The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 135 The Intention of a Drunkard

Chapter 135 The Intention of a Drunkard


Mrs. Lu Guogong cursed in her heart. If Han Shiyan, the evildoer, hadn't poured ink on her, would she still need someone to prove her innocence?

Although she was a bit deceitful in her fooling around just now, there are so many people in Bianjing who look sanctimonious during the day, and men steal and prostitute women at night, so that's all. Just because the next emperor has the blood of her Su family, who dares to tell her right and wrong to her face?

As long as she couldn't listen, nothing was said behind the scenes.

"Ma'am, think about it carefully. You have always lived in seclusion, and you are afraid that someone will do something like this. You are a drunkard who is not interested in drinking!"

When Han Shiyan saw her wandering in the sky, his anger almost overflowed from his body, and he immediately added such an imaginative sentence.

When Mrs. Lu Guogong heard this, her expression suddenly changed as if she had thought of something.

Gu Shiwei looked in his eyes and thoughtfully turned the prayer beads hidden in his sleeve pocket.

It was given to her by Wujiang's sister Wu Wu, and they all agreed that it should belong to Princess Fushun.

Could the meaning of drunkard that Mrs. Lu Guogong just thought of be the secret of this Buddhist bead?

Gu Shiwei thought, turning to look at the Wufu Temple not far behind him. There is a tall pagoda in this temple, and its top can be seen from a distance even in the city. It has something to do with Princess Fushun. Will the Buddhist beads come from Wufu Temple?

Gu Shiwei had a vague suspicion in her heart, but now was not the time to verify it. She withdrew her gaze and looked at Mrs. Lu Guogong.

She picked up the handkerchief and covered her mouth, then held up the hibiscus silk flower that was about to fall off her temples. After thinking about it, she answered Han Shiyan's question.

"I come to Wufu Temple three times a month, firstly to pray for my late husband, and secondly to listen to Master Yuanfa's lectures. Every time I come early in the morning to listen to the morning lectures, and have a fast meal in the temple at noon. Go down the mountain and back to the city."

"Everyone who knows me well knows this. I have a secluded courtyard in Wufu Temple that I use alone. I will live here for a few days before and after the anniversary of my late husband's death. My carriage has always been parked in that courtyard. .”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and pointed to a corner of the eaves not far from here, "That's it!"

"Buddhism is a place of pure cultivation. Every time I go, I will leave my servants at the foot of the mountain, and only one person will ride in the car. Praying and chanting sutras are all done without leaving hands. Today, after the car driver parked the car, he told me that he wanted to seek Master Zhilin. Fortune telling... I gave him the fortune telling gold and let him go."

"It was about 10 o'clock at that time...the carriage was parked there, and no one was guarding it. Anyone could go in and cause trouble. Maybe someone took advantage of the loophole at that time and stuffed the body in."

The people around listened and looked at Mrs. Lu Guogong with strange eyes.

Han Shiyan frowned and said, "What you mean is that there is a small courtyard here just for you to hang out with others. In order to avoid the maids and the coachman from disturbing them, they will all be moved away. Witnesses who can prove that you did not kill anyone. , this is the only one who is the good nephew..."

The waiter had completely come to his senses now. Hearing Han Shiyan mention him, he kindly added, "My name is Mo Ming."

"The only one who can prove that you don't have time to kill is Mo Ming. After all, you were with him at the time," Han Shiyan added kindly.

The blood of Mrs. Lu Guogong has rushed to the top of her head. She doubts that if someone gives her a hammer now, the blood and energy boiling in her head can shoot up to the clouds like an arrow and shoot down an eagle!

It’s really irritating!

She couldn't bear it anymore and cursed at Han Shiyan angrily, "Ignorant child! What grudge do I have against you? Why do you want to harm me like this?"

"This Mo Ming is a good young man. When my husband was alive, he had many wives and concubines, and he often went out to look for flowers and willows. I have been frustrated for so long. Now that I am old, I asked some cats and dogs to sing some songs and massage my legs. Why not make me happy?"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Lu Guogong became more courageous. She flicked her sleeves and walked away. "Don't stop me. I'm going back to my house now. I didn't kill the people on the left and right, and I don't know why there is such a corpse in the car. What the Imperial City Secretary said about Emei Thorn earlier, I know more I’ve never heard of it.”

"I don't know this unlucky thing that died here. I don't even know where it came from. If you want to find out, just go and find out. I don't know anything about it."

"And you people, don't let me hear any rumors. Who doesn't have an actor? Who doesn't like to see beauties? They are all equal to each other. Don't embarrass anyone! Before speaking, Consider yourself! Open your eyes and see if you are worthy!"

As she spoke, she stamped her foot angrily. Her soft-soled embroidered shoes stomped on the stone, and the pain in her foot made her groan.

Mrs. Lu Guogong had already forgotten about Mo Ming. She cursed at the obedient coachman not far away and shouted, "You guys with no eyesight, why don't you ask Mother Zhao and the others to drive another carriage?" Come up and pick me up! Are you dead?"

The coachman bent down and led the horse that had run away violently to Lady Lu's side.

Mrs. Lu Guogong was still frightened, so she slapped the horse. The horse also had a bad temper. With a wild swing of its tail, it swept directly into Mrs. Lu Guogong's face, removing the crooked flower on her head. The hibiscus flower was pulled down.

The people around him couldn't hold it back and laughed softly.

Mrs. Lu Guogong was even more furious. She grabbed the whip from the coachman's hand and turned around suddenly.

Seeing this, Han Shiyan took a few steps forward and stood in front of everyone, "Madam is very angry, and I suggest you use more Coptis chinensis to relieve the anger. I don't mean to humiliate Madam by saying this. I just want to prove that you are not a good person." For you to kill, there needs to be clear evidence that you simply didn’t have time to kill.”

"There was no chance of being present at the crime scene when the deceased died. The key to proving this is to have witnesses. Madam is lucky to have Mo Ming as a witness."

Lucky ass!

Mrs. Lu Guogong felt that all her anger in this life was gone in this moment!

"Madam was in the house at the time. Did you notice any noises outside? For example, if the horse made any strange movements, it was said that the owner of the horse is the owner. I think this horse has a bad temper and a very strong temper."

"If someone comes near, will it get into trouble? Someone entered the yard to hide the body, and you didn't notice anything wrong?"

"And do you have any enemies? It can't be for no reason. Who is targeting you? This person knows you quite well, knows your whereabouts, and also knows that there is a mezzanine in your carriage... Think about it carefully I want to see if anyone’s name can come to mind?”

"She could have planned to harm you the first time, but there might be a second time. It's better to find out."

Mrs. Lu Guogong glanced at Han Shiyan suspiciously. He was a very upright person, and every word he said was loud and clear. He seemed to be trying to help her.

She shook her head. How could Han Shiyan, a piece of shit, have good intentions? Even if you are short-sighted, you can’t lack so much!

Although her cruel words have been released, there is no airtight wall in the world. She can foresee how the sister in the palace will be furious, and the good reputation she has worked so hard for so long will be ruined!

She thought and glared at Han Shiyan angrily, "I can't figure out who it is, and I didn't hear any noise or find anything wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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