Shadow Spy

Chapter 61 The performance of various characters

Chapter 61 The performance of various characters

At this time, someone sent a brand new German Leica 135 camera and five films.In his previous life, Li Junhao had used digital cameras many times, but he had never used this old-fashioned film machine. When he took over the camera, he didn't know where to start.Seeing this, Wen Qiang naturally took the initiative to help, loading batteries and film, and taught him how to adjust aperture and other parameters, and patiently helped him take the first two photos.

Li Junhao's current learning ability is of course extremely high. After only taking two photos, he was able to use this camera proficiently and immediately started shooting with great interest.

After Wen Qiang took the initiative to give him a name card, he said goodbye and left. The result of this meeting had exceeded his expectations. Not only did he get to know Panson, an American diplomat stationed in Shanghai, but he also learned that the other person could speak fluent Chinese; What was even more surprising was that the other party clearly knew his identity and personal situation, which made him both curious and wary. Before he figured out the cause of the matter, he was afraid to have any further contact with the other party.

Li Junhao took the name card and put it in his pocket. He smiled and said goodbye to Wen Qiang. While visiting with the delegation and taking photos, he was thinking about the other party's purpose of approaching him.

He is still very interested in Wen Qiang and is familiar with his experience.

Wen Qiang is the 23rd generation grandson of Wen Tianxiang. His father's generation followed Sun Yat-sen and he met Mr. Sun Yat-sen when he was 17 years old. His aunt Wen Qimei is Mr. Mao's mother and is a cousin to the three brothers of the Mao family. He joined the regiment in 1924 and the party in 1925. In the same year, he was admitted to the fourth phase of Whampoa Military Academy and was the squad leader of Lin Shuai in later generations. He participated in the Nanchang Uprising in 1927 and was arrested for betrayal by a traitor in 1931. He later escaped and left the party due to a misunderstanding.

In the autumn of 1936, after being introduced by the Kuomintang generals Cheng Qian and Zhang Zhizhong and Huangpu instructors, he joined the Kuomintang and was appointed as colonel staff officer in Department B of the Kuomintang Staff Headquarters.

In August 1937, Wen Qiang was appointed by Dai Li as the director of the Shanghai-Haihai Tripolar Radio Training Institute. His true identity was the colonel director of the Shanghai Office of the Secret Service of the Military Commission of the National Government (the predecessor of the military reunification).However, Dai Li did not trust him. The main work of the Secret Service was actually handled by the Shanghai District, and Wen Qiang was only in name.

After the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, the Juntong was formally established in August 1938, and its strength expanded rapidly. As of April 8, the Shanghai District had expanded to nearly a thousand people. District Chief Wang Tianmu and Deputy District Chief Zhao Lijun were both within the Juntong. Powerful people, each with the support of a large number of subordinates, are fighting openly and secretly between them, and Wen Qiang cannot get involved at all. Now that he has stayed in Chongqing for a long time, he is actually just an idler.

Li Junhao suddenly thought that now that the pro-American and British factions within the National Government had the upper hand, did Wen Qiang take a fancy to his identity and want to find foreign aid?It should be said that this idea is correct, but it seems that my current position is a bit low. Has the other party worshiped the wrong temple?
The reception officially started at [-] noon. First, General Zhang Zhizhong, the newly appointed director of the Chairman's Attendant's Office, delivered a speech on behalf of the Chairman. Then Kong Xiangxi delivered a speech on behalf of the Executive Yuan. Then Minister of Economic Affairs Weng Wenhao delivered a speech on behalf of various economic departments of the government. Directors of the Bank of China Chang Song Ziwen delivered a speech on behalf of various commercial institutions and private capital. In short, he warmly welcomed the visit of the U.S. business delegation and expressed that he would actively cooperate with the delegation’s economic and trade inspection activities and hoped to establish good Sino-U.S. business relations...

Ernst Rockefeller spoke on behalf of the visiting American business representatives, thanked the National Government for its hospitality, and expressed that members of the delegation were willing to contribute to U.S.-China economic and trade exchanges...

Finally, Mr. Nelson Johnson, the U.S. Ambassador to China, delivered a speech, thanking the National Government and welcoming the delegation. After a few brief words, he announced the start of the reception!
This cocktail reception was attended by heads of departments of the National Government, major merchants from Chongqing, Sichuan Province and Southwest China, the American trade delegation, and businessmen who followed from Shanghai and Shanghai. Everyone was drinking and talking among themselves. , I don’t know how many secret deals were reached during this period.This time, Li Junhao concentrated on listening. However, due to the 20-meter distance limit, he kept moving to hear the person he was interested in speaking. Because there were too many people talking at the same time, it was impossible for him to listen at the same time. You can use smart glasses to store the voice first and analyze it later when you have free time.

Even so, he also heard a lot of real-time news, such as the fuel trade agreement reached between Lister and Kong Xiangxi on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation, and the negotiations between Citibank representatives and Song Ziwen on the linkage of legal currency to the US dollar, bilateral mutual recognition, and expansion of issuance. Representatives of the Douglas Aircraft Company discussed the import of American fighter aircraft with General Zhou Zhirou, the former enemy commander in chief of the Kuomintang Aeronautical Commission Air Force Operations.

During the process, he was surprised by the fluent English of Kong Xiangxi, Song Ziwen and Zhou Zhirou. The three of them did not need an interpreter at all during the negotiation and were able to have a smooth conversation, which greatly accelerated the negotiation speed.

From this aspect, we have to admit that these people are all elites during the Republic of China, but the first two are on the path of chaebols. It cannot be said that they are not patriotic at all, but it is certainly not as important as loving their own wealth, so Their little contribution to the country is far less than the harm they do to the country!
The latter, Zhou Zhirou, can be said to be a key figure in the formation of the Chinese Air Force, but he never got rid of Mrs. Chiang's control throughout his career. Until the end of the Anti-Japanese War, he was unable to realize his wish of using the Chinese Air Force to resist the Japanese army. He is a pitiful and pitiful guy. !Just like this negotiation, Li Junhao knew clearly that Commander-in-Chief Zhou could not decide anything at all. Without Mrs. Chiang's decision, he could only stare blankly.

While he was wandering and thinking, Linda over there met a few new friends, and the two parties chatted in English and Chinese in full swing!I don't know if she saw Li Junhao walking around "boringly" with red wine, but Linda rushed over with her new friends...

"King, what are you doing?" Linda said, "Come chat with us!"

"Well, hello, King!" Several young people also took the initiative to greet him in English.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Li Junhao also smiled and replied to them, but in Chinese.

"Wow! Your Chinese is so good!" Several people were shocked. They had seen all foreigners who could speak Chinese, but the only one who spoke it so authentically was the one in front of them!

"Hahaha..." Seeing the surprised praise from her new friends, Linda smiled proudly, feeling proud to have such a "childhood sweetheart".

(End of this chapter)

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