Shadow Spy

Chapter 487 The fifth round is a bit weird

Chapter 487 The fifth round is a bit weird

On March 3, the fifth round of trials began. This time they were basically war criminals related to the Japanese naval system, including two royal family members: Fushimi Miyahiro Kyou and Kitashirakawa Miya Teruhisa, and eight naval admirals: Nagano Osamu and Toyoda Vice Takeru. , Kondo Nobutake, Toyoda Sadjiro, Okada Keisuke, Suzuki Kantaro, Yoneuchi Mitsumasa, Inoue Narumi, six vice admirals: Ozawa Jisaburo, Oka Keichun, Kusaka Ryunosuke, Fukudome Shigeru, Mikawa Junichi, Kurita Strong man.

During the trial, Fushimi Miyahirokyō argued that he had resigned from all military and official positions after April 1941, 4, retired at home, and should no longer be responsible for subsequent war actions... However, this was refuted by the prosecutor. A large number of facts have proven that although he was retired, he was actually still controlling the actions of the Japanese Navy behind the scenes, and he was also responsible for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor at the end of 9...

When the sentence was announced, Li Junhao was cruel again and directly sentenced Fushimi Gong Hirokyo, a prince of the royal family and the Japanese Navy Marshal, General and former Chief of Military Command, to death without mercy at all.

Fushimi Miyahiro Kyou became the second royal prince to be sentenced to the maximum sentence after Asaka Miyakohiko.

Kitashirakawa Miya Teruhisa, the second member of the royal family to be interrogated, argued that he was only a vice admiral and served as the principal of the naval military school, and was not a war criminal...

The prosecutor cited a large number of facts to prove that he served as the commander of the Japanese military port of Port Arthur in 1940, the commander of the First Fleet to China in 1941, and the commander of the Sixth Fleet in 1943. The command post carried out landing operations in various places along our coast, which caused the naval aviation The team bombed undefended areas along the coast and in the rear, and its submarines destroyed many fishing boats and passenger ships along the east coast of China... He only left the front-line army in 1944 and became the principal of the Naval War School...

ha! The facts are solid, what more is there to say!

Li Junhao's verdict: Kitashirakawa Palace Terujiu was sentenced to death - the third royal prince to be sentenced to death! ——

The subsequent trials of eight admirals presented a different scenario.

Nagano Shushen was the absolute number one leader of the Japanese Navy during the Pacific War. He was the only person who served successively as the three chief officers of the Navy: Minister of the Navy, Minister of Military Command, and Commander of the Combined Fleet. During World War II, he was the only Japanese naval soldier who was awarded the honorary title of Marshal while alive. He who bears great responsibility for the war must of course be sentenced to death by ring-heading...

Vice Takeru Toyoda, the most radical fighter of the Japanese Navy, planned to fight against Britain and the United States at that time and advocated the conquest of China by force. After the July 7th Incident, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Second Fleet and participated in the war of aggression against China. He commanded the navy in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to destroy public and private buildings, massacre civilians with cannons, and sent troops to rape, rape and plunder. His crimes were extremely serious and he was sentenced to death...

Kondo Nobutake, Yamamoto Isoroku's deputy, served successively as deputy chief of the Naval Command Department, commander of the Second Fleet, commander of the China Invasion Fleet, and commander-in-chief of the Nanyang Combat Fleet. He participated in the battles of Midway and Guadalcanal, and his crimes were numerous. Young Master, beheaded to death...

Tejiro Toyoda has served successively as Director of Military Affairs of the Ministry of Navy, Director of General Affairs of the Naval Ship Administration Headquarters, Commander-in-Chief of the Sasebo Town Prefecture, Director of the Naval Aviation Headquarters, and Vice-Minister of the Navy. He advocated the signing of the "Triple Alliance Treaty between Germany, Italy and Japan". After retirement, he served as cabinet minister many times. Supporting Japan’s foreign expansion, serious war crimes, and the death penalty...

Okada Keisuke, who participated in the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, became Prime Minister and Minister of Finance on July 1934, 7. He advocated integrated governance of Manchuria, abolished the naval disarmament treaty and started an arms race. He stepped down after the "February 8th Incident"... He should have been punished for supporting Japan's occupation of Northeast China, but because of his efforts at the end of the war, he avoided the continuation of the war, so he was sentenced to 1936 years in prison lightly, and based on his 20-year-old age , he is specially allowed to be released on medical parole. Mitsumasa Yoneuchi, successively served as the Navy Minister and the 78th Prime Minister. He opposed the military alliance with Germany and Italy. In July 37, he was reinstated as the Navy Minister. He opposed the decisive battle on the mainland and advocated accepting the "Potsdam Declaration". After Japan surrendered, he participated in the work of disbanding the navy and achieved great results. Outstanding, so he was no longer held criminally responsible and was released in court.

Suzuki Kantaro, who has successively served as Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Minister of Naval Command, and the 42nd Prime Minister, suppressed hard-liners, ended the war, and made certain contributions to world peace. In addition, considering his 78-year-old age, he will no longer be held criminally responsible for this. , released in court.

Inoue Narumi was the last Japanese Navy admiral to be awarded the title of admiral during World War II. She strongly opposed the Three Kingdoms Alliance and the war against Britain and the United States. She later served as Mitsumasa Yonai's deputy minister of the Navy and principal of the Naval Academy, staying away from the war... After verification, her role in the war His anti-war ideas were obvious, and his life was even threatened by the Army. The prosecution of him as a war criminal was dropped and he was released in court.

Of the eight admirals on trial, the first four were all sentenced to death, but the last four were all released. Especially the last one, Inoue Narumi, even had the prosecution withdrawn. This is a higher level than being acquitted!

The people listening to the trial did not dare to comment, but the media reporters wrote vigorously. This is big news! ——

Next came six vice-admirals, all with bizarre results:

Jisaburo Ozawa, the last commander of the Combined Fleet, never won a single battle.

Ryunosuke Kusaka, the last Chief of Operations at the Naval General Headquarters, surrendered with the last "kamikaze".

Fukuriya Shige served successively as Chief of the First Section of the Military Command Department, Deputy Chief of Staff of the China Fleet, Chief of Operations of the Military Command Department, and Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, without any personal achievements.

Mikawa Junichi, as the commander of the Third Fleet of the Combined Fleet, participated in major naval battles such as the attack on Pearl Harbor and Midway. He later served as the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Fleet, and then took over as the principal of the Navigation School, the commander-in-chief of the Second Southern Expedition Fleet, and the commander-in-chief of the Southwestern Front Fleet. , Commander-in-Chief of the Thirteenth Air Fleet, Commander-in-Chief of the Third Southern Fleet... He had never fought a tough battle and was transferred to the reserve in May 1945.

Kurita Takeo is the commander with the longest military experience in the Japanese Navy (34 years). He has served as the captain of 11 destroyers, 3 destroyer fleet commanders, 3 mine team commanders, chief teacher of mine school, and has rich experience in torpedo warfare. In August 1943, he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Second Fleet, which was almost the only combat force of the Combined Fleet. He was known as the "war-avoiding admiral". In the Battle of Yana and the Battle of Leyte Island, we were always afraid of the enemy and never stayed behind if we could escape.

The achievements of the six vice-admirals left more than 2,000 people who heard the trial speechless. The court even thought that the five-year prison sentence for them was a bit harsh!

In general, this judgment is indeed special compared to the previous ones, but after research, everyone found that the court's judgment is still reasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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