The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 248 The Ghost in the Imperial City Department

The crested ibis swayed and emerged from a dry well.

The cunning rabbit has three burrows.

This exit is the third one from the previous one heading east. Unlike the previous one, which was dilapidated, this one is clean and tidy, and it looks like it has an owner.

"Hey, we meet again."

As soon as the Crested Ibis breathed out, he heard a familiar voice. He put his hands on the edge of the well and looked up speechlessly, only to see the two familiar faces of Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming come into view again.

He climbed up angrily and rolled his eyes at the two of them.

"Do the two young ancestors distrust me and are following me? Or do they have a grudge against me and want me to expose my identity and die without a burial place?"

Gu Shiwei held his sword in both hands, leaned against the big log pillar, and shook his head at the crested ibis, "Don't be angry, someone with your status should be extremely calm even after being struck by lightning after swearing a poisonous oath to the sky. How bad is it to panic?"

"We are not following you. You are on the ground and we are in the sky. How can we follow you? There is no grudge. This place is still within the customs. How could you be exposed?"

"There's just one thing I want to ask you..."

Gu Shiwei said, fiercely attacking the crested ibis.

The pupils of the ibis suddenly shrank, and like a spider, it sprayed out silk threads and rolled them towards Gu Shiwei's long sword. He had long heard that a new marriage officer had arrived in the Imperial City Division, and he was famous for his excellent martial arts. Even Wei Changming was no match for her.

When he saw her today, Gu Shiwei's skills were so frighteningly fast that he didn't even see her move to draw the sword clearly.

Zhu Ibis thought, Gu Shiwei's long sword had reached the tip of his nose, his face was calm but he was already starting to panic, "What is Gu Shiwei going to do..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Shiwei had already retracted his sword.

"When was the last time you returned to Bianjing?"

Zhu Ibis was able to work as an undercover agent in the Northern Dynasty for so long. He was an unusually smart person. He instantly understood what Gu Shiwei was thinking. He shook his head, "If you suspect that I am a traitor in the Imperial City Department, then I can tell you that I no."

"I haven't been back to Bianjing for five years. The imperial envoy has been replaced by someone else, but the court still hasn't recalled me."

"When you go to the Royal Capital, you will know that everything I said is true."

It is easy to talk to smart people. Gu Shiwei looked at the almost invisible silk thread in the hand of the crested ibis, and said to the crested ibis, "When I was in Bianjing City, I was attacked by a ghost from the Imperial City. Although he was a sword-wielder, People, but they also use silk threads to control puppets and create sword formations."

"So, do you understand?"

For weapons like silk thread, first of all, the weapon itself is difficult to obtain. Spider silk and ordinary embroidery thread are too soft and easy to break. If it is thick and strong, it will become a whip that is too eye-catching.

Secondly, soft weapons are really difficult to use. The people who use such weapons in this martial arts world are either some little girls with embroidered fists and embroidered legs who like to use red and white silk, or some masters who no longer care about what kind of weapons they use. They can use their internal strength alone. One can defeat a hundred.

Therefore, this kind of weapon is very niche, and it is too much of a coincidence that two people in the Imperial City Department use it at the same time.

Even if the Crested Ibis was working as a craftsman in the Northern Dynasty at that time and had been excluded, the silk threads of the original puppet formation were most likely related to the Crested Ibis.

Crested Ibis's face changed drastically, as if he had thought of something. His plain face was as pale as a snowman on the roadside.

"Master Gu, why didn't you ask at first? Now..."

Gu Shiwei blinked calmly, "I forgot about it at first. That's why I came here to block you. After all, next time we meet, Master Zhu and we are strangers."

Crested Ibis's expression was still bad. He pursed his lips. It was as if there was phlegm stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak at all... Gu Shiwei understood instantly, "You didn't say anything, but you said everything." .”

"The ghost in the Imperial City is Zhai Di, right?"

"Before leaving Bianjing, I eliminated them one by one. There were only three possible insiders, Zhai Di, Ma Fengchun and Jiang Yi. The latter two joined the Imperial City Division after Zhang Chunting became the Imperial City Envoy. You have no idea Never seen it before.”

"Whether they are moles or not will not touch your heart at all. You are in such a difficult situation because the mole is your good friend Zhai Di."

The crested ibis looked at Gu Shinwei as if he had seen a ghost.

He raised the silk thread in his hand and said to Gu Shinwei, "So you thought so much about Zhai Di because you saw that I was using silk thread."

"That's right!" Wei Changming on the side was even more shocked, "What? Why is Zhai Di the traitor? What riddles are you two playing? Why am I the only one who doesn't know!"

Gu Shiwei patted Wei Changming's shoulder perfunctorily to express comfort.

"It's not because I saw your thread. I had guessed before that something happened to Mr. Zhang. The person who can take over the Imperial City Division cannot be the person he promoted. It is doubtful that Ma Fengchun and Jiang Yi are both too junior. Maybe it will convince the public.”

"The most suitable candidate is someone who is neither promoted by Mr. Zhang, nor a new recruit, nor a close official who needs to stay by the official's side. In this way, the person currently acting as the agent for the affairs of the Imperial City Department should be Zhai Died."

Others didn't know it, but she knew it very well.

Previously, she asked Wei Changming to write a letter to test, and sure enough, as soon as the letter was sent, she was immediately attacked by Ma Hongying. What does this mean? This shows that the current person in charge of the Imperial City Division is a problematic insider, or that the insider has mastered the internal communication channels of the Imperial City Division.

There were three suspects. At that time, she thought that the person was most likely Zhai Di.

Now seeing the expression on Crested Ibis, I am even more sure.

The two of them were colleagues in the past, and they should have obtained this thread from the same place.

Moreover, the person who came to investigate the matter between Ma Hongying and Wu Jiang was also Zhai Di. Jing Li used to work under Zhai Di and told her personally.

But there is no need to explain these in detail to the Crested Ibis.

Zhu Ibis sighed after hearing this, and said with some nostalgia, "Zhai Di and I often did tasks together in the past. We can be said to be very good friends."

"Our Zhu family has used this kind of silk thread as a weapon for generations. There is a secret forging method in the family that can forge this kind of silk thread. This kind of silk thread can not only kill people, but can also be woven into soft armor. Before I accepted the secret mission and left Bianjing, So I once gave a piece of soft armor to Zhai Di."

"Our Zhu family is a small family with few heirs. In this generation, I will be the only heir."

"So when Mr. Gu started talking about soft armor, I immediately thought of Zhai Di... But Zhai Di... How could Zhai Di be a traitor?"

Crested Ibis's eyes turned red as he spoke. He raised his head sadly and looked at Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming opposite, trying to find the answer.

But he suddenly met two pairs of four shining eyes.

It feels like seeing a dog with meat and bones, but with the words "I want soft armor" written on its face!

The red ibis's face darkened, and he couldn't even cry even if he wanted to. In such a messy Imperial City, Zhai Di's betrayal would be called escaping from the frying pan in advance, right?

"No, my surname is not Zhu, and I don't have any soft armor. I was just talking nonsense. I have to leave now. Don't say you know me in the future!"

Those two pairs of eyes were unmoved at all, still looking at him brightly.

There may only be one update today, so don’t wait for the second update!

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