Shadow Spy

Chapter 66 Zai Yu’s proud work

Chapter 66 Zai Yu’s proud work

These meetings with Dai Li lasted for an hour. Li Junhao gave a brief explanation of his intentions. It was not that he was afraid of the other party, but that he did not want to cause trouble for himself for no reason; and, both inside and outside his words, he made it clear He was very interested in Mr. Mao, Mr. Zhou, Commander-in-Chief Zhu and others of the underground party. He called them outstanding figures of this era, but said that he did not agree with their lifestyle, which reassured Dai Li a lot.

Li Junhao knew that this spy chief would not trust anyone easily, but he had no intention of pleasing the other party. With his current identity, even this "Oriental Himmler" would not dare to attack American friends easily. As for private He is really not afraid of investigations or anything like that!
In this mentality, he deliberately expressed his admiration for Mao, Zhou, Zhu and others, but only told them that he admired them personally, not the entire party; and in terms of personal morality, even Dai Li himself did not There may be any objections.With such an image as the foundation, Li Junhao will not have to worry about military unification troubles even if he comes into contact with the underground party in his future work in China.
After leaving Dai Mansion, Li Junhao took Brown and Yuri, escorted by Wen Qiang, to catch up with Linda and his party, and continued shopping for nearly an hour before returning to the hotel.

During the whole process, the smart Linda never asked Li Junhao what he did for that hour, and Brown and Yuri didn't say anything about it either.As for the two black bodyguards, they had no idea what was going on, and they couldn't say anything.Therefore, the only real insider to the meeting between Li Junhao and Dai Li was Wen Qiang, an outsider.

Wen Qiang is a smart man and knows what can and cannot be said, but now he has guessed that Pan Sen must have reached an agreement with Boss Dai, and the military commander will not touch him again in the future.

Li Junhao didn't plan to tell anyone about this, let alone say it out loud. He and Dai Li agreed on a radio frequency and password so that emergency contact could be made when necessary.However, for him, there is still a difficulty at present, that is, he still does not know how to send and receive newspapers. This is not a big problem!Of course, this is not a big problem, it just requires a learning process.
On April 4th and 24th, everyone who came to Chongqing finished their work in a busy manner. At 25:26 pm on the 3th, everyone boarded the plane and left Chongqing.Members of the U.S. trade delegation took DC-52 passenger planes to fly to Southeast Asia to continue their inspection activities. Businessmen from Shanghai and Hainan who had randomly come to Chongqing before flew back to Shanghai on Lufthansa Junkers JU[-] passenger planes, and Li Junhao was among them. .

At the airport, when hugging Riester goodbye, Li Junhao put a small metal box into his pocket - this was the "White Plan" microfilm that he copied and purchased using the system mall, and told the other person that it was the text of the plan.

Lister happily patted his shoulder and told him in a low voice: "Little Ogg, remember my words, your own safety is the top priority in everything. When you encounter something you cannot decide, you can go directly to Ambassador Johnson and Ai Consul General Charles; also Colonel Joseph Warren Stilwell, the attaché of the Embassy in Chongqing, and Colonel Grado Hawks, the naval attaché of the Consulate General in Shanghai, are all our own people, and you can directly ask for help when needed... ...Also, I will find a way to find you a position in the army, which will be good for you in the future..."

When it was Linda's turn, she hugged Li Junhao and burst into tears, and was finally half-carried and half-pushed by him onto the plane.This girl is very good, but on the one hand, she is too young, only 18 years old; on the other hand, he has no such intention at all now, so he can only contain the feelings of this little sister to the relationship between brother and sister, so as not to cause too much trouble. .
At around nine o'clock in the evening on April 4, Li Junhao drove back to his home in Shanghai. This time he did not take Yuri with him.Lei Xiaoyu, who had been staying in Dequ Building, was very happy when he saw him coming back. Although it was getting late, he still insisted on cooking and made him two dishes and one soup, which made him feel very comfortable eating and drinking.

During the meal, Xiaoyu told him that Xiaohu had something to do. He went back to Phoenix Village yesterday and would be back tomorrow.

After the meal, Li Junhao gave Xiaoyu some of the various gifts he brought back from Chongqing, and asked her to rest happily while he went upstairs to wash up and relieve the fatigue caused by the long flight.During this trip to Chongqing, whether in Shanghai or Chongqing, the name of the young diplomat Ognyan LI Pansen was remembered by many people, and all forces began to investigate and learn through their own channels. he!Even within the Consulate General in Shanghai, many people began to take him seriously. His previous low-key image actually failed completely.Of course, that night, he didn't know this yet; or in other words, he wouldn't care if he knew it.

Li Junhao also has two proud achievements in his trip to Chongqing. First, he visited No. 4 Zengjiayan on April 23. Although he did not meet Mr. Zhou, he met Sister Deng, and the two had a separate and cordial conversation.

Under the somewhat surprised look of Sister Deng, he took the initiative to introduce his identity, told everything he knew about the current world situation, and also made a "prediction" about the future war trend, and put together a set of "White Plan" The body shape film was handed over to the other party.

Before leaving, Li Junhao gave two suitcases that Brown and Yuri specially asked to bring as gifts to Sister Deng. Inside were two of the latest German military radios, 10 Mauser C96 pistols, and 1000 rounds of ammunition; in addition, he also He took out the 1 U.S. dollars that List had just given him and his 2 French currency. When Sister Deng refused, he stated that this was his personal respect for the three leaders Mao, Zhou, and Zhu, and had no other meaning. …

What Li Junhao didn't know was that this incident caused great waves in the hearts of the three leaders and would have a huge impact on his future life.

The second proud thing was that he made a deal with Dai Li and made a lot of money. On the 25th, he took advantage of the opportunity to go shopping and unloaded the 500 pieces of cotton yarn and 100 dans of rice in his carry-on space at a warehouse at Chaoyangmen Wharf.Both cotton yarn and grain were urgently needed in Chongqing. Dai Li gave him a good price, 50 French currency for each piece of cotton yarn and 400 French currency for each load (200 kilograms) of rice, a total of 5 million French currency, all paid in gold and foreign currency, 20 large Yellow croaker, [-] pounds, and [-] US dollars suddenly bulged his pocket.

However, there are still a thousand tons of tung oil that have not been sold. This product is produced in the Kuomintang District. Although it is not unsaleable in Yucheng, it cannot be obtained at a decent price. It is better to keep it for now. I believe there will be a better place!
 You no longer need to vote for recommendation, vote for other friends!An author like me can't get signed, so I will try my best to write as many words as I can...


(End of this chapter)

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