Mr. Fu looked at the snakes entwined above his head and falling like a rainstorm, and he couldn't help but screamed loudly in fear.

Gu Shinwei looked at his open mouth, cursed in his mind, and hit his chin with an elbow.

"If you don't want to bite the snake alive, just shut up!"

Gu Shiwei scolded, and she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw an oil-paper umbrella placed in the corner of the tent. She stretched out her foot and hooked the umbrella over.

The moment the oil-paper umbrella depicting misty rain in Jiangnan opened, a crackling sound was heard, and several snakes landed on the umbrella at the same time, almost piercing the umbrella surface.

At the same time, there was a commotion outside the camp, with countless shouts, cries of pain, and the sound of things being kicked over, one after another.

Gu Shiwei's face darkened. Even if she didn't go out to look, she could guess that there was a snake infestation outside.

Wei Changming and Wu Jiang have good skills. As long as they don't win all the money of Lord Yama in the casino, their lives should be safe. But Han Shiyan didn't have the power to restrain a chicken. If he was bitten by this snake, wouldn't he chase Xu Yi?

But she didn't have time to think too much at this time. The snakes that landed on the umbrella were twisting their bodies one by one, sticking their heads out and spitting out letters. Mr. Fu, who was covered by Gu Shiwei, looked at it with trembling pupils, and he was dead. He covered his mouth, not daring to make any sound.

He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, what Gu Shiwei said before about eating a snake alive would become a reality.

Not only the snakes on the umbrella, but also the snakes on the ground outside the umbrella also seemed to have heard the order and quickly rushed towards the two of them.

Gu Shiwei pricked up his ears and listened to the noise. To drive away snakes, you couldn't just dig out a piece of your own brain and feed it to the snakes, and then share your brain with these idiots. There must be a way to drive away the snakes.

Suddenly, she moved her wrist, and the oil-paper umbrella in her hand suddenly spun at a high speed. The umbrella spun so fast that she could barely see the landscape. The snake that landed on the top of the umbrella was instantly thrown away and hit the tent. .

"Snake, the snake on the ground jumped up!"

Mr. Fu suddenly yelled, and Gu Shiwei felt her ears ringing. If the snake's venom wasn't so strong that it would seal its throat with blood, she would have wanted to throw the little old man out and have him bitten until his ass exploded.

She snorted coldly, and the other hand holding the sword waved out an afterimage. After a while, the camp was filled with snake corpses broken into two parts, and a fishy smell hit her face.

Mr. Fu panicked and covered his mouth and nose again!

This time it was not that he was afraid of snakes getting in, but that he was really sick from the smoke.

Gu Shiwei ignored him. She looked towards the door of the camp. Colorful snakes were pouring in from all directions... It would not work if this continued! Endless killing! It’s really impossible to kill them all! Even if it was stewed into snake soup, she and Han Shiyan would have to eat it for several months...

Gu Shinwei turned his eyes and his eyes fell on the dancing lights.

She turned the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and the umbrella spun straight towards the light on the side. Under the violent impact, the lamp was knocked over to the ground, and the oil inside spilled out and sprinkled on the surface of the umbrella. In an instant, The oil-paper umbrella started to burn.

The umbrella was still spinning and returned to Gu Shiwei's hand.

Gu Shiwei took the burning umbrella and flung it at the flying snakes, forcing them back a little. She threw the umbrella into the air.

Then she grabbed the frightened Mr. Fu. She was about to jump up easily, but she didn't want her hands to sink... Good guy! What this old man eats on weekdays is not rice, but Taishan! Otherwise why is it so heavy!

In comparison, Han Shiyan was as light as an eagle. Saying Yan was too exaggerated and not something a real person should say, so Gu Shiwei took it upon himself to change it to Eagle.

She looked at the fat white man speechlessly, then grabbed him instead, reluctantly grabbed Mr. Fu's waist and lifted him into the air.

When he was in the air, he stepped on the umbrella stand that was about to turn into a fireball. With this weak help, the long sword directly cut through the top of the tent. The moment the two came out, Gu Shiwei only felt The air around me became extremely fresh.

The lamp on the floor was now burning, and the tent was ablaze.

Gu Shinwei looked down at the entrance of the cave. The snakes in the tent instantly turned into headless flies. They seemed to have lost their target and started scurrying around.

Gu Shiwei thought, grabbed Mr. Fu, jumped down from the tent, and landed in an open space aside where there were no snakes.

Mr. Fu's legs softened and he sat down on the ground. He ouched a few times and patted his chest, "This is too scary! Was Xu Yi bitten to death by this poisonous snake just now?"

Gu Shiwei still ignored him. She looked towards the camp of the Northern Dynasty envoys. It was also in chaos and seemed to have been attacked.


Gu Shiwei looked away from a distance. She followed the sound and saw Mr. Fu still sitting on the ground, panting and muttering.

"What a ghost here! Stand up quickly and think about who has done something to you. The snake followed your scent!"

Mr. Fu was startled and stood up in a rolling state.

It rained in Bianjing today. Although it didn't fall here, it was still a gloomy sky. The clouds were too thick and covered the moon, making it impossible to see the moonlight.

Fortunately, there was a fire in the tent nearby, and by the light of the fire, the two of them could see clearly. They saw snakes from all directions crawling towards this one crazily.

"It belongs to his grandfather! If you lose the land under my Dayong's fingernails, I will use you to cook snake soup!"

Gu Shinwei cursed, grabbed Mr. Fu and was about to walk away, but he heard Wu Jiang's sky-shattering cry, "Relative Gu, I'm coming!"

Gu Shinwei's eyelids twitched. She picked away the black snake that won the first place in the crawling competition and looked at it according to the sound!

Not only did he come to Wujiang, he also ran over carrying a huge wooden barrel! Seeing that Gu Shiwei heard his voice, he jumped up and down waving the gourd and gourd in his hand, which was in sharp contrast to Han Shiyan who was calm and calm as if strolling in the garden.

Fortunately, Han Shiyan is not dead yet!

If he dies, who will continue to investigate the case with her?

Gu Shiwei didn't have time to think about it, Wu Jiang and Han Shiyan had already arrived. Without saying a word, the boy scooped out a gourd of powder in the bucket, and threw it towards Mr. Fu head-on.

Mr. Fu was caught off guard and was splashed in the face. He looked like he had just been fished out of a flour vat.

He was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he choked on the powder and started sneezing repeatedly.

Gu Shinwei dusted her sleeves that were almost affected, and jumped to Han Shiyan's side. She looked at the snakes on the ground that no longer dared to come forward. She smelled the strong smell of medicine around her and looked at Han Shiyan curiously.

"You read the file and found out that there was a snake repellent in the weapon-breaking case, so you prepared the snake repellent in advance?"

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