Shadow Spy

Chapter 81 Information about bombing

Chapter 81 Information about bombing

At six o'clock in the evening, Xiaoyu and Xiaohu were sent back to Dequlou by Dahua Company's car. In addition to bringing back a lot of fresh ingredients, there were also many market rumors.

Most of the rumors are nonsense, of course, don't ignore them, but some rumors caught Li Junhao's attention. For example: At about 1 o'clock this afternoon, 26 Japanese planes attacked Chongqing in a dense formation, and the Chinese Air Force took off to meet the enemy. , although two Japanese planes were shot down, other Japanese planes invaded the urban area and dropped more than 2 bombs. Daliangzi, Cangping Street, Zuoying Street, Shaanxi Street and other places were bombed and set on fire.According to incomplete statistics, 100 citizens died and 673 were injured.This was the first time that a single bombing by a Japanese aircraft caused more than a thousand casualties among Chinese people.

This news made Li Junhao's face change greatly. He remembered that this day was just the beginning. Tomorrow there would be another air strike by 27 Japanese planes. The city of Chongqing was bombed and a fire broke out. Duyou Street and Chaijia Lane were destroyed, and 3318 residents died. , 1937 people were injured.

Historically, on May 1939rd and 5th, 3, Japanese Naval Air Force bombers took off from Wuhan and continuously bombed the downtown area of ​​​​CQ. They also used a large number of incendiary bombs, causing a fire in the city center for two days. Among the 4 main streets in the city, 27 were bombed into ruins, 19 people died, 3991 were injured, 2323 buildings were damaged, and about 4889 people were made homeless; Luohan Temple and Chang'an Temple were also devoured by fire, and foreign churches and British churches were also bombed. , France and other foreign embassies in China, and even the German embassy with a Nazi flag was not spared.

Guo Moruo once wrote the poem "Misery Eyes" on May 5, recording the barbaric atrocities of the Japanese air force: "On May 12rd and May [-]th, the Japanese invaders came for days, and the city of Chongqing was bombed, and the dead were like mountains. I saw a The corpses are of a mother and two orphans, one lying on the belly, the other holding the right breast. The bones and flesh have turned into charcoal, and it is difficult to separate them. The heart of a loving mother will never be ashes." There is also an inscription: "There are many dead, you can see them everywhere, so we will never forget them. ."
Li Junhao's heart palpitated, and he immediately picked up the phone and dialed Wen Qiang, saying: "Brother Nianwu, I got some new California lager beer. Do you want to try it?"

Xiaohu and Li Xiaoyu who were in the living room were both stunned when they heard this, wondering why he would invite people to drink. Li Xiaoyu paused, got up and walked to the kitchen, telling Xiaoyu that he would add two more dishes today.Yuri on the side couldn't understand Chinese and had no idea what was going on.

Half an hour later, Wen Qiang hurried over with his driver, just in time for dinner. Just as he was about to say hello, Li Junhao pulled him to the second floor...

Ten minutes later, Wen Qiang came down from upstairs, saluted Li Junhao, who was already sitting at the dining table, and said, "Brother Junhao, I thank you on behalf of thousands of people..."

"Don't say that!" Li Junhao helped him up and pulled him to the dining table. "I just did what any conscientious person would do. Nianwu, don't think about it. Just do your work with all your heart. As for the result, it will only matter. Let God decide! Come on, drink!"

"Yes, it's up to people to make things happen, and it's up to God to make things happen. We just have to work hard. Drink!" Wen Qiang raised his glass to him and took a big sip, but he was really grateful to the other person in his heart.Just now, Li Junhao told him that Japanese planes would bomb Chongqing again tomorrow, and asked him to use the radio station in the study to report directly to the headquarters. It can be said that he has done his best!Yuri at the dining table looked at the two people with heavy expressions and was very puzzled. He could only ask Teacher Li next to him for help.Li Xiaoyu explained to him in English what happened this afternoon. Yuri was very angry when he heard that a civilian area in Chongqing was bombed by Japanese planes, and he also cursed the Japanese...
In Luojiawan, Chongqing, in Room A of the Military Command, Dai Li did not dare to neglect the information sent by Wen Qiang. He immediately drove to Huangshan in the north of the Yangtze River and went to the Chairman's residence to report in person.

After seeing this intelligence, Chairman Chiang immediately personally called General Liu Zhi, commander-in-chief of Chongqing's garrison and air defense commander, and ordered him to immediately organize the evacuation of urban residents and strengthen air defense alert...

After putting down the phone, Chairman Chiang discovered that Dai Li was still standing aside, then smiled and praised him and asked about the source of the intelligence.When he heard that the information was provided by Wen Qiang, who had just arrived in Shanghai to take up a post, Chairman Chiang laughed and said that Wen Qiang's rank of major general was not in vain!
Seeing that the old man was happy, Dai Li took the opportunity to report the material exchange plan that Wen Qiang had sent the day before. Chairman Chiang agreed after only a brief consideration. He also specially allocated 200 million French currency from his own special fee to Dai Li. , let him complete this barter transaction.

Dai Li left the Huangshan official residence with satisfaction. With the old man's consent, he could freely collect materials in the Kuomintang-controlled area to complete barter trade. He would definitely make a lot of money; and the 200 million French currency funds allocated by the old man were It was an unexpected surprise.

In August of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Fuxingshe-Lixingshe Secret Service (formerly the Second Division of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government) was upgraded and expanded into the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission (referred to as Military Tong) under the General Office of the Military Commission. The first director was concurrently served by Chen Lifu, and Dai Li served as deputy director and presided over the work. (As usual, the director of military command is concurrently served by the director of the first division of the Chairman’s Attendant’s Office and is not responsible for actual work.)
As of now (May 1939), the Military Control Bureau has expanded to eight offices, six offices, and one office, and hundreds of districts, stations, and groups are dispatched to various regions, provinces, and cities; in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, in addition to In addition to the specialized agencies stationed there, agents also penetrated into the Kuomintang's military, police, administrative agencies, transportation and other departments to monitor and control; in occupied areas, agencies stationed there carried out underground struggles to obtain intelligence and assassinate Japanese and puppet personnel. Mainly, there are also game units behind enemy lines like the "Loyalty and Salvation Army"...

Currently, there are more than 3 officially registered personnel. Including secret intelligence personnel, peripheral personnel, and affiliated military personnel, the actual number exceeds 15. The amount of funds required is staggering. However, the monthly fixed amount of funds allocated by the Ministry of Finance was in August 1938. 8 yuan; in April this year it was 5 yuan!It's like a joke!If Chairman Chiang hadn't privately allocated special funds to Dai Li from time to time, it would have been impossible to maintain.

In order to raise funds, Dai Li used all kinds of methods, such as opening factories, setting up companies, smuggling materials, trafficking in opium, etc. Even so, he often couldn't operate and had to borrow temporary loans from banks!To this end, Dai Li has been working hard to make good friends with Song Ziwen, a big boss in the financial industry, and maintain a good relationship.The last 5000 pieces of cotton yarn were sold to the Song family's textile factory at a low price (800 French currency per piece). Although they made less money, they deepened the cooperation between the two parties.

Now with the old man's permission, Dai Li can expand the smuggling operation, which makes him happiest.

(End of this chapter)

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