Gu Shinwei lowered his head and saw a dark hairpin in Han Shiyan's hand.

The hairpin was completely green and was carved into the shape of a sword. It looked very similar to the sword hanging on her waist. Someone also carved the word "Chanming" in the middle of the hairpin.

People in the world call her the "First Fierce Sword", but the name of this sword is "Changming".

Seeing Gu Shiwei in a daze, Han Shiyan stretched out his hand casually, "I saw it at the market a few days ago and thought it would suit you very well. I carved the word Chang Ming with a carving knife. It was the first time we were there. When Han Chunlou met, the storyteller Mr. Zhu mentioned the origin of your sword."

"It's not worth much money, so I'll use it to exchange for your pear candy."

Gu Shiwei stretched out his hand and saw the hairpin in his hand. He didn't know what the material of this thing was. It looked like gold but not gold, looked like jade but not jade, looked like wood but not wood. It was cold in his hand.

She lowered her head, took it in her hand and looked through it, and couldn't help but mutter, "A few days ago, you could have predicted that I would have a large bucket of pear candies that I couldn't finish?"

"Why are you still a royal censor? You should be a national counselor."

As Gu Shinwei spoke, she twirled the hairpin on her fingertips and then hid it in her sleeve pocket like a magic trick. She raised her empty hands towards Zai Han Shiyan and said with a smile, "I like it very much." , thank you so much, Yushi Han."

"It's just that I don't have much, so I don't know what gift I can give you in return, so I'll do a trick for you! Guess where I hid the hairpin."

Han Shiyan looked at Gu Shiwei's shining expectant eyes and felt that the night wind in the capital had become warmer.

His eyes moved, and he pointed at Gu Shiwei's right hand, "Korean master, please count..."

He looked at Gu Shiwei's expression, saw a smile in her eyes, and felt a little proud. He turned his finger and pointed to Gu Shiwei's left hand, "It should be on the left."

Gu Shiwei opened his eyes in surprise and took out the hairpin from his left sleeve pocket!

"Awesome!" she thought and shook her head with some annoyance, "No, no, you pointed out that my right hand was clearly a lie. Seeing that I was not panicking, you did the opposite and guessed that I was hiding it in my left hand. among."

Han Shiyan raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and shook his head, "You drank too much, that's why I saw through it. Tomorrow, I can only make random guesses."

With Wu Jiang around, he could rarely be alone with Gu Shiwei these days.

It was a rare night, whether it was a good wind or a good moon, he didn't want to be on the roof with Gu Shiwei, guessing what was going to happen all night long... until he guessed that "he must never lose" Gu Qinshi won eight hundred times in a row! Although he had never opened his eyes, he could still tell that Gu's desire to win and lose was soaring into the sky.

As expected, Gu Shiwei found his way and nodded heavily, "No, let's fight another day!"

Han Shiyan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. His eyes moved and he finally asked, "How about we investigate the case together in the future? I mean after we find out the truth about the Fei Que case."

"You are still in the Imperial City Department, and I am still in the Yushitai..." Han Shiyan said, feeling that he was a little too hasty, and added Wu Jiang, "Wu Jiang is still in Kaifeng Mansion... By then, those monsters and ghosts will have nowhere to go. Can be hidden…”

Gu Shiwei was busy comparing the hairpin with the sword on his waist, and when he heard Han Shiyan's question, he said without thinking, "In the past, without me and Wu Jiang, Master Han would have beaten those people to the point of crying for father and mother. "

As she spoke, she raised her head suspiciously and looked at Han Shiyan, "You are very strange tonight...Does it sound like you are having a guest?" Han Shiyan's heart skipped a beat and his breathing became quickened. He took a deep breath. He took a breath and said, "I hope to work with Gu Qinshi all the time. When we are gray-haired, we can still follow that picture and eat all over Bianjing..."

Gu Shiwei was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, "Yu Shi Han is too greedy. When your hair turns gray, you may lose all your teeth and you won't be able to eat..."

Gu Shiwei said, his voice getting softer and quieter.

Han Shiyan's eyes were so bright, brighter than the stars in the sky tonight.

This made her feel a little uncomfortable, and the flowing wind seemed to become a little thicker.

As Han Shiyan looked at it, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly became enlightened, "Speaking of which, Bianjing is really too small. As big as Dayong, I don't know how many sweet and delicious foods there are."

"When the time comes, I will be the patrol censor, so I can go to Huashan Mountain to watch over the heroine while you discuss swordsmanship. I will beat gongs and drums to give you a plaque for the best in the world!"

When Gu Shiwei heard that Huashan was discussing swordsmanship, he was the best in the world... and it instantly burst into flames!

"Haha! When the time comes, Han Yushi, your arms and legs are too old to climb up, I will carry you up! Beat gongs and drums to deliver plaques, that's what Wu Jiang will do. His handwriting is ugly, you write it! That's what I do Just wait! When the time comes, I will show you what is the best in the world!"

Seeing Gu Shiwei's high spirits, Han Shiyan also laughed heartily.

He was in trouble before. If Gu Shiwei didn't want to stay in Bianjing, he could follow him out, right? Compared to Bianjing, that place is simply an uncultivated wilderness, but he can still be the censor!

The haze that had previously covered his head instantly dissipated, and Han Shiyan felt refreshed!

"Taking care of my relatives, brother Shi Yan, come down quickly! What are you drinking from the northwest wind on the roof? If you look at the Xixia Princess and think she is haunted, you will be scared to pee again! Yaoshou! I said this, no matter what It feels smelly!"

Wu Jiang's voice was like the beating of a war drum. Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces.

The East and West gardens are next to each other. After hearing this, the little princess of Xixia will probably be in tears again tonight, heartbroken, ashamed and angry!

Seeing that the atmosphere of the banquet had been completely ruined, Han Shi said to Gu Shiwei, "After congratulations tomorrow, we will leave the royal capital. It is better to rest early tonight to recharge our batteries. Gu's marriage will definitely go well and be safe and successful. "


The night was filled with stars, and the next day the sky was exceptionally clear.

When the second princess Yelu Yu married into the Nanda Palace, the entire royal capital seemed to be boiling with excitement, and the streets were filled with crowds of people watching the excitement. The long queue of carriages started lining up in front of the Nanda Palace, and it was almost impossible to see the end at a glance.

As Gu Shiwei watched along the way, he couldn't help but envy the Northern Dynasty's growing military strength.

Look at those tall and thick bodies, and look at the countless horses... I just want to take them all back!

She was thinking in her mind as she watched a group of carriages and horses passing through the busy city. A tall flag of thorns was erected at the front of the convoy. The caravan was much longer than when it came, with at least twice as many horses. There were loads of goods piled on the carriage, and it looked like they were setting off back to Bianjing today just like them.

Gu Shinwei looked out and saw the woman leading the caravan slightly nodded at her, and then shouted to the caravan behind her to continue moving forward.

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