked. However, Admiral Spruance, who was commanding the Ryukyu Campaign, was depressed. After Admiral Panson left the Ryukyu Battlefield, he immediately launched the Bay Island Campaign. The battle had achieved so much in just one day, but his progress here had stalled!

Although the 10th Group Army's attack from the central part of Ryukyu Island to the northern part of the island was relatively smooth with considerable losses, its attack to the south encountered stubborn resistance from the Japanese army, resulting in heavy casualties and slow progress...

What made him most uncomfortable was that all the defensive measures that General Panson mentioned before that the Japanese army might take came true! Faced with the strange and solid tunnel fortifications and combat methods of the Japanese army, the Army troops were completely unsuitable and had to pay a huge price for almost every step forward... With the U.S. military having an absolute advantage in strength and equipment, the current battle loss ratio is actually 1 to 1!

At this point in the battle, Buckner, the ground combat commander and commander of the 10th Army, was already a little angry. With no other option, he could only order more troops to be put into the front line and attack at any cost!

This situation made Spruance very worried, worried that the battle to seize the island he commanded would cause the largest battle damage on the Pacific battlefield! He wanted to ask Admiral Panson for help, but considering that the other party was commanding the Battle of Bay Island, it was not easy to disturb him, so he had to find a way on his own...

On the 16th, Li Junhao arrived outside Taipei City and ordered the Gurkha Division to enter the battle. The replaced main force of the First Army and the 121th Division of the 212st Group Army crossed Taipei and attacked Taoyuan, facing the Japanese 9th Army who came for reinforcements. The 213th Division went south along the east line of the Ring Island Highway and rushed to Yilan. The 214th Division left two regiments to guard Keelung Port and mainly reinforced the Taipei battlefield as a reserve force. As for the battlefields in the central and northern parts of the Bay Island, Li Junhao fully authorized the Second Army and the Fourth Army to make decisions on their own, as long as the main premise is ensured - wipe out the Japanese and puppet troops and occupy the entire island!

In the next two days, Li Junhao's troops won consecutive battles and swept across the entire western coast of the island. They fought dozens of large and small encirclement and annihilation battles. The largest one was the annihilation of the 9th Army on the road from Taoyuan to Taipei. division, followed by the complete elimination of the Japanese 10th Front Army Headquarters in Taipei City...

The 121th Division of the 213st Group Army has successfully occupied Yilan on the eastern coast and completely wiped out the Japanese 100th Independent Brigade. It is currently clearing the city and receiving supplies from transport ships at the coastal dock. Two special operations brigades, land and sea, have landed here and the two units have joined together. Finally, prepare to go south to attack Hualien.

The Fourth Army that occupied Kaohsiung detached a main brigade, led two newly landed special operations brigades, and also began to move north along the East Coast Highway, preparing to attack Taitung.

Because the battle was going smoothly, Li Junhao handed over the front-line command to Lieutenant General Whitehead, deputy chief of staff of the Navy and Land, and began to handle other work, especially for the European war situation, which was currently progressing the fastest - both Roosevelt and the Joint Chiefs of Staff asked him to provide A reliable and predictive war situation analysis report, so his focus changed slightly.

With the powerful communication capabilities of the amphibious command ship, he can receive intelligence data from all over the world at any time, which is the basis of his work.

On April 4, the Allies also achieved a great victory on the European battlefield. The U.S. 18th Army occupied Magdeburg on the Elbe River, and the remaining troops of more than 9 German Army Group B surrendered.

On the 19th, the British 2nd Army arrived at Lauenburg on the Elbe River, and the US 1st Army occupied Leipzig.


Because of the emergence of these situations, Li Junhao combined the memories of his previous life and knew that the European battlefield had entered the final decisive stage first, which made it easier to write his report!

His analysis report was sent back to China on the 20th: "It is expected that the Soviet army will occupy Berlin in early May, the German head of state will commit suicide before that, the German army will all surrender in early May, and the European War will end within 5 days... "

This time in the report, he didn’t even use any ambiguous words. It was a completely positive prediction. Regardless of whether others believed it or not, he truly believed it!

(End of this chapter)

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