The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 329 Suspicious points of the murder

Chapter 329 Suspicious points of the murder
Sure enough.

She saw that this medical clinic was quite close to Yuan's mansion, so she thought of asking a question. Sure enough, three years ago, when Yuan Huo was injured, he sought a doctor nearby and asked Yan Qi to see him.

"Is it just a sprain? I heard that the leg flew out at that time and had to be reattached."

Yan Qi was startled for a moment, then laughed, revealing a mouth of white and neat teeth.

"The rumors are too much. If the legs fly out, even the Daluo Jinxian will not be able to catch them. Mr. Yuan is very skilled. When the horse was frightened, he flew to the ground in time. If he hadn't stepped on a stone by chance, If your child is sprained, it will definitely not hurt.”

Yan Qi remembered what Gu Shiwei said just now and sighed, "But it is indeed a blessing in disguise!"

Gu Shinwei's eyes flashed slightly. When Yan Qi mentioned Yuan Huo, his tone was familiar. It was obvious that the two of them had more than just a one-sided relationship.

"Mr. Yan, have you heard about the recent horrific serial murder case in Bianjing City? I heard that the murderer killed one person in one night and has killed five people in a row."

When Yan Qi heard this, his expression was a little strange. He looked at Gu Shiwei as if he were a barbarian running out of the mountain.

Only then did he look at Gu Shiwei and the other two people carefully. He didn't know what to look at, but he was shocked to see them.

When he came in in a hurry, he felt that all three of them had extraordinary bearings, and they looked like they were people of some status. But he was always serious about his work. Wu Jiang looked horrified with blood all over his body, so he concentrated on treating his injuries.

At this moment, I looked at these two men and a woman. One of them was a cold-faced scholar, the other was a silly military attache, and there was a lady from the Imperial City wearing a red robe with a sword hanging from her waist...

Isn't this the legendary Han Miemen, Wu Dalou and Gu Shao's head?
Yan Qi's hands trembled as he thought about it, but he accidentally touched Wu Jiang's wound, and heard his roar like thunder!

What a loud voice!
Yan Qi was flustered. He saw that the three of them no longer looked as calm as before. They didn't read the almanac today. The King of Hell has arrived at my door!

Could it be retribution for killing too many sheep?
Han Shiyan, who was standing next to him, saw that he was becoming cautious. He didn't understand anything. He looked over calmly and said, "The Kaifeng Mansion is handling the case. Has Yuan Huo come to treat his injuries recently?"

Yan Qi hurriedly shook his head, and he picked up the bloody knife with some embarrassment, "The last time Mr. Yuan came back was in February, when it was rainy and gloomy in Bianjing. He had been hit by an arrow in the lower back. , I feel sore when it rains, so I come to me to rub some medicinal wine and get acupuncture.”

"Originally, this year was a disaster year with lots of rain and floods. Unexpectedly, it didn't rain much anymore, and Mr. Yuan never came again."

Han Shiyan neither nodded nor shook his head, and continued to ask Yan Qifa, "Master Yuan you know, what is his temper? Does he like to do things?"

Yan Qi hesitated for a moment, and his black and white eyes secretly raised their eyes to look at Han Shiyan, wondering what Han Shiyan meant.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Han Shiyan was not anxious, but Wu Jiang on the side was anxious. While putting on his robe, he gritted his teeth and said, "Someone saw that Yuan Huo was the murderer of the serial murder case. He is now absconding in fear of crime."

Yan Qi's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes widened in disbelief, "Impossible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Han Shiyan asked, staring at Yan Qi.

Yan Qi hesitated for a moment, then thought about it and lowered his voice a little, "Master Yuan cherishes feathers very much and cares about promotion. Once when he was drunk, he accidentally revealed that the girl Lu Yi from Xinyue Furong Lane, I want to redeem her and bring her into the palace."

"But he was worried that he would be caught by the censor Guan and go to the imperial court, so he never saw Miss Luyi again." "Yan thought about how such a person could do such murderous things. Let yourself fall short!"

This time it was Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan's turn to be surprised.

The green-haired girl from Furong Lane?
I have to say that this world is really surprisingly small, and I accidentally encountered the names I had encountered before again.

Yan Qi obviously had a good impression of Yuan Huo. He couldn't help but add, "Master Yuan will give out porridge and medicine every new year or when there is a disaster... It's not like that kind of person..."

When he said the last sentence, his voice was a little shaky.

Obviously, the old saying came to mind, knowing people but not knowing their hearts. He is just a young doctor, so he can't make any firm judgments about those officials!
Han Shiyan nodded and without saying anything else, he took out a small silver ingot from his arms and placed it on the table.

Dr. Yan took a look and waved his hand, "Too many."

Han Shiyan shook his head and said, "I didn't bring any change. I'll have some mutton soup next time. Your father's mutton soup tastes very good, not smelly. If you add some coriander, it will be even better."

He said, patted Wu Jiang's back and walked towards the door.

Gu Shinwei tapped her fingers on the hilt of the sword, then glanced at the sharp knife in the doctor's hand, and then walked out. She trotted to catch up with Wu Jiang, "Now your mind is free to talk about the serial murderer." About the case?”

Wu Jiang blushed. Thinking of his pretentious appearance before, he wished he could dig out a well and pour out the water in his head.

"The case is not as exaggerated as the gatekeeper said yesterday. I would like to say that if there really is an executioner in Bianjing City who kills one person a day, people on the streets will be talking about it, teahouses, restaurants, brothels..."

"There were two crimes committed before, fifteen years apart. Last night was the third one..."

"The first deceased, named Qiuniang, was a Su embroiderer from Chunxiu Tower in Mingjing Lane. The girl from Su Yuan's aunt's family was getting married, and the dowry was set at Chunxiu Tower. Because the need was urgent, Qiuniang had been there all the time. Lighting and embroidery in the building.”

"She stayed up until midnight. When she was passing by Kupu Lane on her way back, she was killed."

"When the watchman found her, her head was wrapped in black cloth and her whole body was tied up like a rice dumpling during the Dragon Boat Festival. She was standing in the middle of the road."

"The old man did an autopsy and said that there were bruises on the back of her neck. She was probably knocked unconscious by someone with a knife from behind and then killed. The murder weapon was a coffin nail, which was driven directly into her heart. No one was alive on the spot."

Wu Jiang said, his face a little gloomy, "The old man also said that he tied the person first, put it in the middle of the road, and then used it as a target to throw the nails out of the coffin. It means that the murderer is a practitioner."

"In addition to the fatal coffin nail, there was a second nail in the palm of her right hand. This second nail was driven in after death."

"The second deceased was called Niu Nan. He was a lame man who drank night fragrance. When he was found, just like Qiuniang, his head was wrapped in black cloth. Then there was a coffin nail stuck in his heart."

"His second coffin nail went through his nose, like a bull nose ring."

"The only difference is that this nail was driven in before death."

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