Chapter 147 The second rebel

Mrs. Lin raised her foot to leave, but was stopped by Gu Shiwei again.

"No, I forgot. That man also has a son who is very similar to him. This is contrary to disguise. After all, a snake cannot disguise itself as a dragon and still give birth to a dragon son."

Chu Daodao said in court before that this kind of disguise is not like a female ghost's painted skin, but that the two of them are somewhat similar in nature, so they can achieve it. If you want children to look alike, unless Aze and Han Jingyan are twin brothers.

Mrs. Lin paused, and the excitement in her eyes disappeared instantly.

"It seems that the old woman was almost lucky. She couldn't arrest the traitor of my senior sister this time."

"It can't be true if it's fake. In the final analysis, the disguise is just a cover-up. The situation mentioned by the poster is either a coincidence, or someone with ulterior motives is looking for a needle in a haystack to find a similar person."

Mother Du traveled all over the country alone, and didn't she find a Chu Daodao who was somewhat similar to Gu Qiniang?

If someone deliberately wants to destroy Princess Fushun, knowing that she is full of love and Han Jingyan, it is not impossible to create such a liar who looks exactly the same.

"There is another possibility, that is, blood relatives come to take revenge. The rotten fish and shrimps in the noble family are like dandelions, scattering their seeds everywhere, and it is not surprising that anything will happen."

"If they are as similar as the poster said, then they are probably brothers."

Gu Shinwei stood thoughtfully by the stove. Mrs. Lin put the crucian carp he bought earlier into the basin. As soon as the fish hit the water, it jumped up and down, splashing water everywhere.

It is obvious that disguising a child will not work, even if the assassin in green shirt is Mrs. Lin's senior sister. If Princess Fushun loves her son so much that she gives the boy a bath, will she still have a shadow of water for the rest of her life?

What is it that gets uglier the more I wash it? Will she give birth to a child from Pan An to Li Kui?

Gu Shiwei shook her head. She had been overusing her brain recently, and all these strange thoughts were flying all over the place!

She cleared her throat and said, "In that case, mother-in-law, let's go take a look. After all, there are all kinds of wonders in this world, so it's better to confirm it to avoid capsizing the boat in the gutter. I will ask someone to investigate whether there is anything strange about that person's life experience."

Mrs. Lin glanced at Gu Shiwei with approval. She reached out and picked up a small, flat floral cloth bag from the side of the stove, put it in her waist, and then walked out quickly.

Although the flower bag looks inconspicuous, it is full of Mrs. Lin's murderous artifacts. A little powder in it can poison a person to heaven immediately.

Gu Shiwei listened to Mrs. Lin's voice greeting Shili and walked out slowly.

Gu Shenjing was eating sesame candy. The candy was so stretched that the sesame residue stuck to the corner of his mouth. When he saw Gu Shiwei coming out, he looked over with bright eyes and said, "Sister."

Ever since he knew that Chu Liangchen was not going to die and was expected to be exiled three thousand miles away with little care, and that he might have a chance to find out about his mother-in-law, the boy really relaxed a lot.

Gu Shinwei looked at his smiling face and felt a little dazed for a moment.

If only her little brother was still alive, he would be as happy to see her as the child in front of him!

Now is not the time. After she overthrows the Gu family and sends all the scumbags in that family to hell, she will bring her younger brother and grandma back and reunite the family.

Just as Gu Shiwei was thinking, he heard a knock on the door.

"Um, does Gu Qiniang live here?"

When Gu Shiwei heard this, he turned around and looked over, and saw a woman wearing a green undershirt and a white dress standing in front of the door. Her hair was simply pulled up, with some millet beads on it, making her look elegant and pretty.

Seeing Gu Shiwei, the lady's eyes turned red, she pursed her lips, and knocked on the door again. “Sister Seventeen, may I come in?”

Gu Shenwei was startled and suppressed the smile on his face, "I heard that the fifteenth sister got married last year and followed her husband to move to Jinzhou. At this juncture, could it be that she has returned to Bianjing to work as a lobbyist? There is no turning back. , If the fifteenth sister is here to be the matchmaker, it’s better not to say anything.”

She grew up in the Gu family since she was a child. There were so many brothers and sisters in the family, so it was impossible for her not to know any of them.

If anyone in the whole family is closest to her, it is Gu Wuniang from the fourth room.

Although she was a swordsman in the past and basically spent all her energy on practicing martial arts, Gu Wuniang was only a year older than her, and the two of them were arranged to sit together when eating. The brothers and sisters next to them are naturally much familiar with each other.

Gu Wuniang sighed softly, and waved her hand to the mother-in-law behind her, indicating that they should not follow her in.

Then he lifted up his skirt and walked in quickly, "You are still the same as before, the person with the most ideas in the whole Gu family. I know that it is futile to say anything now. If possible, I would rather stay in Jinzhou and never do anything else in my life. Looking back at home.”

"But my mother is still here. Although I don't like her, I can't just watch her being buried with the Gu family."

"I came here today, apparently to make peace on behalf of my grandfather, but actually I want to make a deal with you."

Gu Shinwei's heart moved slightly, and she took a deep look at Gu Wuxiniang. She used to talk to Gu Wuxiniang, not only because they were similar in age, but because she had a fierce temper and was one of the doughty girls in the fourth room of the Gu family. The only thorn in the side!

The floor of the Gu family ancestral hall made her kneel until it was shiny.

She thought about it and walked silently towards the house. Seeing this, Gu Wuxiniang quickly followed her in.

Seeing Gu Shiwei sit down at the table, Gu Wuxiniang immediately tried to sit on half of her buttocks. Seeing that Gu Shiwei didn't scold her, she breathed a sigh of relief and moved to the stool, sitting on her whole buttocks. Go up.

"Grandpa wants me to make peace. Is it possible to offset the hatred in your heart with the life of my uncle and my second wife? If you agree to stop here, the future and the past will be wiped out. Although he said so, you must not believe it."

"He is thinking of cutting off his tail to survive, and he will come back with revenge as soon as he recovers. It is more likely that he asked me to make peace here, but he is already thinking of killing you over there."

Gu Wuxiniang said, twitching her lips mockingly.

She looked at Gu Shiwei and saw that she was unmoved. Instead, she frowned slightly and sighed again.

"Gu Shiwei is not the only one who is resisting in the quagmire," Gu Wuniang said, rolling up her sleeves and exposing her arms.

Gu Shiwei looked over, but his pupils shrank sharply. He saw that the white and tender arms were covered with dense scars. They looked like old wounds. Although the scabs had healed now, there were still scars left that could never be eliminated. Scars that cannot be healed.

"I want my mother-in-law to make peace with Gu Laosi. If the divorce doesn't work out, she can be divorced. In exchange, I will work with you to deal with the Gu family. I know a secret that you definitely don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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