God's surname is Wu, but he has nothing.


"Why are there so many annoying crows today? It's really unlucky. Look, I'll shoot them down with my arrows!"

Wu Zhong, who was walking at the front of the team, heard this impatiently. He took off his big bow from his horse, leaned back, and was about to shoot into the sky. When he moved like this, the peace charm hanging on the red rope around his neck leaked out from his chest and collapsed on his neck.

Wu Jiang turned his head when he heard the sound. At first glance, he thought it was a blood stain, and he was shocked.

"Wu Zhong, please don't embarrass us surnamed Wu. A big man prays to God every day. I don't even know the elegant bird that pulls me to eat. It's better for you. When people call from the sky, you want it. Cover its mouth."

Where does Wuzhong care about this?

He nocked his bow and shot an arrow directly at the crows circling in the sky.

Wuzhong is one of the best archers in this army. It is not difficult for him to pierce a Yang with one arrow and two eagles at a hundred steps, let alone shoot a crow.

The arrow was shot out, and the crow hovering in the sky made a few eager "yaaaaaaaaaaaah" sounds, flapped its wings and struggled to fly away...

This arrow actually failed...

Wu Zhong was stunned. Just as he was about to shoot the second arrow, he felt a stench coming over him. The bird droppings fell down along with a few black feathers, and directly hit the peace charm around his neck.

Wuzhong's expression changed drastically. He reined in his horse and sat up suddenly.

Then he pulled off the amulet hanging around his neck with a strong tug. His hand was half hanging in the air, and his expression was particularly solemn.

"General Ma, it's not that I am a nagging person, but what happened today is really too evil. Crows are spiritual birds. No matter how unlucky we are, we won't be in trouble twice in a row..."

"Especially my peace talisman. It has a lot of history. It was given by a master of Taoism. Now it is stained... It has been completely destroyed. There is nothing wrong with this bird, but it happened to be like this... "

"If it is not necessary to go, I suggest..."

Wu Jiang listened and laughed. He raised his finger and pointed at Wuzhong, "You really have two faces!"

"The Yaque hurt my pastry, so you laughed out loud; now that your peace charm has been blown away, you have been warned by God! What is the warning? Warned that we will go to war with the Northern Dog this time, give them a beating Falling flowers and running water?"

Wuzhong was furious, but he heard everyone in the team chuckle.

He thought, threw away the peace charm, continued to pat the horse and followed.

He ignored Wu Jiang and worriedly hugged his fists at Ma Hongying, "General Ma... be careful about sailing the ten thousand year ship!"

Ma Hongying nodded towards Wuzhong, "I know, but today's task was personally arranged by Supervisor Liu..."

Wu Zhong gritted his teeth, touched the weapon with his hand, and spat to the side, "You don't know how to fight, but you like to point fingers!"

The officials did not trust military generals. There were several supervisors in the Wu army, the leader of whom was named Liu Huang. The Ma Jiajun is an iron-clad army, and the supervisory army is a flowing water. The newcomer this year is named Liu Huang. I heard that he once served in the Imperial City Division.

Later, Zhang Chunting was born, the Imperial City Division changed its circumstances, and Liu Huang was transferred to the border army.

Most of the Imperial City Secretaries were from lower-class backgrounds. Since they had no way of accepting the influence of their ancestors and pursuing an official career, they had no choice but to find another way. So there are all kinds of monsters among them.

Liu Huang made a fortune from the grassroots, and the most disdainful thing is that Ma Hongying and Wu Jiang are second-generation ancestors, especially when Ma Hongying fights as a woman.

Therefore, he always used chicken feathers as arrows from time to time, which disgusted them several times.

Although Ma Hongying was able to avoid it nine times out of ten times, she suffered a heavy loss in the tenth time. Afterwards, Wu Jiang often used "tricks" to regain the situation. But today happens to be the "tenth time".

Everyone was galloping all the way, and when they could vaguely see the iconic Snake Girl Stone of the Stone Array through the thick fog, Wuzhong's fearful heart relaxed slightly.

It was very peaceful for them to come here. Not to mention the enemy troops, they didn't even see a ghost, which seemed like he was too worried.

"Zhang Tao."

Ma Hongying reined in the horse and called out softly.

A soldier who looked like a thin monkey immediately ran out from the team. He lay down on the ground skillfully, and then his breathing became weak, and he seemed to be dead.

After a while, Zhang Tao, who was listening to the wind, stood up and shook his head at Ma Hongying, "General, I didn't hear any movement, or the sound of horses hooves crossing the border or soldiers marching."

Zhang Tao has a sharp ear and can hear very far away.

Ma Hongying nodded and signaled everyone to quietly approach the stone formation.

The reason why this rock formation is called the rock formation is because, as the name suggests, there is a stone forest here. People don’t know whether this is a miracle of nature or a relic left by the ancients... From the time they came to the border, this stone formation has been already exists.

This place is full of large upright stones, like a maze, and the distribution of the stones is like Liu Huang's buck teeth.

Only at the entrance, there is a huge stone that looks like a human head and a snake body. The border people call this stone a snake girl.

Therefore, this stone formation is sometimes called the Snake Girl Formation.

"In case there is an ambush, Wu Jiang, you lead Team B and wait outside the stone formation. Wuzhong and I will lead Team A to go in and find out..."

As soon as Ma Hongying finished speaking, the horse's front hooves hadn't even stepped into the rock formation when they heard countless piercing sounds heading in their direction.

Wu Jiang Dahai, who was standing behind her, shouted loudly, "There are arrows, form a defensive formation, there is an ambush!"

He roared and looked at Zhang Tao on the side in disbelief, "Didn't you say that there is no army? Are they all dead?"

Wu Jiang didn't care to listen to Zhang Tao's excuse. The sword rain was already approaching. He raised his hand and waved wildly, approaching Ma Hongying.

"The arrows are poisonous! Everyone, be careful!"

"Retreat quickly, retreat..."

Their team had fought many battles together, and they all had a tacit understanding with each other. This was not the first time that such an ambush had happened. They quickly reacted and retreated while resisting the arrows.

But when the arrow rain stopped, the battlefield was completely silent.

Wu Jiang looked around and tightened his grip on the weapon. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Zhang Tao's body lying not far away. He lay on his side on the ground as if he had laid down countless times to listen to the enemy's movements. Plug your ears.

There were dense arrows stuck on his body, as if a pair of eyes had picked him out in the sheepfold, and he was bound to be the first sheep to die.

Yes, it’s the sheepfold.

They were surrounded.

At a glance, there are enemies on all sides.

"Yeluxun, you really look down on yourself! We are only a hundred or ten people, so there is no need for you to be so frightened that you dig out thousands of old uncles and line up to sacrifice knives to us!" (End of chapter) )

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