Chapter 152 Fifteenth Drama

Lu's family is weak and dull.

This was Gu Shinwei's impression of her all along. When Gu Wuxiniang was punished in the past, she would always stand aside with her head lowered and beaten with three sticks, and she never said a word to help.

Only when she was in front of her mother Zuo Tang, she would raise her chin proudly and stroke Gu Junyao's head in circles.

The child's hair was so shiny when I touched it that a fly would scream in horror when he stood on it, "It's swollen, it's swollen!"

Gu Shinwei looked at Gu Junan, who had a broken head and blood, and then at Lu, who looked like an angry lioness, and shook his head with a click of his tongue.

It's a pity that she is the only one watching such a beautiful show!

"Gu Jun'an, your eldest brother is so cruel! You have become the royal son-in-law, and every one of the Gu family has cut their wrists to let you suck blood to feed them, but your eldest brother is still greedy and wants to kill every one of us. Squeeze them all dry!"

"The brothers in the second and third bedrooms are all idiots and can't hold up the wall, so you allow them to do hard labor!"

"On the contrary, we have four and five bedrooms... I don't know what other people know, but when Gu Younian brought Zuo Tang back to his house, he was going to leave. But your grandparents threatened them with their lives, forcing them to give birth to a boy. To leave, Gu Younian and Zuo Tang had filial piety, so they stayed. Who knew that fate would come or not leave..."

When Gu Shiwei heard this, he was startled.

Neither her father nor her mother said a word to her about this.

She recalled her father's sad look when he left Chengmingyuan and entered the palace. Was it because the family would be able to live happily ever after, but their hope was abruptly cut off?

Gu Shiwei thought and looked at Lu. She looked crazy now, as if she was crazy.

"You useless trash, are you scared to death? You're afraid that Gu Younian's son is better than you, and that my Junyao is better than you! So your eldest brother killed them, so that the four and five bedrooms only have I can always be a cow and a horse for you, I rely on you!"

"You are so cruel! That magpie back then was poisonous, right? You wanted to kill me, Tong Junyao, but Junyao was lucky and he survived! You saw him growing bigger and bigger, and you saw him Huan Ying plans everything for him... He is so smart, he will definitely be the number one talent in the future!"

"That's why you killed him! It was you who deliberately refused to ask for the imperial doctor. It was you who delayed it on purpose. It was you who killed my Junyao!"

"That's my lifeline! Gu Jun'an, if my son dies, you won't be able to live either!"

Gu Shiwei couldn't help but rub his ears. Lu's screams were almost going to pierce people's eardrums...

No, you should keep fighting! Why are you telling these lies against your will?

Is Gu Junyao the top talent? That is unless the Emperor of Great Yong declares that from now on "idiot" will no longer be called "idiot", but will be called "number one scholar"! In that case, he indeed has the talent to be the "number one"!

"Why are you crazy! Who is afraid of Gu Junyao! Who wants to kill you!"

As expected, Gu Junan, who was still dazed before, couldn't help himself when he heard such outrageous words.

He covered his bleeding head and felt that his eyes were filled with scarlet. Gu Junan reached out to wipe the blood from his eyes and wanted to push Lu.

"Little beast, how dare you say that you have no murderous intentions... I know everything. My Yaoer came back and told me. He said that it was your eldest brother who killed him! My son is dead, your eldest son's son Why are you still alive in the world?"

Lu howled, raised the stone again, and slammed it towards Gu Jun'an.

Gu Junan was startled and hurriedly reached out to block it. The stone hit his arm hard and broke into two halves with a loud bang.

Gu Shinwei squatted aside and watched, and then took out a bag of fried glutinous rice balls that he had hidden. Shili's craftsmanship was good, and the black sesame filling inside was so delicious that it almost touched your tongue. Wonderful! Just break her hand... She wanted to break Gu Junan's arm when he was writing the world-famous "Book of Absolute Love". "You killed my son! You deserve retribution!"

Gu Junan felt a sharp pain in his hand. He became completely angry and covered his arm, then kicked Lu with a fierce kick...

Lu was already weak, so she couldn't withstand such a kick. She was kicked out and was about to hit the door frame.

At this moment, a green figure flew over and blocked the door frame, acting as Lu's human cushion. Gu Wuniang groaned, ignoring the pain on her body, and turned around. He hugged Mrs. Lu and shouted, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming! Please call the doctor! My mother is not good!"


Gu Wuniang's eyes were filled with tears. She felt the whining and struggling sounds of the person in front of her. She silently increased her strength and tried to bury Lu's face in her arms, not letting her speak any more. She thought Then he secretly took out a silver needle, touched it on Lu's body, and pricked it at the acupuncture point taught by Dr. Shan.

Lu's whining in her arms gradually became smaller, and then her body softened and she slipped to the ground.

"A'niang... A'niang... Come on, take my aunt back there. The doctor I invited will be here soon!"

As Gu Wuniang said, she asked the nuns she had brought to carry Mrs. Lu out anxiously, and then looked at Gu Junan anxiously, "Brother Jun'an, what should I do? My mother-in-law She was stimulated... Let me say sorry on her behalf!"

"You, you, you...the doctor within the doctor..."

As Gu Wuniang spoke, she walked over anxiously, supported Gu Junan, and shouted to Gu Yanzhi, who was anxiously coming to the door, "Grandpa, brother Junan's bleeding can't be stopped, and his arm seems to be broken." , How can this be good! The depends on the doctor..."

Gu Yan's mind was buzzing as he stood in front of the door. He swayed and almost failed to hold on...

Gu Yan's heart was twitching, and it took him a while to calm down, "Jun'an! A poisonous woman! A poisonous woman! The family is unfortunate! If anything happens to my grandson Jun'an, I will definitely want that poisonous woman to be buried with him!"

When Gu Wuniang and Gu Shiwei, who were hiding in the shadows, heard this, they both showed a mocking smile.

Sure enough, in the entire Gu family, Gu Junan was the only one who could make Mr. Gu lose his temper.

"Grandpa, my mother-in-law is sick. You can't do this! Now is not the time to pursue the case. Let brother Jun'an go to the front yard to ask a doctor to stop the bleeding and apply medicine, and then go to the imperial hospital to ask a doctor who specializes in bone examination. Brother Jun'an He is the top pick, and his hand must hold the pen!"

Gu Yanzhi was struck by lightning. In his panic, he only saw blood on Gu Junan's head. At this moment, Gu Wuniang reminded him and he looked at Gu Junan's arm! Although there didn't seem to be any obvious injuries on the arm, Gu Junan did cover it and didn't speak for a long time.

He suddenly panicked and yelled angrily, "What are you still doing? Come on, come on!"

At this moment, the whole place in the study was in a panic. Gu Shinwei looked at the group of "masked men" in the Gu family howling to heaven and earth, and listened to the old lady Gu jumping up and scolding Mr. Lu, and also Listening to Gu Qing's wails...

There is also Gu Huanying, who is standing aside with a gloomy expression and not knowing what she is thinking, and Gu Wuniang, who has overfulfilled her task and started to act as a protective mother and filial daughter...

After all these people left, Gu Junan's study became completely quiet.

Gu Shiwei reluctantly put back the uneaten fried glutinous rice balls and walked through the door in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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