Shadow Spy

Chapter 492 Completely Eliminate Big Hidden Danger

Chapter 492 Completely Eliminate Big Hidden Danger

The ninth round of trials at the Far East Tribunal has caused an uproar, not just in Asia, but around the world!

On the afternoon of April 4, as soon as Li Junhao came down from the court and returned to his office, domestic telegrams came from the Medical Bureau of the Army, the Medical and Surgical Bureau of the Navy, the Philadelphia Medical Research Center, etc. There was only one problem: Unit 20 Where are the research materials?

"Burn!" This was Li Junhao's answer! When he responded to this reply, he felt angry and disappointed. He wrote down these three departments in a small notebook. They are all fucking bastards!

It was impossible for other countries to directly find his head, but there was no shortage of work afterwards. Requests and inquiries from all sides came one after another, all for the purpose of obtaining information on 731, which made him immediately say "haha"!

Turning around, he ordered all units under the Allied Far East Command to intensify the search for all the 731 fish that slipped through the net. The requirement was to kill every one of them if they were caught, and to confiscate their homes and confiscate all property and information. If they couldn't find anything, they would burn the house - —If you want to keep the research data, just dream!

As for the family members who are having a hard time because of this, they deserve it - thank their heads!

He even violated his life principles for the first time and sent Xiaohu to personally lead a team to directly exterminate the Ishii Shiro family - he remembered the history of his previous life, and the descendants of this scum still opened companies, did business, and lived in later generations. Very good, how can this be allowed? It is correct to directly eliminate them all!

If Li Junhao can allow some other so-called political and economic families to exist in Japan, people and families like Ishii must not stay!

In the next week, due to Li Junhao's strict order, the US military stationed in Japan conducted a dragnet-style cleanup operation throughout Japan. No one was spared, including members of the 731 unit and suspected Japanese war criminals. Tens of thousands were arrested in a few days. People - according to his order, one was selected and shot, and at least people were killed in seven days - those who were suspected of being unable to prove themselves, killed!

On April 4, Li Junhao prepared to implement another big plan - to judge the Emperor of Japan!

At the customary opening of the court on Monday, Li Junhao announced: Japanese Emperor Hirohito bears unshirkable responsibility for Japan's foreign aggression since 1931. After having previously tried a number of Japanese army and navy war criminals, Japan will be held accountable in due course. It’s the responsibility of the highest level!

There were originally less than 1,000 people for this hearing, because the previous trials were all Japanese army and navy war criminals, and occasionally one or two royal families could not attract the public's attention. People's interest has slackened a bit, and the number of people who come has begun to increase. reduce. But this time, I didn't expect that the Allied Far East Tribunal would suddenly attack and put the emperor on trial directly. It was too late to recruit people at short notice!

All the TV stations and radio stations that were broadcasting the court and the print media preparing for live reports panicked, but it was too late to change the content!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the presiding judge Li Junhao announced the opening of the court. In addition to the Japanese Emperor Hirohito, there are also three of his brothers: Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace (second brother), Prince Nobuhito of Takamatsu Palace (third brother), and Prince Takahito of Mikasa Palace ( Fourth brother)!

This time, Li Junhao used the "Judas of Japan" Tanaka Takayoshi to the extreme. This officer attended as a witness and used his amazing memory to explain clearly what Emperor Hirohito did from 1931 to 1945. He even remembered clearly what he said and did at each point in time, which made it difficult for Hirohito, who already stuttered and was not good at expressing himself, to tell the difference!

In this regard, although a group of Japanese defenders tried their best to excuse the emperor, everyone listening to the trial understood clearly - the so-called emperor is an ordinary person, and his performance during the war was not even as good as that of an ordinary normal person, let alone being mentally retarded. At the very least, he is a mediocre person without any military strategic thinking!

Next, there are the three brothers of the emperor: his second brother, Prince Chichibu Yoshihito, his third brother, Prince Takamatsu Nobuhito, and his fourth brother, Prince Mikasa Takahito. These three men acted as Hirohito's stand-ins at different times during the war. They carried out cheering actions against the Japanese troops on various battlefields... Say they are guilty, of course they are; say they are not guilty, they are not innocent!

Because there were not many people, the court proceedings went quickly. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Junhao pronounced the verdict. The result naturally caused a huge sensation! "The defendants, Prince Chichibunomiya Yoshihito, the second younger brother, Prince Takamatsu nobuhito, the third younger brother, and Prince Takahito Mikasa, the fourth younger brother of the contemporary emperor, all three of them actually participated in the war throughout the war, regardless of their mentality or motives. Hirohito launched foreign aggression, and even visited various places as the emperor's envoy at different times to declare the emperor's authority and rule over the occupied areas..." Li Junhao's verdict was as stable as ever.

"Based on the huge damage they caused to the areas invaded and occupied by Japan, these three people played an irreplaceable and bad influence. Not killing them is not enough to make the people angry...

“Therefore, I specifically sentence: Chibu Miya Yoshihito, Takamatsu Nobuhito, and Mikasa Miya Takahito to be executed by firing squad!

“The former Japanese Emperor Hirohito took the initiative to launch wars in an attempt to control Asian countries, causing tens of millions of military and civilian casualties in Asian countries. He is an unforgivable crime and is sentenced to death!

"In addition, in view of the launch and conduct of the Second World War, the Japanese imperial family has the main responsibility. On behalf of all the allies, I hereby solemnly declare: the complete abolition of Japan's imperial system, the permanent abolition of its aristocratic system, and the permanent abolition of its aristocratic system. Its so-called shrine system prohibits the so-called Shinto belief, demolishes the Japanese Imperial Palace, Yasukuni Shrine and all affiliated shrines, and confiscates all royal assets..."

With Li Junhao's speech, the emperor and the aristocratic system were directly abolished. Even if the outside world didn't say it, Japan was already in chaos! Coupled with the subsequent cancellation of shrines and worship services, many people have panicked, and some people with strange ideas have begun to get busy...

However, these are nothing to Li Junhao - what does it matter?

Not convinced!

Do you have the strength to resist?


Tell me and let me know!

The Japanese Emperor has a long history and should be preserved!

long? You mean rotten! I accept your suggestion and will definitely abolish him!

Nobility is the basis of rule?

You are wrong. The basis of rule should be the army, and I am the commander-in-chief of the army!

The Japanese believe in Shintoism, and the measures taken by your US military are ineffective!

Really, I'm very interested in this and want to see what Shintoism is under bread and bayonets?

This time, Li Junhao took great risks to push this matter forward. In fact, he was ready to be kicked out, but he still had to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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