Gu Shiwei, a poor man, felt sour in his heart, and quietly listed Mrs. Wang Yushi and the soft-armored ibis on the Golden Thigh list.

Han Shiyan looked amused, but did not expose her. Then he continued to look at Zhao Jin, "Do you have any guesses about the candidates for the Northern Dynasty peace talks?"

He had been serving as a royal censor in the past, so naturally Zhao Jin did not know much about the affairs of the Northern Dynasties.

The Northern Dynasty was not only the Khitan tribe, but also because the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun were in their hands, there were actually many Dayong people within their jurisdiction, and even the official system was divided into two sets of teams, the north and the south. The situation between the DPRK and China is so complex that it would be impossible to figure it out without careful study.

Although Han Shiyan had done enough homework along the way, he still couldn't get enough from the book, so it was better to ask Zhao Jin.

Moreover, their original intention was not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Northern Dynasty, but they wanted to reach peace talks quickly and then leave with the national seal.

After hearing this, Zhao Jin finally remembered what he wanted to say before being interrupted by Wu Jiang, and immediately said, "We should choose from three people. The first one is Liu Fu we know. Liu Fu has been with us all the way, and Lord Han has treated him with kindness and power. I thought it was a long time coming and it’s the best deal for us.”

Han Shiyan nodded slightly.

Everything they did along the way paved the way for peace talks. When the Liu family first met Mr. Fu, the image of him hammering his chin with an iron fist and poking the sky was still vivid in his mind, but when he arrived in the capital, he had completely changed. Not to mention that he has been tamed, but he has been somewhat defeated in front of them. It is indeed a good sign.

"The winner of the lottery is Chen Qiuzhong, the younger brother of Privy Councilor Chen Yubo. Although the two brothers are no different from the Northern Dynasties, after all, Dayong is their hometown."

"Even if it hinders Shudian Wangzu's reputation, he won't be too cruel to Dayong."

Zhao Jin said and sighed, "But this thing is a double-edged sword. They also won't give preferential treatment to Dayong. They are worried about being criticized. They are in Cao's camp and their hearts are in Han. So I think it is a winning lottery."

"It's a coincidence that Chen Qiuzhong and Zhang Shilang, who had an accident last night, are brothers-in-law."

Gu Shiwei was attracted by Zhao Jin's analysis.

Zhao Jin was a gentle and gentle man who smiled and smiled at everyone he saw. Gu Shiwei never saw him choke with anyone along the way.

Perhaps it was this kind of non-competition and non-grabbing temperament that made him not be chosen as an envoy for negotiations even though he was familiar with the affairs of the Northern Dynasty.

Gu Shiwei did not expect that Zhao Jin would be very sharp when analyzing human nature.

But that's not exactly the case. Gu Shiwei heard Chen Yubo's name from the mouth of Zhu Ibis. He was a close confidant of the Queen Mother and one of the two ministers of the late emperor. The Chen family has a high position, so there must be a lot of eyes on it, so you need to take extra care of your feathers.

Zhao Jin did not pause, "As for the signature, it is Yelu'an. This Yelu'an is the emperor's uncle. This man is also proficient in foreign affairs and speaks fluent Dayong Mandarin. When he was sent to Bianjing, he was originally the first choice. , and then Liu Fu was replaced."

"Yelu'an is young, has an iron fist, and is very ruthless. Yelu Xun learned from him."

"He also served as the commander of the frontier army in the past, but later during the Battle of Qishan, General Wu had one of Yelu'an's arms chopped off, so he had no choice but to return to the royal capital."

Zhao Jin said, looking at Wu Jiang, who was running around the room with a big bowl of water, and meant something.

Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan instantly understood what he meant. Yelu Pan must have hated Wu Jiang so much that when he saw Wu Jiang, he would just want to cut off a piece of meat from him and eat it. No wonder he said it was a lottery.

"Leave this matter to me and Wu Jiang, and you two should figure out how to deal with it."

