Although the boy was young, he had a good face and looked somewhat similar to Han Shiyan.

"Han Yushi, could this secret be that Princess Fushun gave birth to a child? What made Bianjing a city that never sleeps was not the candlelight in the flower streets and willow lanes, but the green light on my cousin Gu Junan's head?"

As Gu Shinwei spoke, he patted Han Shiyan on the shoulder, secretly glad that he had not told him his suspicions about the Ma family.

"You are not a gentleman. Princess Shang will not affect your position as censor at all. Why don't you hold the child and ask Princess Fushun to divorce your husband immediately! Your mother-in-law is so happy when she sees it!"

Han Shiyan came back from the shock. He looked at Gu Shinwei speechlessly, and as expected, he saw that her face was a little more alienated than before.

At this moment, they seemed to have gone back to the time when they first met at Han Chun Tower.

Gu Shiwei said friendly words, but in fact he had already been thinking about how to use him and how to cross the river to rescue him.

"In Gu's mind, is Han the kind of person who is always merciful and has no responsibility? Han doesn't care about such trivial matters as love."

Han Shiyan snorted coldly, couldn't help but put his hands behind his back, and straightened his back proudly.

Gu Shenwei glanced at him suspiciously and sneered, "I know your great achievements in defeating your wife's clan, but this person can't speak too fully. When you kneel under your wife's pomegranate skirt and be a dog in the future, I will Three times a day, someone who listens in the corner and then comes out and laughs at you!”

"Look at that child's face. Even if your mother has another child, she may not look so much like you."

When Han Shiyan heard this, he looked towards the small fenced courtyard again. Although he deliberately lowered his voice when talking to Gu Shiwei, he could not escape the ears and eyes of the martial arts practitioners.

The green-shirted assassin held the child in his arms and looked over angrily and warily, "You are following me!"

The answer was obvious and no one answered it.

Han Shiyan looked at the child's frightened face and sighed softly, "It looks a bit like me, but more like the same person, my cousin Han Jingyan."

Gu Shenwei was startled and recalled what Han Shiyan had said to her before. She said that Concubine Su wanted Han Jingyan to marry Fushun, but not to mention that Han Jingyan had no love for Fushun, he still had A well-matched marriage decided since childhood.

The Han family was a wealthy family, and Concubine Su could not keep up with them at every step.

Just when the Han family thought something was going to happen, Concubine Su suddenly chose Gu Junan again.

So what happened to this child?

Gu Shiwei breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Han Shiyan and had ten story books opened in her mind at the same time. What a guy! Is this a drunken princess running away with her child? Han Jingyan knows nothing about it...or is she a hypocrite and a real scumbag, and a gay princess is in a sadomasochistic relationship...

Gu Shiwei was thinking wildly, but he was a little disappointed.

Is this the princess’s secret? She thought it was some sharp weapon that could clear away the fog.

Gu Shiwei thought, her ears twitched, she looked behind her, and saw a horse galloping over quickly.

The horse was bumpy in the mountains and forests, but the person on the horse didn't care. She looked anxious, and even her bun came loose.

Seeing Gu Shiyan and Han Shiyan, Princess Fushun jumped off the horse with a small jump. Her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground. After staggering a few times, she ran anxiously in the direction of Han Shiyan and Gu Shiyan. Come over. "Cousin, you are caring about your family affairs, you are naive and innocent, please show mercy!"

She shouted, lifted up her skirt and ran quickly towards the small fenced courtyard, took the child from the arms of the assassin in green shirt, and held him tightly in her arms. Seeing that the child was safe and sound, She lay on the child's neck and sucked.

Then he handed the child to the wet nurse who followed timidly.

"Take Cong'er down, don't scare him, and then bandage Han Dong. These two are my old friends and won't hurt me."

Han Dong hesitated for a moment, then took a deep look at Gu Shiwei, and then quickly walked in while guarding the child.

Gu Shiwei looked at it and sneered, "When the princess planted peach blossoms on my little brother's grave, she didn't mention anything about old friends."

That night when a few of them broke into Gu's house, raised the coffin for their little brother, and demanded justice from the Gu family, Fushun watched from a distance. She was not like this at that time.

Chengmingyuan was bulldozed, and so was her younger brother's grave.

Her home has become a peach blossom forest for the princess to play.

Princess Fushun pursed her lips, but did not accept Gu Shishiwei's words. She looked at Han Shiyan and said softly, "This child has nothing to do with the Han family, and he is not of Han Jingyan's blood."

She said and smiled sarcastically, "You know my mother-in-law, if I were pregnant with Han Jingyan's child, how could she give up the opportunity to win over the Han family for my younger brother? She would just crush my face on the ground. She will also break up Han Jingyan’s marriage and force him to marry me.”

"Then where did this child come from? His appearance..."

Princess Fushun smiled, her eyes slightly red, and she looked in the direction of Wufu Temple. It took a while before she looked back.

"Although I am a princess, because I am deeply loved by my father, I can go out of the palace several times a year. On the Lantern Festival of that year, my mother-in-law asked the eldest lady to let me stay at my uncle's house for two days to accompany my grandparents. Let’s go see the lanterns.”

"It's cliche to say that I happened to meet Aze on the Yong'an Bridge. He was a young escort. There was nothing special about him originally, but he happened to have a face that was very similar to Han Jingyan."

"I was obsessed with Han Jingyan at the time, so I asked my aunt, Mrs. Lu Guogong, to leave Aze in Bianjing."

"I did a lot of wrong things back then, and I gave birth to this child by mistake. He was a poor child. He was sent to the nearby Songzi Empress Temple to be raised after he was born. On weekdays, he only has Aunt Zhao came to see him."

"Aze refused to forgive me and has now become a monk at Wufu Temple. I had no choice but to follow my mother's arrangement and marry your cousin Gu Jun'an."

"He has neither father nor mother. He has never left these mountains since he was so old, let alone set foot in Bianjing City."

Princess Fushun said, looking at Gu Shiwei pleadingly, "I know you hate the Gu family, but this child has nothing to do with the Gu family... I beg you not to tell anyone, so that this child can stay in Bianjing City and let him At least I can grow up under my parents’ eyes..."

Hearing this, Gu Shiwei looked towards the dilapidated window of the small courtyard.

The child was lying by the window and quietly looking outside, his eyes wide open curiously. He was not very sensible yet, and he didn't understand what was happening now.

"Gu Shiwei, you are also a woman, and you know how difficult it is for a woman to survive. Although I am a princess, I can't help myself."

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