The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 285 Don’t be afraid when I’m here

Just as Han Shiyan was about to nod, he felt warmth on his hands, and then a huge force hit him, pulling his feet almost off the ground.

Gu Shiwei must have flown him as a kite!

Han Shiyan relaxed his body with an expressionless expression. He just watched quietly, watching Gu Shiwei pull him through the crowd silently like a gust of wind without touching himself.

Wu Jiang on the side was holding a big knife and stretching out his strong arms to push through the crowded crowd.

"Brother Shi Yan, it's terrible. The door has been blocked. I'm afraid the carriage at the door won't be able to turn."

Wu Jiang is tall and stands out among the crowd.

Then Nan Dawang Xiao Ding, the second princess and her little husband all went into the palace, and the guests dispersed and rushed toward the door.

I don’t know the extent of this rebellion, and I don’t know what the situation is outside now. Everyone wants to go home immediately. At this moment, the vermilion door is already crumbling, and if a few more people are squeezed in, it may burst.

Gu Shiwei listened to Wu Jiang's words, decisively yanked Han Shiyan, and whispered, "Climb the wall!"

Fortunately, they had divided their troops into two groups before, letting General Sun, Zhao Jin and others go out of the city first. After completing their mission, they went out to meet up.

At this moment, the only person in the Nanda Palace was Han Shiyan, a frail scholar.

When Han Shiyan heard the word "climb over the wall", he immediately closed his eyes. Sure enough, almost as soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Gu, who never delayed, flew his "kite" into the sky, and then pulled him to gallop.

Then he heard a whistle, and then felt himself starting to fall, and then Gu Shiwei broke away from his hand in the air.

Han Shiyan was startled and opened his eyes, only to see Gu Shiwei moving in the air, reaching out and grabbing his waist, and then swung him directly onto the jujube horse that came to meet him.

Han Shiyan swore that the maroon horse definitely rolled its eyes at him just now, and then showed disgust on his face.

"Chang Guan has driven a carriage here. When I find a suitable opportunity, I will send you to the carriage. You can't stop at this moment. You seem to have been struck by lightning. Could it be that Han Yushi, you are nervous? Right? It’s okay, I’m here! Who dares to touch you!”

The wind suddenly picked up, and Han Shiyan heard Gu Shiwei's voice being vague.

Hearing the words "I'm here", Han Shiyan's ears felt hot, and he felt that the palms of his hands and waist were burning.

"I will also protect you." Han Shiyan said easily.

His voice was a little soft, and Gu Shiwei in front didn't hear it clearly. She turned around and asked, "What? Haha, you have to get used to it! With a few of us here, life is difficult every day, and each level is more difficult than the next. This fatal thing is still to come!”

Han Shiyan hesitated and smiled helplessly.

Gu Shiwei's comfort was truly ingenious, making people's blood boil with excitement and despair at the same time!
Seeing that Han Shiyan didn't say a word, Gu Shiwei didn't say anything anymore. The farther he went to the city gate, the harder the horse could run.

There was a shocking sound from the other end of the palace, and almost the entire capital heard the sound. Even the traffickers and lackeys knew that something big must have happened!
At this moment, the market was in chaos. Some people were running home in a panic, some were rushing towards the city gate with their baggage on their backs, and groups of troops who didn't know which side they belonged to were passing by.

There were fallen fruits and vegetables everywhere on the bluestone road, as well as dirty wine flags that had been trampled on. The freshly slaughtered whole sheep hanging in front of the yokan shop to attract customers were not known to have been collected by the shop. Still, someone took advantage of it and took it away.

The people who were fighting on the streets, playing music, playing and singing, and telling stories in the capital all disappeared, leaving only extremely frightened people.

Gu Shiwei looked at it and couldn't help but feel heavy in his heart. She suddenly understood why Wu Jiang, a young general who had lost his comrades in arms, prayed not for victory in all battles but for peace in the world when he lit up the sky lanterns.

War is such a heavy thing. It is a foreseeable hell on earth for any country.

As she thought about it, she felt as if she understood something, but at the same time she seemed to understand nothing.

Just go all the way south...

Gu Shiwei reined in the horse's reins and looked forward. There was still a long way to go from the city gate, but now it was already so crowded that the cars and horses in front had no way to continue moving forward. .

"Old man, what's going on ahead?" Wu Jiang has been in Beiguan all year round, and the Northern Dynasty Mandarin is good. Now he has put his feet on his feet and stretched his neck, pulling the old man in front of their team to ask.

The old man was carrying a pole and sighed helplessly, "The city gate is closed, and we can't get out. The military man guarding the city gate said that if the city gate was opened, bad guys might take the opportunity to get in, but he refused to open it. City gate.”

"The old man came to the city to sell vegetables. What if he can't go back now? The city is in chaos, and we don't even have a place to hide."

Gu Shiwei listened and looked at each other with Han Shiyan, their eyes filled with solemnity.

Just as she was about to speak, she unexpectedly saw a familiar figure coming towards them.

The man was wearing a low-key gray robe and a bamboo hat on his head. He walked like a ghost. At first glance, he was undoubtedly Wei Changming.

Gu Shiwei's heart suddenly suddenly turned over, and he got off the horse and got into the carriage with Han Shiyan.

As soon as they went up, Wei Changming also jumped up.

"Why haven't you left the city yet?" Gu Shiwei asked in surprise, his face a little gloomy.

After she and Wei Changming obtained the national seal, they split into two groups. Wei Changming took the imperial seal out of the city, while she went back to the wedding banquet. Wei Changming was an assassin. He was very good at light martial arts and left the palace before them. How could he still stay in the capital?

Wei Changming shook his head and lowered his voice, "When I came, the city gate was already closed."

Han Shiyan's eyes moved, "Did the city gates close before the loud noise in the palace, or after? Are the troops guarding the city gates under the little emperor?"

Wei Changming shook his head again, "I don't know if they are the young emperor's men or the rebels. They are all equipment of the Northern Dynasty army, and there is no way to tell. There are people at the city gate who want to rush out, but they are all killed directly without knowing the reason."

"The city gate was already closed before the loud noise."

Han Shiyan pondered for a moment and looked at Gu Shiwei, "If the people guarding the city now are under the young emperor, it means that they have already prepared for today's rebellion, and the King of Qin and Yue will be defeated soon."

"If the people guarding the city are rebels, then I am afraid that the entire royal capital will fall into civil strife. Not only the royal capital, but the entire Northern Dynasty will be in chaos for a while. Even if we leave the royal capital, this time I’m afraid we may also encounter burning, killing and looting on the road.”

Wei Changming blinked his eyes and couldn't help but become anxious.

"But Mr. Zhang is still waiting for us... By the way, I have contacted the people from the mission. Zhao Jin and Fang La are waiting near the city gate." (End of Chapter)

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