
Chapter 121 Whose soul has she replaced? !

Midnight has come.

The Sanskrit sounds in the distance gradually faded away.

Fu Zhen sat on the stone steps of the ruins and poured the last cup of tea from the teapot down his throat.She let out a breath: "That's it, I was burned to death. I also heard about what happened next. You should know better than me."

Liang Zhi sat next to her, and he had dug a big hole in the dirt in front of her.

"This beast is worse than a pig or a dog. I will skin him with my own hands and beat his tendons!"

The young man's low roar was like a lion's roar, swept up into waves by the mountain wind.

"That's what I thought at first," Fu Zhen looked at the faint night sky. "When I was drowning in the boundless darkness, I only had this thought in my mind. But now, I don't think so anymore. Because I have grown out of hatred. Calm down, it’s certainly hateful for Xu Yin to kill me, but can all the losses be recovered by just killing him?”

Liang Zhi turned his head and said, "Auntie, do you have other ideas?"

"I think it's not enough to kill him. If I just wanted to kill him, I wouldn't be able to find a way at all on my own. But after all, he has worked hard in the past six years and has many connections in the government and the opposition. The sole purpose of killing him will not only bring a lot of troubles, but most importantly, it will not be enough to resolve the hatred."

Liang Zhi pondered: "That's right. He enjoyed so many benefits from our Liang family and his aunt, and then killed his aunt, but he is still using the Liang family and you. It would be so cheap if he just wanted his life. Him! We should let him be as miserable as he is in his glory! Whatever he has gained, let him lose it in every way!"

"We have to do it step by step," Fu Zhen took a deep breath, "You should know that I can't accuse him directly as Liang Ning. First, we have to solve the Baiyu Hutong case. If this case is not solved, there will be no way to tear him apart. Mask. And how exactly he reached an agreement with the owner of the dagger cannot be exposed.

"I'm anxious to meet you. Naturally, I also hope that you can push Chen'er, Zhan'er and the others to solve the case quickly. Secondly, I need you to guard against Thief Xu for the Liang family. He is still making plans for the Liang family. If I don't Speaking of which, the Liang family would never think of his wolfish ambitions."

"I know." Liang Zhi nodded, "I will tell big brother everything when I go back!"

"There's no need to rush," Fu Zhen said. "Chen'er let Pei Zhan turn a deaf ear. Now I'm afraid you're still wary of me. If you act too hastily, it will be a bad thing."

Liang Zhi tugged on her sleeves: "But I really want you to go home! My mother and aunts and sisters-in-law will be extremely happy!"

"let it go."

How could Fu Zhen not know that, but the most important thing right now was not whether she could return to the Liang family, but the safety of the Liang family. "Now you have to take on the responsibility of guarding the Liang family and guarding against the Xu thief. You must be more careful about everything. And find a way as soon as possible to make everyone in the family guard against him, even if they are suspicious of him."

Liang Zhi nodded thoughtfully: "This matter is indeed important."

After saying that, he added: "What about you, aunt? Do you still want to stay in the Ning family?"

Fu Zhen looked at him: "Mrs. Ning is now my biological mother. Now I am not only Liang Ning, but also Fu Zhen. I have double responsibilities. Furthermore, Mrs. Ning was also one of the witnesses on the night of the murder. The only witness currently alive, even from this point of view, I have to protect her."

Liang Zhi was moved: "My aunt is so kind and righteous, she is a role model for our generation."

Fu Zhen smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You are a man now. You have to protect the Liang family."

Family is the most important thing. For her now, the Liang family and Ning Furniture are both safe and sound, which is better than anything else.

The evening breeze lifted Liang Zhi's hair, and Fu Zhen stroked it for him: "It's getting late, go back. You go first."


When the mountain wind blows, it blows on the grass and trees as a breeze, and when it blows on the human heart, it becomes a turbulent wave.

Pei Zhan stood on the side of Turtle Pond, looking at the two figures in the grass over there. His hands hanging by his sides were clenched into fists unconsciously.

The most unbelievable thing has become a fact.

And the most unexpected thing is that Liang Zhi and Fuzhen, who have been looking for it all night but could not be found, are actually here!He has known Liang Zhi for so many years, so of course he will not mistake him.

Even if the figure next to him is not familiar, there is no need to say more about who she is at this moment.

Pei Zhan's hands hanging by his sides clenched into fists.

He crossed the bridge!

He wanted to ask Fu Zhen what his intentions were?
What does it mean to kidnap Liang Zhi out at night?
When the bad news reached his ears in the northwest six years ago, he swore that he would continue to protect the Liang family on her behalf!

But no matter how careful he was, she still didn't stop thinking about the Liang family!

He wants to expose her!
He wants to kick her out...

Looking at Fu Zhen who was walking as freely as if he was walking on his own territory, and all the rumors and secrets before him were nothing, Pei Zhan took a few more steps and was about to reach a few people who kept wandering in the night. In front of a guard, he stopped.

This is the place where that person crosses from life to death.

It is a strange place that seems to the world to be haunted by ghosts.

It's not surprising that Liang Zhi is here, but why is she here? !
Her identity is just the daughter of a low-level official family, but since I met her, all her words and deeds have been so inconsistent with her identity!
But tonight she was so weird!

"Do you believe that the soul will be reincarnated again after death?"

"If I said I had changed my soul, would you believe it?..."

These words that he had ignored with ease suddenly jumped out of the depths of his mind!

His throat was tight, and cold sweat was pouring out from his back and forehead!

Soul change?

Whose soul has she replaced?

It doesn't matter if she talks about it, what matters is why her temperament and behavior are so indescribably similar to that person?

Who is Fuzhen today? !
There was a huge wave in his heart. He wanted to lift his foot again, but he couldn't lift it no matter what!He even took a few steps back!
"...Lao Wu?"

Liang Zhi crossed the small stone bridge: "Why are you here?"

Pei Zhan looked at him, then at the figure in the distance behind him, and said with difficulty: "Just got here."

After a pause, he slowly gave an excuse: "Shaoyang and I are investigating a case, and we just gained something today, so I came to see Master Chengkong to ask for some more clues."

"You ask so late?" Liang Zhi was very surprised. "Besides, how did you find Master Chengkong here? There is no one living in this large area at all!"

Pei Zhan didn't know how to answer him.Simply avoid: "I have made an appointment with him, I should go over."

After saying that, he turned around and strode onto the verandah leading to the main hall.

He walked extremely fast because he was afraid that if he took one step slower, his racing heart might jump out of his chest! (Second update, please vote)
 It’s the weekend, so tomorrow’s update will be a little later.
  (End of this chapter)

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