The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 283: Little concern for authenticity

Yelv Xun was very polite and Han Shiyan was not polite, let alone he was really rude.

"There are rumors that the young prince is ill, but now it seems that this is a lie."

When Yelu Xun heard this, his nose felt sore and his heart was extremely complicated! Ever since the news about his refusal spread throughout the capital, Han Shiyan was the first person to clear his name!
"It's obvious that these eyes are terminally ill, otherwise they wouldn't be able to recognize a living person. Today is the second princess's big day, and as the elder brother, the young prince wants to cause trouble for his sister... …”

"At least for the sake of King Nan, there should be no trouble in his life. This is obvious to outsiders like Han. Doesn't the young prince know? The rumors are indeed wrong. There must be three diseases."

Han Shiyan said, pointing to his head and looking at Na Yelv Xun with compassion on his face.

The two were so tit-for-tat that many people at the wedding banquet gathered around to watch the excitement.

The auspicious time has not yet come, and the newlyweds have not yet entered the house. They have come early and have already heard from Pangu Kaitian that the nephew's daughter-in-law and the widow of the neighbor's brother-in-law's second aunt's grandmother's family have remarried.

If I talk any more, my brain will be wrung out. This excitement came at the right time.

Especially one of them is Buju Yelvxun, a man who is currently at the center of the storm in the royal capital.

Hearing Han Shiyan's yin and yang anger, many people laughed without restraint. People in the Northern Dynasty were bold and bold, and they would start fights immediately if they disagreed. It was quite rare for such verbal quarrels to be cursed without using curse words.

The stupid one who didn't understand immediately asked, "Three diseases? No disease, eye disease, what other disease is there?"

The smart man next to him immediately explained proudly, "Brain! Brain! He says he has a bad brain!"

Yelu Xun's head buzzed, and blood suddenly surged to the top of his skull!

You don't even take a look at your throats, which are bigger than the exit of Tongtian River, and your mouths are like loudspeakers for whispering! Can he hear every word clearly?
Yelu was thinking about it, looking at Han Shiyan's face, he was instantly angry!

His eyes were scarlet, he whipped the long whip from his waist, and swung it towards Han Shiyan's face.

Han Shiyan looked at it but didn't move.

They had discussed it before. Gu Shiwei was a presence that was difficult to ignore. If she disappeared suddenly, someone would be suspicious. So he asked Anhui to pretend to be her and follow him. After Gu Shiwei succeeded, he would quietly change back when he went to the toilet.

Lin Dupo's "skin painting technique" was so superb that unless someone knew Gu Shiwei very well, it would be impossible to see through the human skin mask she made.

They did this just in case, but they didn't expect that good things would not work and bad things would not work, and they would really encounter an "accident".

When everyone saw that Han Shiyan was still there, and saw that the long whip was about to be thrown directly at his face, the timid women could not help but cover their faces and scream. Xiao Ding, the king of the South who came after hearing the news, looked at it and shouted, "Yeluxun! Stop!"

It's just that Yelu Xun has fallen from the clouds to the bottom of the valley at this moment, and has completely lost his mind. When he shouted like this, the speed of his hands became a little faster!

The moment the long whip reached the front, a large knife thrust across and cut off the front tip of the whip!
Wu Jiang, who had only one side of his face bruised and one eye swollen to the size of an egg, and looked like a green-faced fanged ghost, roared angrily, raised his sword and slashed at Na Yelv Xun, "Dog eunuch! I'll give you the face." How dare you take action!"

"Your grandfather, I am a kind-hearted person. I knew your whip was gone, so I whittled a new one for you! Why do I need to take care of my relatives when I beat you, a bastard!"

"Don't you think that just because you bullied the minority in the Stonehenge and won, that's what you're capable of! Ah! Bah!"

As Wu Jiang said, he thought of the brothers who died in the stone formation and Ma Hongying, and couldn't help but fight harder and harder! Every time you cut with a knife, you risk your life!

He was walking a fierce route, and because of the injuries on his face, he looked even more ferocious.

The children who came to drink the wedding wine looked at it and couldn't help but burst into tears!

Han Shiyan looked at it, unmoved. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Xiao Ding, the King of the South, who was already approaching. Although he said to stop, he didn't take any action at all.

Instead, he kept paying attention to "Gu Shiwei" next to him. Apparently Yelv Xun's initial words made the old thief a little suspicious.

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

He didn't want to test him directly, but he waited for the irrational Yelu Xun to come and test him.

Han Shiyan watched and saw that he had summoned his eldest son and whispered a few words into his ear. When Xiao Ding's eldest son heard this, he glanced east.

Han Shiyan's heart sank. Gu Shiwei showed him the map before taking action. Now the entire palace was simply shrunk in his mind. Almost instantly, he judged that Xiao Ding was sending someone to the main courtyard. Check it out.

Gu Shiwei told him that there were nine levels there, and they couldn't be completed in a short while.

If Xiao Ding sends someone to check now, it will be like catching a turtle in a jar for Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming.

Now he had to dispel Xiao Ding's suspicion immediately.

Han Shiyan thought about it and said to An Hui beside him, "Please take care of your family affairs and ask them not to fight!"

As he said this, he took out a handful of dried longans from his arms!

An Hui on the side was stunned, remembering the time when Gu Shiwei beat the Xixia Princess with dried longan in the busy city, and instantly understood Han Shiyan's plan.

She nodded, picked up a dried longan in each hand, and shook it out at the same time.

Wu Jiang's back was turned, and the dried longan hit him on the back of the head. The sudden pain made Wu Jiang tremble, and his hand holding the big knife softened, holding his head with both hands and squatting down.

Yelv Xun on the opposite side was about to gloat when he felt a sharp pain in his throat and the whip in his hand fell to the ground instantly.

His whole face turned red, his hands grabbed his throat, and he struggled to make a sound...

The scene was completely silent, especially Xiao Ding, whose eyes became serious when he looked at "Gu Shiwei". With this hidden weapon skill, he dared to say that the entire king would not be able to find another one!

He had heard before that when Gu Shiwei entered the city, he beat up the Xixia Princess with a dried longan and thought it was too exaggerated or the princess was too delicate.

Now it seems that Gu Shiwei really took pity on the weak and showed mercy.

Otherwise, if I had struck harder, my head might not have been penetrated! He thought and looked at Yelv Xun. He was shocked at the sight. In just a moment, Yelv Xun's face turned purple and he was about to suffocate!
Thinking that he didn't care about his dignity, he rushed over and stretched out his hand to scratch Yelu Xun's throat, but after scratching for a long time, there was no relief.

Xiao Ding looked at it and shouted, "Dalang, hurry up and bring the horse to urinate!"

Perhaps it was Na Yelu who wanted to die, but when he heard the word "horse urine", his stomach suddenly surged. He knelt on the ground and vomited crazily. The dried longan stuck in his throat was vomited out together with the vomit.

Han Shiyan looked at it and glanced at Yelu Xun lightly, "Is the little prince okay? It's just a small dried longan. According to past experience in taking care of marriages, at most, it will be a burning pain in the throat for a few hours and then it will be fine. ."

"The young prince can go and communicate with the Xixia Princess to see if the way we take care of the marriage is true or false."

Yelu Xun's mind was buzzing, communication was nothing! Isn’t that fake princess dead? It’s impossible to communicate in the underworld! (End of chapter)

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