The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 323 There is another black hand

Chapter 323 There is another black hand
This is what Han Shiyan said.

Gu Shinwei's fingers drew a circle on the edge of the cup. It was a snow-white cup with an ink painting of a lonely boat fishing on the cold river.

Han Shiyan's cup was completely black. At a glance, he could see mountains covered with snow. If they were put together, they would form a complete painting.

"Han Jingyan is very anxious to close the case and reverse the case for my father and Wang Shen. In the confession written by King Qi, he took everything on himself... That confession is very beneficial to me. Logically speaking, I should be the third one." The one who is most eager to crucify it all.”

Gu Shiwei said about the doubts in his heart, "But Han Jingyan is more anxious than me."

If it were anyone else, she would definitely think that she is very pretentious.

She obviously worked so hard and did so many things just to clear her father's name and reverse the case.

Now that everything she had hoped for was coming true, she felt that the presiding judge was too impatient.

But she knew that Han Shiyan could understand her thoughts.

What she wants is innocence, not false innocence.

As expected, Han Shiyan did not show any surprise, "I know what you want is the truth, and now someone wants to kill King Qi to cover up the truth. What does this mean? It means that the truth we know so far is false."

Han Shiyan paused for a moment before adding, "It's possible that only part of it is true."

At least the case of cutting off weapons was undoubtedly the work of King Qi. They had already seen the batch of "missing weapons" during this rebellion.

"Is it partially true..." Gu Shiwei murmured to himself.

Han Shiyan didn't say anything more, but picked up the pen on the table.

They had been away from Bianjing for so long that the Four Treasures of the Study in the study had not been used much, and the ink in the inkstone had dried.

Han Shiyan thought about it and started to grind the ink. After a while, Gu Shiwei smelled the faint fragrance of the ink. Mixed with the osmanthus wine in her hand, the smell was very refreshing.

She craned her neck and looked at Han Shiyan's writing, only to see him writing the confession of King Qi quickly on the paper.

His pen is sharp, and every word is as sharp as a sharp knife, which is very consistent with Gu Shiwei's view of him.

"After just a few glances, can you write it all down silently?"

Gu Shiwei looked at it and marveled, "Although it is all written in Chinese characters, if it is a martial arts secret book, I can remember it at a glance. If it is the Four Books and Five Classics... Unless I open my brain and carve it with a carving knife, otherwise I will Ten thousand can’t be remembered.”

Han Shiyan's pen is as fast as flying, and he has a good memory. All the words on that piece of paper are now engraved in his mind. If necessary, he can even draw a gourd and write a confession that is exactly the same as the one written by the King of Qi. The book comes.

"There are many people who can memorize the Four Books and Five Classics. Just pick anyone in Guozixue to know it, but there are very few people who are as powerful in martial arts as Gu Qinshi."

Gu Shiwei raised his chin happily when he heard this.

Who doesn't like to hear compliments, especially the ivory spit out of the dog's mouth, which is quite rare.

"You just praised me as a flower, so should I doubt Han Jingyan or him?" Gu Shiwei sat bored, put down the cup in his hand, and walked around the huge table. Make a circle.

She frowned and thought carefully. The room was quiet for a while, except for the sound of Han Shiyan occasionally moving papers.

Han Shiyan moved very quickly, and in a short time he had finished transcribing the entire confession. "Yuzhu!"


Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan shouted in unison. They looked at each other, with joy in their eyes at first, and then their hearts became heavy again.

Gu Shinwei smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I just sorted through everything I found from the time I entered Bianjing to today, and found that we still have many questions that we have no answers to."

"Not only is there no answer, but a preconceived error has been made."

"That's why I always thought that in the Fei Que case, the person who stole the national seal and the person who assassinated the official were the same person."

"Similarly, because Ma Hongying was lurking in the Feiqiao organization before, she gave the ingot of gold to Chu Liangchen and led to the tax bank case. Because I know that the Gu family has a big problem with water transportation, and the tax bank disappearance case also happened in on the canal, so this case was directly attributed to the same person behind the scenes.”

They believed that the tax-bank case was committed by the same person as the weapons-severing case. He thought he had weapons and wanted military pay. That person had a complete motive.

Secondly, there was Mian Jin, the important middleman who linked the two cases together. At that time, they didn’t know that person was Ma Hongying.

The gold came from Mian Jin, so they concluded that King Qi had taken the tax money. In fact, this area has not been carefully investigated at all.

"In the same way, because the national seal became a flying bird, we also believe that the person who stole the national seal is the King of Qi. This flying bird and the flying bird mask master are both flying birds. Of course, I still think about this to this day. I think it was King Qi who did it.”

"After all, the symbol of the sparrow is too obvious."

"But what about the person who carried out the assassination? Is the person who ordered Li Chang's assassination really the King of Qi?"

Han Shiyan stood up and handed the confession in front of Gu Shiwei, "I think about my family's affairs."

"With this confession, King Qi directly bears all the charges."

"But you see, he didn't mention Yuan Huo at all in it. Not only that, there was no Yuan Huo among the people who rebelled this time."

"Yuan Huo was injured when his horse was frightened that day, so Wang Shen was killed on duty. This frightened horse must not have been accidental, but was caused by Wang Shen bumping into Li Chang burning paper. The confession did not mention anything about Wang Shen and Yuan Huo. Confusing things.”

"He also didn't explain what method he used to get Li Chang to obey his orders, let alone how he killed Wang Shen in prison."

"In other words, his explanation was too general, as if he himself didn't know the details. It would have been fine if he had just brushed it off. The confession was obviously quite long, but he only said that he had instigated Li Chang Xing stabs.”

Han Shiyan did not continue.

What's even more intriguing is that Han Jingyan, who has been a parent officer for so long and has tried many cases, has never asked about these details.

Even after they had just shown him the narcissus bead in Fan Tower.

Gu Shiwei took a deep breath, her fingertips trembled slightly, and she suppressed the excitement in her heart.

"We don't have any evidence to prove that there is anything fishy about the Feiqiao case. Now these speculations are just speculations. It's because we feel that King Qi and Han Jingyan are both weird, so we have such a bold idea."

"But even if this idea is wrong. At least one thing we can be sure of is that someone wants King Qi to cover up something."

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