Shadow Spy

Chapter 90 Planning to control the concession

Chapter 90 Planning to control the concession
The three of them drank coffee or black tea and paused for a while to collect their thoughts.

At this time, Li Junhao checked. The detection function showed that Ayers's light spot was dark green. You know, when he first came a month ago, Sheen was welcoming on the surface, but actually a little hostile.Does this count as turning an enemy into a friend? ——
Although Ayers is calm on the surface, he is very happy in his heart. The descendants of his old friends are doing better and better, which is enough to make them old guys happy.

For example, in today's incident, the little guy seems to be extremely impulsive and does things without regard to the consequences. However, after careful analysis, we know that he has always been on the reasonable side - killing those killers is the right thing to do. His personal use of force; beating the Japanese deputy director because he insulted American diplomats, and injuring six Japanese arrestees because he threatened with a gun, was justified and justified. The Japanese suffered a huge loss but were unable to do anything, and had to bow their heads to admit their mistakes. , which shows excellent logical thinking and excellent judgment skills! ——
Sheen did indeed change his initial view of Li Junhao. Although he approved Pan Sen's application for employment, he actually understood Ayers' meaning and thought he was a playboy who used the back door, which made him unhappy, and he was also criticized. He was forced to sign and agree to recruit him, which made him feel like he was being used, so he felt a little hostile in his heart.

Seeing the opponent's performance during this period, he found that Pan Sen, a young man, was actually very good. Not only could he complete the tasks he took over, but he had never caused trouble to his superiors. This made his attitude begin to change. After all, who doesn't like this? A capable subordinate!

More importantly, what happened in the past few days was that Pan Sen took the initiative to take on the role of leading the charge, confronting the Japanese forces in the Concession Industry Bureau and the Police Department, completely breaking the previous balance, which coincided with his intention to intervene in the Concession. The idea of ​​control really surprised him! ——
A few minutes later, the secretary came back and reported that Corporal Yuri, who was being treated at Renji Hospital, had a successful operation. The bullet was removed from the body and the fracture was fixed. His life was not in danger. He would recover after a week or so of rest.

This is good news and puts everyone's minds at ease.Next, the conversation continues.

Ayers first said: "Sean, you were the one who went to the scene to deal with it today. Tell me what the result is?"

"Okay, sir." Sheen said the final agreement reached with Eiichi Iwai.

"One day?" Ayres pondered, "Sean, do you think the Japanese will agree to withdraw from the Ministry of Industry and the Police Department?"

"This is basically impossible. With the character of the Japanese, they will not be willing to give up their interests in the concession." Sheen shook his head.

"Little Ogg, what do you mean?" Ayres asked.

Li Junhao said: "I agree with Mr. Sheehan. The Japanese will not give up voluntarily! However, we can force them to give up."

"Oh? Tell me." Sheen said with interest.

"Two gentlemen, I think before we talk about methods, we must first set a goal, that is, what are we going to achieve in the end?" Li Junhao asked.

Sheehan thought for a moment and said: "I think the short-term goal is to have people from our Consulate General join the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, and the long-term goal is to have the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau respect our opinions and safeguard our interests in the United States."

Ayers nodded in agreement, and then said: "Little Ogg, what do you think?" Li Junhao said: "Mr. Sheen's opinion is very good, but I think we can go further! For example, in this incident, we We must insist on dealing with the Japanese deputy director who insulted me and kick him out of the police force. This is the first step;
“If possible, send someone to occupy the vacant deputy director position. This is the second step;

"The third step is to support Deputy Director Weber in gaining more power. Of course, this must be under the condition that he obeys the command of our Consulate General and has sufficient personal ability! The investigation of this case is an opportunity to demonstrate his ability. It depends on whether he can seize the opportunity;
"The fourth step is to promote the re-election of the board of directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, kick out Japanese directors, and increase the proportion of our American directors to at least the same number as British directors! Moreover, we must at least obtain the position of deputy general director;
"The fifth step is to fully control the Ministry of Industry and the Police Department, and let the concession operate according to the will of our country, the United States..."

Hearing his words, Ayers and Sheen were both moved, but... is this possible?

Sheen said: "Pan Sen, you seem to have ignored an important issue, and that is the British attitude!"

"Mr. Sheehan, I didn't ignore Britain, but..." Li Junhao smiled, "I didn't take them seriously at all!"

Um?Both of them were stunned, and then Ayres said with some displeasure: "Little Ogg, what you said is too arrogant. As a diplomat, you can't be so unscrupulous!"

Sheen also said: "Yes, Panson, Britain's current strength has indeed declined a lot, but after all, it is still a huge empire and the leader of European countries. We cannot ignore their existence!"

"The truth is like this, but in fact, the current world situation has undergone tremendous changes." Li Junhao said seriously: "Mr. Ayers, Mr. Sheen, you are all my elders. A generation that has passed through the glory of the British Empire, and as a young American, I would like to say impolitely: When it comes to dealing with Britain, your ideas are too conservative! Oh, if my words offend these two gentlemen, Please forgive me."

"You kid, don't talk nonsense!" Ayres said with a serious face, "Tell me clearly, why are we too conservative? If what you say is unreasonable, I will drive you back to the country!"

Sheen was a little uncomfortable at first, but when he heard Ayres' words, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. What on earth is the relationship between this?Old man, is this a criticism?You are basically protecting and supporting Pan Sen!

"Sir, don't be angry, I said what I said!" Li Junhao raised his hands and surrendered, "During World War I, Britain was actually frightened by Germany. The cruelty of modern war was unacceptable to these 'gentlemen'. The huge casualties were , economic losses are unbearable for them, so they are afraid of war and fear of killing more people...

"It is precisely for this reason that Arthur Neville Chamberlain was able to become Prime Minister because he insisted on the policy of appeasement. The United Kingdom under his leadership was actually ruined and could not suppress the rise of Germany at all. Great empire? European leader ?None of that, it’s just the end of the sunset!”

(End of this chapter)

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