Wu Jiang nodded heavily when he heard this. His head was very swollen. Gu Shinwei couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw this action. He was afraid that his neck would not be able to bear the weight of his head and would snap at any time and a meatball would roll down. .

"On the battlefield in the future, watch me, General Yong, kill that dog thief in a fair and just manner!"

Han Shiyan on the side finally felt relieved after hearing this. He gave Wu Jiang a thumbs up, "Being upright and implemented is what a gentleman does!"

"Gentleman," Wu Jiang cheered up for a second, then slapped his thighs with both hands, "I don't know how long it will be, but I can't bear to look at this thief. It's better to wait until the night is quiet, and I'll pretend The ghost scared him so much that he ascended to heaven!"

Wu Jiang said, pointing to his head, which was no different from a ghost. Isn't this a God-given opportunity?

Gu Shiwei's eyes moved and his head moved towards Wu Jiang.

"How many military generals are afraid of ghosts? This trick only works on sour scholars! I have a plan that can not only uncover the assassins hiding among us, but also prevent Yelu Xun from taking advantage of him!"

Wu Jiang's eyes lit up instantly. He didn't know what he was imagining, and he laughed evilly!

Han Shiyan, who was sitting in the carriage, looked at the two "conspirators" and wished he had the ability to cover the water! Haha, aboveboard... Haha, gentleman... He thinks he is blind!

Because of the urgent summons from the royal capital, the delegation kept going non-stop. Even when it was time to eat, they did not start cooking. The man pulled the cart and distributed it all the way, and the wheels of the cart pulled out sparks.

Yelu Xun, who was sitting faintly in the carriage, rubbed his head. As soon as his hand touched the place where Yelu Yu had beaten him before, he couldn't help crying out in pain, "Yelu Yu, what kind of woman are you? You're not even a beast." Such great strength! Barbarians can only rely on the Xiao family..."

Yelv Xun cursed, his eyes becoming more and more gloomy.

Speaking of the royal capital, it is basically the world of the Xiao family! The young emperor, the young Empress Dowager Xiao, listened to the government behind the curtain, and all the troops and horses of the Northern Dynasty were in the hands of the Southern King Xiao Ding. Although he was a young prince named Yelu, his mother's family was in decline and he was not liked by the Queen Mother at all.

In the eyes of people in this world, she is not as noble as a powerful female monster like Yelu Yu!

Especially since she is about to marry to Nanda Palace, she is becoming more and more rampant. Even her brother dares to beat her!

Yelu was thinking about it when the carriage suddenly bumped. He lost control of his hand and directly touched his head. The pain was so painful that tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't help but let out another ouch!

Although he didn't see it, he even touched it. Yelu Yu, that crazy woman, smashed his skull into a ball as big as a bowl!

Is that human being? Even if he was kicked by a cow's hoof, it wouldn't be like this!

Yelu Xun was angry in his heart. His hand felt a little heavier unconsciously. When he came to his senses, he felt another burst of pain!

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, a burst of mocking laughter sounded from the roof of the car.

Yelu Xun was instantly angry, jumped out of the carriage, picked up the whip and whipped it towards the top of the carriage! But the top of the carriage was empty, not to mention people, not even a ghost was seen.

Yelu was so angry that he jumped up into the air and climbed onto the roof of the car. However, he saw a small clay figurine appearing on the roof of the car. The little clay figurine was broken into two parts, one of which was obviously... Descendants roots.

"Gu Shiwei!" Yelv Xun felt his energy and blood surge up instantly, and his whole eyes turned scarlet. The humiliation Gu Shiwei had done to him before was now all flooding into his mind, almost making him angry. Go crazy!

Yelv Xun stepped down hard, crushing the clay figurine to pieces, and also stamped the top of the carriage to create a hole!

The broken clay figure rolled down directly from the hole and fell into the carriage compartment. He thought, without hesitation, he tapped his feet and ran straight towards the carriage where Gu Shiwei was.

What he didn't see was that at the moment when the clay figurine was broken, a bright red insect crawled out! The insect was so nimble that it quietly climbed onto the soles of Yelv Xun's shoes, then crawled along his clothes and into his sleeve pockets!

It was already dark now, and the people from the mission had just received the meals, while the people in the escort were all eating steamed buns as they walked. Along the way, the envoys of the Northern Dynasties were in front and the envoys of Dayong were behind.

Yelv Xun galloped all the way, from the Northern Dynasty Mission to the Dayong Mission, and rushed straight to the carriage where Gu Shiwei was.

Without thinking, he stretched out his hand and opened the carriage curtain.

The moment the curtain was lifted, a loud cry like spring thunder was heard, followed by war horses neighing, wild dogs barking, and even the circling crows in the sky began to squawk!

Yelv Xun felt his ears buzzing, and for a moment he couldn't hear any sound.

When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw many guards from the Dayong Mission, all of whom were digging at their legs. They looked obviously very abnormal.


right! It's abnormal!

Yelv Xun woke up in an instant. Not only did the Dayong delegation include top experts such as Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming, but also a large number of guards. He had already seen how ferocious these mad dogs were during the day, and it made no sense. At night, he felt like he was in a deserted place.

Anyone with eyes could see that he was looking for trouble when he rushed towards him with such force! But no one stopped him!

Isn't this an anomaly?

He must have fallen into a trick! But what kind of trick could this be?

Just when Yelu Xun was at a loss, he heard the thunderous voice from earlier shouting. The voice was full of grief and anger, as if he had met the little lady of the mountain king, "Yeluxun, you have such a cruel heart! You can't be humane yourself, so let go The poisonous insects are coming to bite us!”

Yelu Xun's ears were buzzing this time, but his brain was buzzing!

He stared intently at the ghostly big pig head in the carriage. Wu Jiang, this bastard, had obviously changed beyond recognition, but he could still see the sunny smile in his eyes!

He was obviously smiling, but he screamed miserably like a slaughtered pig!

Yelv Xun was furious, "Wujiang, you are spitting blood! Who can't be humane!"

Wu Jiang pushed Yelv Xun away and jumped out of the carriage... After he shouted like that, the convoy had completely stopped.

Wu Jiang jumped on the spot, rolled up his trouser legs without hesitation, and shouted loudly, "You thief, you just told me in the carriage that if you can't be the only eunuch in this world, why don't you fall out? admit!"

He said, looking at the people around him, "Everyone, please check yourselves quickly. I felt my legs were itchy earlier, and when I opened them, I saw a black bug crawling up my calves! What if I was bitten? One bite...you might end up like Yelv Xun!"

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