Chapter 149 Her nobleman

Gu Shiwei was shocked.

"It's hard to stop the water, why are you doing this! I really don't know that there is something wrong with Gu Jun'an's number one pick, but I actually have other ways to defeat each one."

She would not take action without complete preparation.

Since she had already taken action against the Gu family, she would definitely not be unprepared and end up being bitten instead of being killed.

The first and second bedrooms are already in jail, waiting for the irreversible ending. The reason for temporarily stopping her action is that now is not the time for her to disobey Zhang Chunting's order; secondly, it is to wait... Waiting for the Gu family to be imminent and in chaos, it is best to find The man behind the scenes asks for help...

Today she went to Wufu Temple to get Princess Fushun's promise. As long as Concubine Su didn't exert pressure, Zhang Chunting didn't bother to care about her at all.

She will soon be able to cut off Gu Yan's next limb!

Gu Wuniang didn't lie. What she said was indeed a secret that she didn't know.

She thought she had everything under control, but she didn't expect that the Gu family was really a muddy pond. The more you dig, the more roots you get.

Gu Wuxiniang smiled sadly, "My parents don't treat me as well as you. I have died once, so there is nothing to be afraid of. A place like a tomb like the Gu family should be set on fire as soon as possible." Drop it clean."

"When the day the building collapses, leave me the archway with the family rules engraved on it, and I will hammer it to pieces."

As Gu Wuniang said, she wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Gu Junyao is his lifeblood. These words were blurted out by him in a hurry, and they cannot be faked. After Gu Junan heard this, he went and invited an imperial doctor named Shan to come late at night without saying a word. It can be seen from this that, that The words are true and not false.”

"Gu Jun'an, the number one student in high school, must have a hidden secret. This is the secret I want to tell you."

"It's ironic to say that Dr. Shan didn't revive Gu Junyao after he came, but he saved me, who was in a state of mutilated flesh and blood."

"Emperor Shan said that Gu Junyao was taking ginseng candy at the time. It was a tonic that his father and mother had specially asked a doctor to prepare for him. He was frightened, and the candy suddenly got stuck in his throat. If he found it in time and dug it out, he would still be alive. It can be saved.”

"But my father only focused on beating me, why did he think about looking to the side?"

Gu Shiwei listened carefully and did not interrupt Gu Wuxiniang.

"Mr. Shan couldn't bear to look at it and gave me medicine. He is a rare good man. Perhaps he heard about my marriage to Marquis Taiping. When he took my pulse, he said one more thing, saying that I was beaten very hard this time. If you do this, I’m afraid it will be difficult for your heirs in the future.”

"And he was afraid that my family would not give me good treatment, so he came to check my pulse every day for half a month. If he had no time, he would ask his apprentice to come."

"When he came like this, the Taiping Marquis Mansion quickly heard the news that I was seriously ill and quietly broke off the engagement."

"I thought that this matter would be over after I got better, but I thought of them too kindly. When Doctor Shan came back for no reason, my father lost control like crazy. He couldn't blame himself, so he Blame Junyao's death entirely on me."

"He hated me so much that he used a whip this time. He was like a crazy buffalo that day."

Gu Wuniang sneered, "Isn't it ironic? Doctor Shan who we met for the first time tried his best to pull me back from the gate of hell, but my biological father wanted to beat me to death on the spot. If it hadn't been for my mother's final death After being whipped three times for me, I might have died for the second time..."

"Because of these three whips, I wanted to try to get her away from the Gu family, as a way of repaying my kindness." "I really don't deserve to die. Just when he wanted to beat me to death and bury me with Gu Junyao, someone came to the house. Proposed marriage to me... That person is a junior whom Imperial Physician Shan knows. Although that person is older than me, his wife died in childbirth and left no heirs."

"He comes from a wealthy family in Hedong and is a Jinshi. He has a good character."

Gu Shiwei listened and finally understood why Gu Wuxiniang married to Jinzhou. She thought about it and said, "Gu Yan didn't want you to give birth to a daughter and become a waste. He came out specially at the moment of your life and death." Turn the tide, angrily scold Gu Laosi and then pretend to be the charitable grandfather who came to save you."

Gu Wuniang nodded heavily, her eyes full of mockery, "You have seen through it all, it is so hypocritical and disgusting."

"But no matter what, I survived again. After I recovered from my injuries, I married and went to Jinzhou."

"On the day I got married, Doctor Shan came to congratulate me. He quietly told me that my heir was fine. He said that because he didn't want me to jump into the fire pit of Taiping Marquis Mansion. If I hadn't met such a noble person as Doctor Shan... How can I see you, Seventeenth Sister, today?"

Gu Shiwei also looked sad when he heard this.

She looked at Gu Wuniang and nodded at her, "I agree to your deal. But I still said the same thing. If you want your mother to leave, she may not be willing to leave. So. If she blames you in the future, you can’t blame me.”

Gu Wuxiniang said "Yeah" heavily.

She wiped her eyes, walked to Gu Shenwei's bronze mirror, rearranged her hair and makeup, and then smiled at Gu Shen.

"Today may be the last time we see each other. I have a pair of bracelets that I often wore in the past. I originally thought that since you and I are close in age, we should get married around the same time. I will keep one and give the other to you as a gift. , it can also be regarded as the thoughts between sisters."

As Gu Wuniang spoke, she took out a silk handkerchief from her arms. The silk handkerchief opened and contained a hibiscus-colored bracelet.

The quality of this bracelet is not good, and it is also engraved with extremely childish flowers. Not to mention the carving is not very fine, and even the circles are extremely small. If you are fatter, you will not be able to wear it at all.

Gu Shiwei looked at it, feeling familiar in his heart.

In the past, Gu Wuniang especially liked pink colors. She was born with fair skin and a bit bitter summer. In summer, she would hide in the house and secretly wear half-sleeves that were not allowed by the Gu family's rules, exposing her white and tender arms.

At that time, she was wearing this pair of jade bracelets on her wrists. She got them from a trip to her maternal grandfather's house with her mother one year.

"I accepted the bracelet, but I don't have the day to get married. After the matter is over, I will leave Bianjing to travel around the world. Maybe I will arrive in Jinzhou one day, and then I will look for you to go out for a drink."

As Gu Shinwei said, he came close to Gu Wuxiniang's ear and whispered in a low voice.

As she spoke, Gu Wuxiniang nodded heavily. After a while, she said, "Don't worry, I will do it to the letter. Shall we do it tonight?"

Gu Shiwei hummed softly and looked at her, "If you..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Wuxiniang nodded heavily, "I can!"

(End of this chapter)

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