Shadow Spy

Chapter 73: Making a scene in the concession patrol room

Chapter 73: Making a scene in the concession patrol room

Before he even got out of the car, Li Junhao became angry because he saw a black iron prison car parked in the yard. Several patrol officers and men in plain clothes were talking to the side. Two patrol officers and two men in black civilian clothes were pushing. Putting a handcuffed woman into the car!
He asked the two girls in the back seat to stay in the car, immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and strode over.Behind him, Yuri, who was wearing a suit, immediately got out of the car and followed him; Sergeant Hall in the jeep behind him also jumped out of the car with six team members, and surrounded them with a Thompson M1928A1 submachine gun in hand.

Li Junhao walked closer, and before anyone could react, he kicked the two men in black casual clothes away with two kicks, frightening everyone!The people present were about to get angry when they saw a group of Americans approaching with submachine guns. They hurriedly took a few steps back, but they no longer had the courage to draw their guns to resist.

The two agents No. 76 who were kicked to the ground lay on the ground clutching their stomachs, unable to get up from the pain.The five or six special agents on the side didn't even dare to say anything. This was in the compound of the concession police station. A foreigner would kick someone when he came up. He either had a high position or a strong background. How could they dare to make a noise!

After calming down for a while, a British patrolman reacted, took another step forward, and asked politely in English: "Sir, do you have anything to do with coming to the police station?" As for the two kicked 76 Agent No. was not even mentioned.

Li Junhao rushed to Li Xiaoyu and asked, "Teacher Li, are you okay?"

Li Xiaoyu was obviously very surprised by his arrival. He was stunned for a moment and then said: "Mr. Pan Sen, I'm fine, I just don't know why they wanted to arrest me!"

"It's okay. I'll do something and I'll take you away soon." Li Junhao comforted her, turned around, looked at the British patrolman who just spoke, and said coldly: "I am the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai. First Attaché Ognyan L.I. Panson, I called the main duty room of your police station before. I will handle the matter regarding this lady personally, but your police department is really awesome! I agreed at the same time. I, while secretly handing people over to these traitorous spies, do you think I am easy to bully?"

Hearing this, the British patrol officer was obviously stunned. He didn't know about this!Then he realized that someone had tricked him!No wonder, this kind of transfer of prisoners to Japan has always been the responsibility of the Special Department. Why is it that I, the supervisor of the Detective Department, are responsible this time?This is allowing yourself to bear the thunder!Cursing in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Pan Sen, I really don't know about this, I'm just following orders..."

At this time, a square-faced man wearing a black double-breasted silk jacket and trousers suddenly said: "If you're not just an attaché, why are you so awesome?"

Li Junhao squinted his eyes and looked at this guy with a sinister face. Although he didn't know who it was yet, he thought it was the guy like Wu Sibao from the traitor spy agency No. 76. He had been trying to get rid of them for a long time. At this time, he waved his hand and said : "Sergeant Hall, teach them a lesson for me. If they dare to resist, they will be shot on the spot!"

"Yes, sir." In this matter, Hall and his gang liked to do this kind of work the most. He led six team members and rushed forward. He swung the hard cherry wood gun butt and smashed it. After knocking him to the ground, he used Kick hard with big-headed military boots, beat without mercy...

The square-faced man is none other than the arrogant Wu Sibao. Since the Wang Puppet Secret Service Headquarters was established, he joined with a group of gangsters from the Youth Gang and was appointed as the captain of the guard brigade by Li Shiqun. He has hundreds of people under his command. He has guns and power and is domineering in the Chinese world. When will he eat it? After such a loss, his head and face were covered with blood, and his body was kicked with military boots in excruciating pain. He couldn't help but jump up to resist several times, but when he thought of 'killing him on the spot', he immediately withered again. fear death!Wu Sibao didn't dare to resist, and the other gangsters certainly didn't dare to resist. They all held their heads and howled, not daring to resist at all, for fear that if someone made any move, they would be misunderstood and they would be shot to death!

The dozen or so patrol officers at the scene were frightened and took a few steps back. They had no intention of intervening. The traitor agent No. 76 was beaten. It was none of their business. No one would come forward to make trouble. He was accidentally injured by an American soldier. Isn't that right? Unlucky yourself!

There was such a big movement in the yard, and many police officers came out from the four buildings to watch the fun. Hundreds of people quickly gathered around, but no one stepped forward to rescue the beaten agents. No one wanted to make themselves uncomfortable. The United States The soldiers were carrying submachine guns and beating people, no one dared to feel uncomfortable.

Yuri stood behind Li Junhao, watching his comrades fighting happily, and couldn't help but be eager to give it a try, but at least he remembered his superior's instructions to protect Mr. Pan Sen's safety before he could restrain himself.

It wasn't until almost 10 minutes, when the seven agents were beaten until they were no longer human, that a patrolman ran out from the north building and shouted: "Stop it! Stop..." But no one paid him any attention, but the soldiers beat him I got a little tired, so the frequency dropped a lot, so I switched to kicking with military boots that save the most effort. This way, I don’t have to bend down, and it’s no problem to kick for another 10 minutes.

While shouting "Stop", he ran closer. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the patrolman, who was obviously Asian, could only walk directly in front of Li Junhao. Before he spoke, he bowed at [-] degrees and said: " Mr. Panson, please tell them to stop, and I apologize to you on their behalf!"

As soon as he saw his actions, Li Junhao became annoyed and said in a bad tone: "Little Japan? When will our concession allow Japanese to be patrollers? I know, you are the one who ordered people to kidnap my friend and want to hand it over to the concession! It's simply You are the ultimate bastard!" After saying that, he rounded his arms and slapped him with a big mouth...

The Japanese patrolman who had just finished bowing and straightened up before he could react, felt a sharp pain on his face, countless stars flashed before his eyes, he flew up, fell three meters away, and fainted!

In the eyes of others, Secretary Kaku Kobayashi, who usually relied on the Japanese deputy director Akagi Chika to dominate, was slapped away by an American diplomat. He spurted blood in the air and had several white teeth. It flew out and then fell several meters away without any movement!This scene shocked everyone!
Even the soldiers who were beating people stopped, looked at what they were beating, and then looked at what Mr. Pan Sen was beating. They felt a little ashamed. They turned around and were about to strike again, but they heard a call to stop!
The one who stopped in American English was a senior police officer who had just come out. His uniform and collar badge were different from others. He walked closer and said: "Mr. Panson, I am the Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department, Berry Weber." , we are both Americans, how about you give me some face?"

(End of this chapter)

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