Gu Shiwei said and stood up.

The suspicions of the last five people have not been ruled out, and Wei Changming needs to stay with Han Shiyan to protect him personally.

She thought about it and darted towards Wu Jiang, blocking his way, "Are you full? When you are full, go out and have fun!" Wu Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he put down the big bowl casually, and said casually He wiped the corners of his mouth and followed Gu Shiwei. When passing Han Shi's banquet, seeing that he didn't get up, his eyes suddenly lit up like the midday sun, almost setting the capital on fire.

Han Shiyan's lips moved slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He always felt that as long as he was around, Gu Shiwei and Wu Jiang would be able to fight back and forth, and there would still be some restraint. If he is gone, these two people will lose their tight spell, and they will cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace again!

Han Shiyan thought, his heart pounding. He stood up and walked quickly to the door, stopping Gu Shiwei and Wu Jiang.

"How do you two plan to win the lottery?"

Gu Shiwei slashed his neck with his hand without hesitation, "Crack! The simplest way to end the battle."

Han Shiyan was horrified when he saw that Gu Shiwei and Wu Jiang disappeared in the blink of an eye as if their soles were oiled.

As soon as he left the post house, Wu Jiang suddenly became excited. He rubbed his hands and came close to Gu Shiwei, "Who do you think we should kill first!"

Gu Shiwei rolled his eyes at him, "Why kill in broad daylight? Our Dayong is a country of etiquette, how can we shout and kill? Of course it is to give gifts."

When Wu Jiang heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief, "I won't give gifts to people from the Northern Dynasties, I will only send them to funerals!"

As he said this, he scratched his head and snorted unhappily, "But if you say it's a gift, please do it! You're smart and reasonable!"

Gu Shiwei gave Wu Jiang a thumbs up and led him swaggering onto the street!

The royal capital was also very lively during the day, and the monkey-playing knife-wielding scolds were literally lining up to show up.

The two of them didn't go far when they saw three groups of live sheep on the street, four piles of stinking horse manure... and met five soliciting girls who were so strong that they almost took off people's arms with a touch of their little hands. ...It is truly a prosperous country.

Gu Shinwei sighed and led Wu Jiang around a corner, holding a handful of mutton skewers in his hand and eating them with great enthusiasm.

Wu Jiang thought the mutton skewers were too small and lacked flavor, so he just picked up a big leg of lamb and ate it until his mouth was full of oil.

"Although I just finished the morning meal and drank a bowl of porridge and a few steamed buns, there is no delicious meat in the rice and noodles. Let alone a lamb leg, I can even eat a sheep! This sheep from the Northern Dynasties is really Authentic, it’s much more delicious than Brother Shi Yan’s legs with sugar on them...”

Wu Jiang couldn't help but feel a toothache when he thought of Han Shiyan's sugar-coated lamb leg.

As he spoke, he glanced towards the roadside, and saw the word "Zhang Mansion" written on the door plaque, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Could it be that they tricked the young son of Zhang Shilang on the second floor last night and sent him a gift and apologized today?

This is impossible! Marriage Gu was reluctant to give gifts to Zhang Chunting, so how could she give him something like a Northern Dynasty dog?

Wu Jiang was thinking in his heart, but he didn't say anything out loud.

His eyes moved, and he saw a carriage parked in front of the Zhang Mansion. There was a sign on the carriage with the word "Chen" written on it.

Wu Jiang looked at Gu Shiwei in confusion, but saw Gu Shiwei chewing a skewer with his left hand and his right hand hanging by his side. Just when they passed by the carriage, he saw a skewer with his own eyes. The dark, shaking insect ball popped out of Gu Shiwei's hand.

He flew in through the window of the carriage and fell into the carriage!

Wu Jiang's heart boiled instantly, although he didn't understand why Gu Shiwei let bugs into this carriage! But he knew that Gu's relatives were going to cause trouble!

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