"You are not afraid of Mr. Zhang."

When Gu Shiwei heard this, she couldn't help but turn around and look towards Zhang Chunting's small courtyard. The door was still open. From here, she could see the moody Emperor Zhang who had no idea he had left the house.

He had a rabbit-shaped snack spread out in his hand and handed it towards the bird cage hanging in front of the porch.

The crow in the cage stared at him with beady eyes, as if a palace concubine had seen the eunuch in charge bring the crane crown red.

Gu Shinwei couldn't hold it back and asked Li Sansi in front, "Where did Mr. Zhang catch that crow?"

Seeing that she was still in the mood to ask questions, Li Sansi said angrily, "You want to catch one at the mass grave?"

Gu Shiwei heard the anger in his words and turned his head sympathetically, "Afraid, why aren't you afraid! Didn't you see that I was trembling and you even brought a box of snacks to please the adults?"

Li Sansi shook his head and said straightforwardly, "I didn't see it. When Wei Changming first followed the master, he wasn't as bold as you. I don't know why the master wanted to bring you back, but I hope you Don’t harm the adults.”

"My lord has been able to reach this position, and the suffering he has suffered is unimaginable. If you are not good for me, I will kill you even if I risk my life."

"No matter what national laws or family rules, they are not as important as adults in my heart."

Gu Shiwei suppressed his smile and said softly, "Ah", "If someone is harmful to you, I will risk my life and kill him without hesitation."

Li Sansi shook his head again, "You can't. Only Wei Changming thinks you are one of our kind."

"But you're not. If you were, you wouldn't get along like a fish in water with Han Shiyan and Wu Jiang. There is a saying that birds of a feather flock together."

Li Sansi took a deep look at Gu Shiwei. He looked as steady as a mountain, and he and Wei Changming were two completely different types of people.

He said, paused, and added, "At least not now."

"When one day you run into obstacles everywhere, you realize that your so-called fairness and justice simply don't exist in this world. Everything is just a game of nobles, and you and I are both ants."

"You will wake up when you are beaten to death and desperate again, but then there will be no Zhang Chunting to save you."

"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs. Are heaven and earth really just heaven and earth?"

As Li Sansi spoke, his expression changed slightly, but the words in his mouth were a little more sarcastic, "You have already died once, but you are still so naive. You are so stupid and simple that is rare in the world!"

Gu Shiwei listened carefully, and soon he laughed softly.

"Li Sansi, are you secretly listening to what I'm talking to? You can imitate the tone of your concern so perfectly!"

When the bald man, who was as strong as a small tower, heard this, his power was instantly broken. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who cares about you? Why are the little kids nowadays so shameless? Who asked you to call me by my first name?" ? I will follow you first, you are your senior!"

"Oh oh oh," Gu Shinwei blinked, "All? Who does this refer to? Wei Changming? Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei, it doesn't matter if you are scolded!"

Li Sansi snorted, nodded to the guards in front of the dungeon door, took the lantern from their hands and went straight down the steps.

Gu Shinwei looked at his back and laughed out loud, "Senior Li, walk slower! I can't even see the road."

"Don't worry. No matter how much we play, Wei Changsheng and I are just two monkeys in the minds of adults. We will never compare to you, senior. Don't worry! We are just two or three kittens. , no need to play palace battle."

"So you don't have to worry about me suddenly stabbing you in the back, and then becoming the number one scoundrel under my command." Li Sansi's foot slipped, and there was a click, and the lantern handle in his hand was crushed by him. go.

He moved his hand and pinched the half of the handle forward. He turned around and glared at Gu Shinwei fiercely, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

He cursed, but after waiting, he stretched the lantern in Gu Shiwei's direction.

"You are a martial arts practitioner and can't see in the dark? What use do you have?"

As Li Sansi spoke, his hand holding the lantern tightened. He just wanted to give himself a slap in the face and tell you to answer the question, tell you to answer the question!

There used to be Wei Changming, and now there is Gu Shiwei. These two are the kind of shameless guys who beat snakes with sticks. Wei Changming was naturally talkative, and the one in front of him was even more hateful. She was deliberately trying to make people laugh. It's not worth your life to piss someone off.

It's okay if you ignore her. Once you do, she can talk to everyone in the grave for days.

Obviously when we first met, she was still a cold killer and a sweet little lady, but within a few days she had turned on her nose...

Li San thought about it and made up his mind. No matter how much Gu Shiwei tried to antagonize him, he would never say a word again.

But he pricked up his ears and waited and waited. The nagging guy before seemed to have been silenced by someone. He said nothing and looked extremely serious with a straight face!

Li Sansi felt like he was holding his breath in his chest!

This nasty guy!

He walked a few steps, his footsteps making a thumping sound, and soon he reached the deepest part of the dungeon, "See for yourself, don't be so scared that you wet your pants."

Gu Shinwei looked towards the dark and damp dungeon. Among the haystacks, there was a man with mutilated flesh and blood lying there. He lay there motionless, his eyes wide open, staring at the room. Top looked at.

If it weren't for the faint rise and fall of his chest, he would have looked dead.

That person was the assassin who killed Chu Liangchen and Wang Jingtong on the Yong'an River and was captured by her.

"Did they go to kill Chu Liangchen to get the gold ingot?"

Li Sansi felt slightly relieved when he saw that Gu Shinwei's expression remained unchanged and he didn't even blink.

People can be naive and have some ridiculous beliefs, but they cannot be kind to their enemies.

There is no room for birds in cages or flowers in the room in the Imperial City Department... That would kill Mr. Zhang.

"Yes. His name is Chang Yi, and another accomplice is called Ouyang Zhi. They are all killers who are kept in captivity. The person in charge of them is a woman, and the weapon she uses is Emei thorn. Usually the woman wears a hat and a mask, and does not People have seen her true face."

"They usually call her Miss Mianjin, but they don't know anything else."

"Just after you and Wu Jiang left Wushan, Mian Jin arranged for them to kill Chu Liangchen and Wang Jing, and took away the problematic gold from their hands. The order was to kill without mercy."

Gu Shiwei frowned as he heard this, which was completely consistent with Chu Liangchen's confession.

At that time, he said that a woman gave him the ingot of gold and asked him to kill Wang Quan.

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