Chapter 318 Han Jia Jingyan
Han Jingyan glanced at Han Shiyan's red ears and instantly understood why the eldest princess had burned a bucket of incense in every temple in Bianjing City.

A long way to go.

He was not a person who loved his children. He stopped and turned around and took out the file from behind. The file was quite thin and only had a few pages.

"Sit down and talk. This is the file I got on the Fei Que case. Most of the people involved in the Fei Que case three years ago are no longer alive. The assassin Li Chang died on the spot without leaving a single word. "

"At that time, there were a total of six imperial guards responsible for guarding the official's house. Two of them, Xu Changlin and Tongshan, left confessions claiming that your father ordered Li Chang to assassinate."

"The other two, He Jiujiang and Wang Ming, did not testify."

Gu Shiwei followed Han Shiyan and sat down. She listened carefully and quietly looked at Han Jingyan across from him. Although they were both named Han and had similar facial features, Han Jingyan and Han Shiyan were obviously two different people.

Han Shiyan was like a long sword without a scabbard, with sharpness written all over it, and it would hurt people if he moved it.

Han Jingyan, on the other hand, looks like a polished paperweight. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his appearance alone makes people think he is a gentleman. Moreover, he used to be a parent's official, which made him speak and act with a sense of propriety that is not annoying.

"In addition to Liu Yudai, the person in charge of guarding the palace that day was Wang Shen, the deputy chief inspector on duty. Wang Shen committed suicide by hanging from a beam in prison and left a suicide note. There were only three bloody people on the suicide note. The big words: I am guilty.”

Han Jingyan was clearly unambiguous in his work. He carefully took out a piece of paper from the file and placed it on the table.

This piece of paper looks very fragile, and there are indeed three big characters written on it. It should be a bloody letter left after biting off the finger.

"With the confessions of those two people and Wang Shen's suicide note, the case was quickly settled."

Han Jingyan hesitated for a moment when he said this. He looked at Han Shiyan and Gu Shiwei, who was about to "draw his sword" if they disagreed. After thinking about it, he said, "You two are also imperial officials, especially Gu Shiwei. Working in the Imperial City Division, I know why the case is here so I won’t go into it further.”

Gu Shinwei looked at the three blood-red characters and nodded with a heavy heart.

She only knew that Wang Shen committed suicide in prison out of fear of crime, but she did not know that there was such a blood letter.

Han Jingyan hesitated to say anything, reminding her that Zhang Chunting had asked her bluntly last night.

The reason why the Feiqiao case was closed so quickly was because someone was looking for the so-called "overall situation."

Han Jingyan was so angry that he went crazy when he saw that neither Gu Shiwei nor Han Shiyan made any accusations, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Although he was far away in Suzhou before, the evil wind blowing from the three thorns in Bianjing has spread all over the country, making his heart palpitate every night. Others have nothing to do with these three people, but he is different.

His three so-called close friends: his cousin who is covered in iron thorns and stabs his ancestors' graves when someone sees him, Wu Jiang who has a big problem with his head and dares to pee on the national seal, and Liu Fufeng, who is weak and wields a sledgehammer... and now they are causing fake death and kidnapping. Ma Hongying from the official family...

God knows why he is young and mature, but has been as steady as a sea-fixing needle since he was a child! It was obviously brought up by the naughty children since childhood!

Now that it's all right, there's another fierce brother and sister, Gu Shiwei, who wields a sword and kills indiscriminately, making the earth dragon go crazy wherever he goes and makes trouble.

Everyone else said that it was gratifying that he had been promoted several levels in a row, but only he knew that it was pitiful... He had just gone to Dali Temple and had not yet secured his seat, and Han Shiyan had already impatiently involved him in the flying bird case. .

"Don't be too nervous. We can talk while eating. The most difficult thing about this case is to get the officials to re-investigate and find out the real culprit behind the scenes. Now you have taken ninety-nine steps, and you are just missing the last step. Putting things right."

Han Jingyan said and took the lead in picking up the chopsticks.

Gu Shiwei nodded, and then he was in the mood to look at the table. The dishes on the table were clearly divided between Chu, Han and Chu. The side where she and Han Shi were sitting were all sweet, while the ones in front of Han Jingyan were all delicious. It's all kinds of things...

Good guy! The stuffed pork belly, fried shark intestines, silver belly, and pork liver porridge were all lined up neatly...

"You, the Han family, really have the same rice that feeds all kinds of stomachs..."

Han Jingyan was taken aback for a moment and nodded in agreement, "Like my brother... I also have a soft spot for these things, just like taking care of family affairs and sometimes feasting on sweets. But this is nothing unusual. My father likes to eat insects the most. Once upon a time when he was out in the field and encountered a locust plague, he held a feast of locusts..."

"The local people fell in love with this delicacy after trying it and ate up all the local locusts."

Gu Shiwei heard this and gave Han Jingyan a thumbs up.

Her eyes moved, and she picked up a piece of sweet and sour fish and stuffed it into her mouth. She only used a piece of white sugar cake in the morning and now she was already empty.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Han Shiyan put down a bowl of soup in front of her, "When you are full, we will go to the prison to see King Qi later."

Han Jingyan, who was carrying his belly, looked at the way the two were getting along, and he just wanted to start painting immediately, so that everyone in the clan could see Han Ci's worthless look. He never expected that Han Shiyan would have such a tender side.

It was like he never thought that Han Shiyan could find a girl in the huge crowd who was not afraid of sweetness like him.

Gu Shiwei nodded, then shook his head after thinking about it, "Speaking of which, there are still some difficulties in this case, and there are also some doubts that I haven't figured out yet."

"The King of Qi's men are wearing flying bird masks, which is undoubtedly consistent with the fact that the national seal turned into a flying bird and flew away. There are so many birds and beasts in the world, it is definitely not a coincidence. So King Qi should be the real culprit in the flying bird case ”

"What makes this case difficult is that even if King Qi is the real culprit, if he insists that my father and Wang Kun are his subordinates and were ordered to carry out the assassination, then we need to find solid evidence to overturn his accusation. statement."

Although she hated the Gu family so much that she had severed ties with them long ago.

But there is absolutely no way to wash away the fact that Gu Yanzhi and even the entire Gu family are members of King Qi's party. Since they are all members of the Qi family, what about Gu Younian who was involved in the Fei Que case? Who can believe that he is a little white flower who knows nothing about family affairs?
"All the people involved in the incident were beheaded. Now it is not easy to overturn the confessions of those two people."

The more Gu Shiwei talked, the clearer his idea became, "Furthermore, if King Qi is the mastermind of the Feiqiao case, how could the national seal he had worked so hard to obtain fall into the hands of the Northern Dynasties?"

Gu Shiwei said and glanced at Han Shiyan. Han Shiyan instantly understood what she wanted to say and nodded towards Gu Shiwei.

"Moreover, we got a very special clue from Mrs. Wang Shen."

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