The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 131 Cotton brocade and gold ingots

Gu Shiwei looked at Han Shiyan's expression changing unpredictably, and muttered in his heart, "Brother Han, there's no need to force it. In fact, my Qinggong is faster than a horse."

"If you want to go with me, I don't mind pinching you all the way! Even though I don't have the strength to lift the cauldron, you can still lift it."

When Han Shiyan heard this, he couldn't help but picture Gu Shiwei holding him up and spinning around in the air. Suddenly, his stomach felt like he was in over his head, and he felt like the world was spinning just by standing there.

This is simply like an ant wielding a sledgehammer. It is better to die in shame than to die stupidly.

Han Shiyan stopped hesitating and waved decisively towards the carriage parked not far away, "Don't force yourself at all. There is nothing to do at Yushitai. Take the carriage!"

Gu Shenwei glanced at him suspiciously, sighing in his heart. Among the three of them, only Wu Jiang had dedicated himself to Dayong and died...

She sighed and looked towards the carriage. The coachman's eyes lit up and he waved enthusiastically towards the other end, just like a big tree swaying in the strong wind. He whipped up his whip and shouted to hurry up. The carriage turned around.

"Mother-in-law Gu, get in the car quickly. Our royal censor has replenished the food box, and there is hawthorn cake in it! He also asked the princess for some medicinal oil, thinking that Gu Mingshi will be well-prepared when he goes out on errands!"

Han Shiyan was about to get on the bus when he heard the driver's gentle voice, and he suddenly choked and coughed violently.

His face turned red from coughing, and he quickly got into the carriage with a flick of his sleeves.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. These are all necessary in the carriage. He has no clue and was led astray by my mother-in-law."

As Han Shiyan said with a blush, he saw Gu Shiwei reach out his hand and hand him a pear candy.

"Although it doesn't taste very good, it is very effective in curing coughs. I hurt my lungs in the past, and I often kept coughing when it rained. I always relied on this to survive. Like you, this is a must-have."

Han Shiyan recalled the smell that hit his soul, he held the carriage door open and glared at the driver.

The coachman seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He laughed, raised his whip and hummed a tune!

"This tune is so familiar. It sounds like the joy that Ruo Ri heard at the Wang family's wedding banquet!" Gu Shiwei pricked up his ears and listened, only sighing that the Han family is worthy of being a big family. It really has a profound background, and every coachman knows the music. Know the elegant meaning.

Han Shiyan, who was sitting next to her, felt like his ears were on fire. He took a deep breath and finally understood how his brain was broken.

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. If you stay with the fools in the house for a long time, your brain will naturally become useless...

However, this entanglement did not last long. On the way to Wufu Temple, Gu Shiwei explained her findings to Han Shiyan.

"So you think that Mian Jin and the Gu family are loyal to the same conspirator. Who could this person be? Judging from the time, the Gu family made the bet before the weapon-breaking case. At that time, the status of the East Palace was stable. He was the direct eldest son of the Central Palace. , although I don’t see any sign of a wise king, there is nothing wrong with me.”

"Although the official family really loves Concubine Su, her son was still in her belly at that time, and her eldest son had no chance of fighting against her."

"If Gu Zhi dared to place a bet at that time, then I can only say that he took the risk to gain wealth to the extreme."

Gu Shiwei thought carefully about Han Shiyan's words. It was true that when her mother gave birth to her baby brother early, the Tang brothers' father, Dr. Tang, had not come back from the palace to help Concubine Su's pregnancy and provide postpartum care. The Gu family was also sure of this, so they sent someone with a post to ask Imperial Doctor Tang to save his life.

She thought and frowned, "If that's the case, why did Mian Jin bother to take out the ingot of gold to test Chu Liangchen? In fact, I have never figured it out. Since they took away the tax money, why not Just melt this thing away.”

"Just like the gold and silver we found when we went to Li Zhenxian's home, there must be a lot of dirty silver that he obtained through corruption."

"How did he do it? He directly melted it and made it into gold bricks according to his own model. This is equivalent to destroying the corpse and eradicating traces. Can someone who can openly build a plank road secretly move so much gold and silver away from the warehouse, can't even think of this?"

"If all the gold and silver have been dealt with, what if Chu Liangchen sees the tax money below turned into stone?"

If Mian Jin had not delivered the problematic gold to Chu Liangchen, after so many years and most of the water ghosts were unable to go down to the bottom of the river to find out what was going on, the Kaifeng government would have wanted to raise the tax again. How easy is it to say that there is insufficient evidence in a major silver case?

This time, she alerted the enemy. Not only did she provide evidence, but she also lost Chang Yitong and Ouyang Zhi, which further exposed herself.

Han Shiyan shook his head when he heard this, "Maybe she was too arrogant and thought she was a cat and Chu Liangchen was a mouse. She didn't expect that the mouse pretended to be dead and deceived the cat, and also attracted a tiger."

"If Chu Liangchen hadn't been so sharp and alert, he would have been silenced by Mian Jin. If you hadn't appeared, Chang Yi and Ouyang Zhi would have successfully killed Chu Liangchen and silenced him this time. She didn't consider your variable, It’s also very possible.”

Gu Shiwei suppressed the doubts in his heart as he listened, "I always feel that this is quite inconsistent, but we will find out when we dig out the cotton brocade."

Gu Shiwei thought, and before Han Shiyan could answer, he raised his chin with some pride, "I see there is no red rain in the sky, why is Han Yushi praising me? Alas, I am not talented, but It's more powerful than a tiger, so you can try catching big insects with your bare hands!"

Han Shiyan's mouth twitched and he laughed silently.

At this time, the coachman's voice came from outside the carriage and asked, "For my family's sake, where are we going to stop? There is Wufu Temple not far ahead."

Gu Shinwei suddenly became energetic. She knocked on the wall of the carriage and responded, "Pull over now. Let's get out of the car and take a look."

"Great! Huh!" the coachman shouted several times, the carriage stopped on the side of the road, and Gu Shinwei lightly jumped out of the carriage.

This place is a well-maintained mountain road, which can accommodate a carriage. Standing here and looking around, you can indeed see the Wufu Temple, Tai'an Temple and the Songzi Temple among the shadowy mountains and forests.

Looking down, there is a wide road. There are carriages passing by from time to time on the road, which looks very lively.

I think that in the past, this mountain road was the only way to reach these three temples and Taoist temples. The mountain road was steep and narrow, making it inconvenient for noble carriages to pass. After the incense in Wufu Temple flourished, wealthy pilgrims built a new flat road, and the old road was abandoned.

Gu Shiwei thought about Jing Li's words and sniffed.

However, if Jing Li's nose is the number one, then they are blind people who cannot read a single word. They are not people of the same level at all. She cannot smell the strong smell of blood.

She could only smell the incense scent of Han Shiyan who was very close to her. It was an indescribable harsh smell.

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