The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 234 The Dead on the Slaughter Bench


Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan looked at each other, and an ominous premonition arose in their hearts.

Ma Hongying had no intention of poisoning them to death in one pot. What was put in the big bone soup was nothing but the Mongolian sweat medicine that made people fall asleep. No matter how weak the cock is, it can't be fucked for one bowl and then fall asleep.

So how come someone died in the Northern Dynasty military camp?

Liu Fu's expression also changed. He moved his position quietly and stood closest to Yelu Yu. "Speak clearly, who died?"

The soldier from the Northern Dynasty looked around at Dayong's people, and seeing that Liu Fu had no intention of hiding anything, he said, "It's Amu! Lord Amu was killed! He was on the butcher's bench where the pigs were being killed..."

"The master asked us to go find the pig butcher, because there was something wrong with the bone soup they made. We carried the lantern over and saw that there was no light in the room, and no one answered when we called. We walked over and stepped on the blood on the sole of our shoe... "

"The little man felt something was wrong, so he took a lantern to shine, and saw Lord Amu. Master Amu was huge, with long hands and feet, and the butcher's bench couldn't even fit him. The little one was startled, and fell to the ground with his buttocks It’s all red now!”

"We didn't dare to touch the body without permission, so we ran back immediately to report it to you!"

"On the way back there, the kids caught the pig butcher selling bone soup... just waiting... waiting for the adults to question him."

As the soldier from the Northern Dynasty spoke, he glanced at Gu Shiwei timidly. His black and white eyes looked very alert. This glance was full of deep meaning, as if it had some meaning.

Liu Fu looked at him, his eyes moved, and he asked directly, "You speak as you speak, why are you peeking at Master Gu?"

The soldier's legs softened and he knelt down with a plop, "You deserve to die, villain. I'm thinking that Master Amu is so powerful in martial arts that there are only a few people in the world who can humiliate and kill him silently... we... we... There are two...two..."

As soon as Xiao Bing finished speaking, Yelu Yu, who was standing beside Liu Fu, raised his foot and kicked towards the Xiao Bing.

Her kick was quite heavy, knocking the soldier to the ground, where he lay trembling.

"Bullshit on your father! Amu and I are both one of the four guards. If Mr. Gu and Mr. Wei want to kill Amu, why bother to save me? Didn't his grandfather just take off his pants and fart? If you don't have evidence, don't mess around. Talking slanderously."

"Because of your random speculation, Dayong and the Northern Dynasty went to war. When the time comes, the two countries will be devastated. Is it your fault?"

When the soldier heard this, he was so frightened that he trembled. He prostrated on the ground and did not dare to make a sound.

Han Shiyan looked at it and looked at each other with Gu Shiwei. The two of them walked towards the village in tacit agreement without making any excuses.

They did not arrange to kill Amu, one of the four kings. Ma Hongying was targeting the prince of the Northern Dynasties. Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming had been watching in secret, and there was absolutely no chance of anyone slipping through the net. So who killed the guards around Liu Fu at such a delicate moment?

Ma Hongying's warning immediately appeared in Gu Shiwei's mind. She said that their mission failed and the people behind the scenes would send more powerful Tianzi masters to disrupt the peace talks.

Perhaps, that person is already here, and is still lurking near them, or even among the team...

If so, I'm afraid this Amu will not be the last person to be killed...

Gu Shiwei's expression became solemn as he thought about it.

The village is not too big. The group of people followed the tracks of the wheelbarrow transporting bone soup and soon arrived near the villager's house where the soup was cooked. From a distance, they could see a scarlet flag hanging in front of the door. , there is no writing on it, I don’t know who drew a very ferocious pig head crookedly.

If the people in the camp saw this meat flag, they would definitely not dare to drink the big bones.

It has the same effect as Gu Shiwei's evil-proof sticker painted by someone else. Gu Shinwei looked away from the flag and looked towards the butcher's bench. On top of the butcher's bench was an iron frame with a row of iron hooks hanging on it. It looked like it was used by butchers to hang meat.

Today, there are passers-by like them, and the meat is sold very well. Only a few empty iron hooks are left, which are shiny with oil and have some minced meat stuck to them. The smell is disgusting.

A huge man occupied the entire slaughtering bench.

He was lying there with his hands and feet stretched out. Someone stabbed him in the neck, and blood was sprayed on the wall of the earthen house behind the slaughtering bench.

This is not the most horrifying place. The most horrifying thing is that the man was disemboweled and looked like a pig that had just been slaughtered...

Combined with the fact that this place is a butcher's bench, it immediately makes people think about it. Those Dayong guards who drank big bone soup before were paralyzed before the effects of the medicine were completely gone. Now seeing such a scene, it is even more... My stomach was churning.

But when they saw that none of the soldiers from the Northern Dynasty had vomited, they all held it in until their faces turned blue and red.

Gu Shiwei looked at it and shook his head, what is this called? The head may be severed or the blood may bleed, but I, Dayong, cannot lose my face!

"This should be the scene of the first crime. The deceased showed no signs of struggle. It can be seen that his throat was cut and died in his sleep. The blood spattered so high shows that he was still alive when his throat was cut. "

The old man is not here. Tang Dalang is not here to treat people who have taken big bone soup and slept like dead pigs.

So Gu Shiwei didn't hide it and directly acted as a coward.

Three years ago, she spent a long time recovering from her injury at the old man's place. She was exposed to it every day, so she understood it to some extent.

Besides, I’ve seen a lot of dead people, so I can sort of sum up one, two, and three.

"The fatal wound to the throat was very simple. The murderer did it quickly and accurately without hesitation. He should be an experienced killer."

As Gu Shiwei said this, he couldn't help but glance at the Northern soldiers who came to report the news earlier.

This guy is a talent and will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future. He probably wasn't making random guesses just now, but he thought of Wei Changming when he saw the wound, so he said that deliberately to remind Liu Fu.

After all, this killing method of wiping the neck with a sharp blade is a method used by Wei Changming, an assassin who is accustomed to using daggers.

During the day in Songmaoling, she and Wei Changming used this method to eliminate all the Xixia assassins.

Gu Shinwei's mind was spinning rapidly, but her expression remained unchanged. She walked to the middle of the slaughtering bench, squatted down and looked at the wounds on the deceased's abdomen. She couldn't help but frown at this sight.

"There should be two murderers. No, it should be said that besides the murderer, there was another person who touched the body. Look at the wounds on the deceased's abdomen. They are completely different from the wounds on the neck."

"There are no signs of healing on these wounds, and there is not much blood flowing out, which means that he was already dead when his stomach was opened. And this wound was not caused by a knife, but..."

Gu Shiwei said, paused, and said in a different way, "It's like cutting meat with a dull knife. After many cuts and pulls on the same incision, it was cut into this shape."

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