Marriage certificates of the Yong Dynasty were divided into cursive and official ones.

The so-called Cao Tie means that both men and women clearly explain their birth dates and their ancestors for three generations.My family is an official, what?Is that the case at your home too?Those two kids are just perfect for each other!The two parties will make peace and choose a good and auspicious day to make the final decision...

Gu Shinwei thought, if her father and Mrs. Cao were unmarried, then it would be nothing. At most, it could be said that the two families had the intention of getting married...

But her mother-in-law was still there at the time, so Mrs. Cao was very interested in receiving the straw stickers.

Gu Shiwei thought, his eyes moved, and he said to Mrs. Cao, "Do you know who wrote that scrawled note? When Gu Yucheng gave it to you, was there anyone else who could provide evidence?"

Mrs. Cao was dumbfounded, "I didn't ask, wasn't the post written by the Gu family? If I can prove it, because Gu Yucheng is a foreigner, my younger brother was worried, and he was there at the time. My younger brother is better than me He is also stupid, he always does whatever I like and never asks questions."

"And there's that thief mother Lai. It's a shame that I trusted her so much and thought she was the best among women!"

"I didn't want him to tell my grandma first. I thought it wouldn't be too late to wait until the Gu family came to propose marriage after the matter was settled..."

Mrs. Cao said, regretful.

If she had told her mother-in-law back then, she would have broken her legs directly, and the disaster would not have happened today!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She gritted her teeth suddenly and sat up straight. This movement involved the wound. She hissed a few times and turned pale.

"You're right. I can't let that thief Gu Yucheng hurt me so much. I know a secret about him. This matter won't be brought to light. Although it won't break his muscles and bones, it will at least make him sick. he."

Gu Shiwei became interested. Gu Yucheng was indeed worthy of the word disgusting.

Mrs. Cao had a mocking look on her face, and Gu Shiwei felt that if she had no injuries on her body at the moment, she would be able to jump up and spit and curse.

"When you see a dog take a mouthful of shit, he's had many mouthfuls before that."

"Gu Yucheng doesn't just have an outsider like Chun Xing. He has a village near Baishan Academy. He has a woman named Li E and a son named Gu Junbao. He is eight or nine years old this year."

"My grandma's good friend in the boudoir was none other than the wife of the principal of Baishan Academy. I accompanied my grandma there once and happened to see her. Because the child was very similar to Gu Jun'an, my grandma Mom took it to heart."

"Because of what happened back then, my mother-in-law was angry with the Gu family, so she went to investigate and found out the secret. She originally wanted to make it public and make the Gu family feel embarrassed. But then Gu Yucheng threatened me with the old story of being a murderer. I...I tried to hide myself and didn't say anything..."

Gu Shiwei understood Mrs. Cao's previous concerns.

This matter is just like Chun Xing's matter. At most, people will scold Gu Yucheng for not cultivating his moral character. However, Gu Yucheng's mastery of hiring and killing people can send Mrs. Cao to jail. Of course she would not dare to do so casually. If you hit a snake, you are likely to get bitten in return.

However, this thing was useless before, but it is very useful now.

Gu Shiwei thought about it, but it didn't show up on his face. Instead, he changed the topic, "Mother Lai deserves your attention. She should be born in the family. Have you ever thought about when and why she sided with the Gu family? Against you?"

Mrs. Cao was immediately discouraged when she heard this, and she shook her head dejectedly. "I don't know why? Maybe it's because her old tree is blooming. There was a widower outside who wanted to marry her out of the house. I didn't agree because the widower really looked like a toad, with a lot of pimples on his face. It was too ugly. . Firstly, I do it for her own good, and secondly, I also want a capable dowry mother."

"It's also possible that the time I met a bandit on the road was the time your father saved me. I pushed her into the well and hid her, but there was a snake in the well..."

"It's also possible...let me think about it..."

Gu Shiwei looked at Mrs. Cao who was beginning to think hard, and her words were all stuck in her chest.

What the hell are you thinking!
She was speechless when she heard Wu Jiang's thunderous voice at the door, "Take care of your relatives, take care of your relatives! My uncle has caught Zheng Laoliu! Good guy, you know that the poison dart will hit him if you kick it back." Where is it? Hahaha, it hit his butt!"

"The old man said that there is a tendon there, and it will make him limp when he walks! Do you know what's the most powerful thing? Don't make me laugh to death!"

Gu Shinwei's eyes lit up, and he walked towards the door and opened it, "Well, I feel you are already blooming with joy!"

As she said this, she glanced at Han Shiyan, who was standing beside him looking like a humble gentleman. What were he pretending to be?Being so close, she had already sensed that the two people were sitting on the threshold eavesdropping, and she also knew that Wu Jiang had half-heard and went out to watch the fun...

Now pretending to be serious is like the old bastard catching a snake and wrapping it around his neck, thinking he is Xuanwu.

Wu Jiang put his hands on his hips and laughed, "The most powerful thing is that his poison dart had to be detoxified and the poison was squeezed out... It's like snake venom... He was squeezing in the alley, and our people caught him and he didn't even have time to put on his pants. Wear it!"

"My uncle has already gone to Kaifeng Mansion to review the case. Doesn't he tell me to ask someone to carry Mrs. Cao there?"

As Wu Jiang spoke, he poked his head into the room and said loudly, "Madam Cao, don't worry, I will arrange for eight people to carry it, and I guarantee you won't wander around! The eldest son of the house has already gone directly to the Kaifeng house. "

Gu Shinwei's mouth twitched, and he forgot about the eight sedans.Lady Cao couldn't sit up at all. What did these eight people look like carrying her?Are the bearers carrying the coffin?
Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Han Shiyan wink at her. Gu Shenwei nodded slightly, and while Wu Jiang was busy jumping up and down, he walked out quietly and silently with Han Shiyan.

The music of the wedding banquet was still playing, it was very lively, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time.

Seeing Gu Shiwei stop and watch, Han Shiyan called her softly, "Are you hungry? This matter has caused a big fuss today. Prince Fu Yin will find out the truth impartially. There are people in Kaifeng Mansion who are extremely good at interrogation. Zheng Laoliu will not refuse to explain."

"It will take a while before the ceremony begins. After all, it will take some time to go to Cao's house to get the marriage certificate. How about I invite you to have porridge and cakes near the Kaifeng government office?"

"The case needs to be investigated, and the food needs to be eaten."

Gu Shiwei listened and looked at Han Shiyan with some surprise, "Why are you talking so quietly? You're holding your throat like a thief. Are you frozen or starving?"

Han Shiyan coughed violently after hearing this, and his voice returned to its usual tone, "Maybe! It's too cold at the door! It's not like Gu Gu is in the house with a brazier."

He was so obsessed that he thought he should speak softly to Gu Shiwei.

Gu Shinwei felt relieved now, "This is you. Your voice sounded like you were about to die. I thought it was you who was poisoned, not Zheng Laoliu. Let's go, eat quickly, and then we'll go to the prison." Tell Mrs. Meng the good news that she is going to be a mother."

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