Han Shiyan felt that there was something wrong with him. He actually felt that the time it took to walk from Kaifeng Mansion Office to Sangzi Lane was much shorter than before.

He was listening with great interest to Gu Shinwei's childhood anecdotes, but he didn't want to hear Shili's voice.

"Han Yushi, I will go back first. You came to Sangzi Lane, but you want to go to the next restaurant? Is there any new delicious food nearby?"

Han Shiyan was startled, what should he say?
He thought about sending Gu Shiwei home late at night, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that compared with someone, he was the weak one.Gu Nuxia picks leaves and flowers, and the orchid leaves can be used as swords, so why do you need him to send them as gifts?
The fox sent the tiger home, and his thoughts were clearly revealed.

Han Shiyan's mind turned over and over again, and he finally thought of how to answer, but found that Gu Shiwei had already run to the door. She still didn't knock on the door, but simply jumped up and flew into the courtyard.

Han Shiyan looked at it and laughed dumbly.

He shook his head, turned around and left, unknowingly humming a little tune. When he couldn't walk a few steps, he saw someone smiling at him, his ears turned red, and then he immediately stopped talking and became sullen again. Get serious.

The words were divided into two parts. Gu Shiwei dodged but did not enter his courtyard. Instead, he lightly turned a corner and galloped away into the night.

Without resting her feet, she made many twists and turns, and then she rolled and fell directly onto the railing on the top floor of a three-story restaurant.

This restaurant has not yet opened, and a new plaque has been hung in front of the door with the words "Pingdan Restaurant" written on it.

The building on the first floor was closed, the second floor was pitch black, but the third floor was brightly lit, and the sound of laughter was endless.

Gu Shinwei looked at it and chuckled, she hooked her foot through the window and jumped in.

There is a group table in this room, with five people sitting on it.Gu Shiwei broke the window and entered. Everyone's eyes lit up and they all stood up.

"You're here now. If you don't come again, the storyteller will drink up all the wine."

The man who spoke was wearing a yellow shirt and looked about 27 or [-] years old. He was very charming. When he spoke, his eyes were so gleaming that his bones were numb.

When she said this, the storyteller picked up the wine pot and poured a full glass for Gu Shinwei, waving to her, "Come on, come on, this is shopkeeper Tao's treasure. I can't bear to take it out on weekdays." liquor."

Seeing Gu Shiwei looking at him, he immediately put down the wine cup and pretended to give Gu Shiwei a startling gesture, "Just keep your heart in your heart, Han Chunlou must have said that every day recently. What a shameful thing for a hypocrite. Once I open my mouth, all the storytellers in Bianjing City will follow."

"Within three days, everyone around Bianjing will know it. Within seven days, even the yellow-mouthed children in Suzhou City will be able to chew it for a while."

Gu Shinwei laughed and gave a thumbs up to the storyteller, "Such a grand scene is truly a masterpiece."

As she spoke, she picked up the wine cup on the table, drank it all in one gulp, and hugged her fists at the people present.

"Everyone, I'm late, so I'll punish myself with a drink first. Thanks to you for stopping that old thief Gu Yan for me tonight."

As soon as Gu Shiwei finished speaking, a middle-aged scholar holding a jade bone fan shook his head, "We went to stop him, but there was no one there at all. I thought we would hurry up and hurry up, but we got ahead earlier than expected. I came to Bianjing City and could help you a little, but I don't think it will be of use."

"Then Gu Yanzhi didn't need us to stop him. The carriage drove halfway and then turned back on its own."

Gu Shiwei was stunned. She always thought that the people she sent had an effect, but she never thought that Gu Yanzhi never came to Kaifeng Mansion.

She thought for a moment and smiled to herself, "I was naive. When the old thief saw something was wrong, he immediately regarded Gu Yucheng as an abandoned son. He didn't want to use any force on him at all."

"That's right, Gu Yucheng's usefulness is gone. Although he is a waste, he gave birth to two useful sons for Old Thief Gu." This is what it means for a stupid bamboo to produce a smart bamboo shoot.

Gu Yucheng himself was not good at literature or martial arts, but his two sons were very good at reading.Gu Yanzhi has Gu Jun'an and Gu Junbao with two chess pieces, one light and one dark. What kind of waste does Gu Yucheng want?

Jade Bone Fan shook his head when he heard this, "This surname is Gu is really unheard of. Even the leader of the Demon Cult thinks that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat its seeds. But he is really merciless when he stabs his own people."

"Master, the brothers have already taken care of the things you arranged earlier. It just depends on when you take action and overthrow the old thief."

Gu Shiwei nodded, "Don't worry. Have you heard of this guy? His name is Li Mao. People in the world give him nicknames and give him paper money."

"Throwing paper money?"

"His name was not Li Mao before, but Li Sheng. He used to be a disciple of the Huashan outer sect, but later he was cuckolded by his mother-in-law. In a rage, he killed seven members of his wife's family."

"His father-in-law is not a man of the world, but a scholar. He used to be a teacher in the Huayin County government. After getting into trouble, he left Huashan and went to Suzhou in a different way. A man who is a robber and a robber can at best be considered a gangster."

"Be as bold as an ox and as capable as an ox's hair."

As the storyteller spoke, he suddenly stood up as if he had remembered something. Perhaps he was used to being a storyteller, so he spoke with a bit of surprise.

"If the poster is anxious to find this Li Mao, he must go immediately. He has a regular boatman named Wei Yichao. Wei Yichao has a whole team of boatmen under him. Which boat Wei Yichao sails will send paper money Just open the gambling game on whichever ship, after all, someone is protecting you."

Gu Shiwei was stunned. She didn't have time to think too much and looked at a chubby little girl with bulging cheeks.

The young girl had been silent until now. When she saw Gu Shiwei looking over, she quickly grabbed a chicken drumstick and disappeared into the house in a flash.

The storyteller looked at it and couldn't help but sigh, "An Hui's Qinggong is becoming more and more superb."

Gu Shinwei curled his lips.

During her three years away from home, she met some people and did some things.

In the past, Pingdan Tower was in Suzhou City. She came first with the Imperial City Secretary, and others came one after another in the past few days.

She thought and looked towards the last man who was extremely honest and honest, "An Chao, is there any movement over at Canglang Mountain?"

This An Chao was the biological brother of An Hui's mother, and the two siblings were the first to follow Gu Shiwei.

An Chao shook his head, "It's nothing special. All the Xu family in Canglang Mountain are indeed dead, and no one survived. I squatted on the grave for several days, but Song Yu didn't show up. Only two people came to pay my respects. "

"One of them is very unfamiliar. I asked about him. He is Chang Sui, who is often with the host, Han Yushi."

"He went with Han Zhizhou. Han Zhizhou did not wear official uniforms, but wore casual clothes."

Gu Shiwei nodded and looked at the four people present seriously, "Everyone has a good meal tonight. It's time for us to take the stage."

Dear friends, don’t wait for the next chapter. I have to move early tomorrow morning. I’m too tired to move after packing today.If I take a day off today and tomorrow, I may only update one chapter.The debts owed will never be repaid and will be repaid later.Thank you for your understanding.When I straighten it out, I will update it for everyone and take a bow.

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