The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 311 Stay away from Han Shiyan

Chapter 311 Stay away from Han Shiyan

Zhang Chunting said and looked at Han Shiyan with disgust, "Why don't you leave? Doesn't Han Yushi even want to hear about the affairs of our Imperial City Department?"

"Master Zhang is in an aggressive mood, so why not rack your brains to figure out how to face the civil and military questioning of the dynasty tomorrow?" Han Shiyan replied unceremoniously, his eyes extremely sharp.

He turned his eyes to look at Gu Shiwei, and his eyes were as gentle as a spring stream.

"I'm going back first. You drink the medicine and rest early. Don't force yourself. I'll make the medicine and take it home to you tomorrow."

Zhang Chunting looked at Han Shiyan's behavior and laughed angrily. He was blatantly treating everyone else as dead.

Zhang Chunting frowned, and when he saw Gu Shiwei's calm face, he instantly felt relieved, "It's okay!" Gu Shiwei is the dead man!

When Han Shiyan's back disappeared, Zhang Chunting opened the door of the study room where he worked. When the door opened, both of them were stunned. In just a short period of time, the appearance of this room has changed drastically.

The table and chairs where Zhang Chunting usually sat have been moved away and replaced with a new set, and the position has also been moved.

On the originally ordinary wall, a circular window was cut out. Under the window was a semicircular table with a complete set of tea sets on it. It looked extraordinary at first glance.

"The embroidered pillow is useless."

Zhang Chunting muttered, looked at the room with disgust, walked to the window and set up the round window.

As soon as the window opened, the room suddenly became brighter. The moonlight poured in through a laurel tree planted in front of the window, seeming to be fragrant.

"Thank you, sir...can I ask why you keep helping me?"

"From recruiting me to the Imperial City Division, to letting Ma Hongying guide us in investigating the case, to now re-opening the Feiqiao case for me..."

Zhang Chunting did not respond. He turned around and leaned against the small semi-circular table by the window. The moonlight fell on his face, adding a bit of divinity to his breathtakingly beautiful face. .

Gu Shiwei couldn't help but sigh again, there really is no one more beautiful than Zhang Chunting in this world.

If he were a girl, there would be one more beauty to take the blame in the history books! It would probably be said that he brought disaster to the country and the people, and entertained officials every night, which turned him into a weakling who couldn't stand up straight...

"Your father gave you a good brain, and he didn't just let you think wildly."

"You have nothing to thank. Now that King Qi has been arrested, you have already avenged your father, haven't you?"

Gu Shiwei couldn't help but blush when someone saw through his thoughts.

She stabilized her mind and shook her head seriously, "That's not the case. Although according to the clue of Fei Que, King Qi is most likely the instigator behind the Fei Que case. But this time he was arrested because of treason. It has nothing to do with the Feiqiao case at all.”

"If the Feiqiao case is not overturned, no one in the world will know who the real culprit is. My father will not be able to get justice and prove his innocence."

"Officials are people who don't want to get into trouble. To reopen the Feiqiao case is to make him admit that he wrongly killed Zhongliang. Even if King Qi confesses his crime, he may not allow it to be made public. He even does not want it to be made public at all. It needs to be tried, and the King of Qi should be executed directly for treason to avoid long nights and endless dreams.”

If Zhai Di hadn't suddenly committed an assassination, she would have planned to tell the officials that she didn't need any reward and just wanted to re-investigate the Feiqiao case.

reward? Gu Shiwei thought, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, she raised her eyes and looked at Zhang Chunting, "So your Excellency asked me to go with Wei Changming to get the national seal, and also deliberately set the best opportunity for King Qi to rebel against us. When you return to the city, do you just want me to perform meritorious service with Wei Changming?"

She needs to re-investigate the Fei Que case, but what about Wei Changming? Wei Changming still needs to deal with the hatred of the Duke of Lu.

Zhang Chunting sneered, "You and Han Shiyan have been together for a long time, and you have become so naive."

"You don't think that I asked the officials to set up a situation where so many people died, do you?"

Gu Shiwei's face darkened, and she shook her head.

"The officials wanted to completely cleanse the Qi King's party in the court, but they were afraid that too much killing would lead to impeachment by civil and military officials. So just like the bloodbath in the East Palace last time, they asked the Imperial City Secretary to take the blame for him again. Evidence It was he who specifically asked you to hand over the list of party members in public..."

If Wei Changming hadn't been poisoned suddenly, Zhang Chunting might have been arresting people everywhere in Bianjing City together with Li Sansi.

After tonight, the notoriety of the Imperial City Division and Zhang Chunting will rise to another level.

At that time, it will actually stop the child from crying at night. I am afraid it is not the red robe of the Imperial City Secretary that can scare people out of their wits.

Gu Shiwei said, looking at Zhang Chunting with a somewhat complicated look.

Zhang Chunting raised his eyes and looked over. His eyes were particularly clear, "You are thinking about what happened today. So many innocent guards died. They were originally loyal to the officials and protected each other with their lives. They died like this. It's like a waste of time in a game."

"Just like back then, the officials were not necessarily sure that your father and Wang Shen were behind the scenes. Just to settle the matter quickly, they regarded them as scapegoats. In this way, you still feel that you are fighting for justice. , does it make sense?”

As Zhang Chunting spoke, he walked towards the row of ancient shelves placed against the wall. This shelf had not been replaced, but some of the ornaments on it had been replaced.

Gu Shiwei's lips moved, and she felt like something was stuck in her throat, not knowing what to say.

She thought about the fresh corpses she saw in the palace today, about Guan Jing standing there bloody, and about Li Zhongyun who fell to the ground unconscious. How would the person who protects the official family feel?

While she was deep in thought, Zhang Chunting suddenly spoke again.

"When the truth about the Fei Que case is revealed to the world, you can leave the Imperial City Division and Bianjing."

"I told you before that Han Shiyan is a sharp sword. It depends on how people use it. But a sword is a sharp weapon and can hurt people. You already have the Changming Sword, so you don't need a second sword. "

"The royal family is ruthless, and it is not easy to be a solitary minister. Sooner or later, he will hurt others and himself, and will not end well."

Gu Shenwei was startled. She looked at Zhang Chunting and wanted to say that she had planned to leave Bianjing after that, but when the words came to her lips, she still did not say them out.

"It makes sense, of course it makes sense."

Gu Shinwei remembered Zhang Chunting's previous question and answered sonorously. Her hand holding the sword tightened, and the veins on the back of her hand were exposed.

"I know that in the eyes of superiors, ordinary people like us are very weak, like grass and grass. But my existence, and the justice I strive for, is to let the officials know, and let those who treat us as pawns know."

"Our lives are also lives, and our justice is also justice."

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