Chapter 338: Hiding a corpse at home
Gu Shiwei did not hesitate, she looked towards a tall guard standing at the city gate, "Brother, please go to Kaifeng Mansion, look for Chi Wuzuo to do an autopsy, and tell him that Sun Changshan is the one they want to find." murderer."

"Just tell him exactly what you saw just now."

The tall guard recovered from the shock, nodded hurriedly and ran towards Kaifeng Mansion.

Seeing him walking away, Gu Shiwei looked at Gu Mancang who had "helped" Sun Changshan to speak, "Where does Sun Changshan's family live? Can you show us the way?"

Gu Mancang covered his mouth and nodded numbly.

He never understood why Sun Changshan, who was dozing next to him just now, died in such a short time!
And he died so tragically! What did he hear? Sun Changshan is the murderer Kaifeng Mansion wants to catch?
Gu Shiwei saw through his thoughts and said to Gu Mancang, "Have you ever thought that the reason why he is so sleepy is because he went out to kill people last night. You were on duty with him and think carefully about whether he was Every fifth day, it’s like being a thief in the middle of the night?”

Gu Mancang was trembling, and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

"No...that's right..."

Not only Gumancang, but also the guards who were on duty with Sun Changshan before felt a sense of terror.

Guarding the city gate is extremely boring. They are all rough guys and like to make jokes when they have nothing to do.

As the saying goes, the more you lack something, the more you want to show off. A man with a delicate skin and tender flesh always wants to pretend to be rude, whether intentionally or unintentionally. He especially likes to tell dirty jokes to everyone, especially to Sun Changshan.

Five days ago, he also laughed at Sun Changshan here, asking him whether he had a secret meeting with his old sweetheart, and was almost discovered by his husband, who left him lying under the bed all night. Otherwise, why didn't you sleep all night?
They all laughed at that time and didn't care what Sun Changshan thought at all.

Now that I think about it, I can't help but be afraid... This was a murderer. If he hadn't died today, and he would hold a grudge someday, wouldn't he have killed them all one by one?
Nagu Mancang was thinking about it, and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, can I cover this corpse with a piece of cloth? After all, it's too scary..."

Gu Shiwei caught a glimpse of the fearful expressions of the people coming between him, and nodded in realization...

We have seen so many mountains of corpses and seas of blood recently, and all the weaklings who have forgotten that Da Yong's ninety-percent literary crepe are concentrated in Bianjing. This corpse is placed at the gate of the city like this, and it might really scare a few scholars to death.

Gu Mancang received the permission, trotted to the city gate, took out a somewhat shabby black clothes, and covered Sun Changshan's head.

When the driver who was resting on the side saw this, he drove the carriage to Sun Changshan's body and cleared a piece of land for the body.

He didn't say anything more, just nodded to Han Shiyan, leaned up and pulled out a storybook from the carriage, and read it with relish. It seemed that he planned to stay here and wait for the people from Kaifeng Mansion to arrive.

Gu Mancang breathed a sigh of relief and trotted up to Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan to lead the way.

"Sun Changshan and I live in a large courtyard. I want to save my monthly money to marry a wife, but Sun Changshan has a sickly mother-in-law."

"He is quite filial. Aunt Sun couldn't get out of bed, so he asked a nanny from the courtyard to take care of her. Even if he doesn't eat meat on weekdays, he still has to feed me meat."

Gu Mancang is obviously a loudmouth who can't hold back his words. Once he starts talking, he can't stop it.

"I heard Mrs. Niu say that Aunt Sun had two sons. One was named Sun Changtai and the other was named Sun Changhai. They disappeared for some reason. Aunt Sun's white-haired son gave birth to a black-haired son, so she couldn't afford to fall ill. ”

While talking, Gu Mancang had already led the two of them to the gate of the courtyard.

"There are four families living in this courtyard. Everyone goes out to find a living during the day and doesn't come back until night. That room is Sun Changshan's house."

Perhaps because there were so many people living in the courtyard, debris was piled everywhere. In front of the dark kitchen door was a tall pile of firewood, reaching to the top. On top of the pile of firewood lay a white cat. , seeing a stranger coming, the cat meowed a few times and jumped up to the roof. It stood on the roof, raised its tail and meowed several times, staring curiously at the courtyard with its big eyes.

Gu Shinwei's eyes moved, and he flew directly to the roof lightly. When the cat saw someone chasing him, he screamed and wanted to run away, but as soon as he pulled his legs twice, he felt a tightness in his neck, and the whole cat The cats were all lifted up and slithered away.

"Master Gu, this is Sun Changshan's cat. He brought it from outside because he was afraid that his mother would be bored."

"Although he is a villain..." Gu Mancang couldn't help but shrink his neck thinking about Gu Shiwei's evil reputation. Seeing that the cat kept struggling in her hands, he couldn't help but said, "It shouldn't be a disaster even if you sit still." ...Cat?”

Gu Shinwei jumped down with the cat in hand. Hearing Gu Mancang's suspicious eyes, he laughed silently angrily.

She raised the cat and handed it to Han Shiyan to look at, and said solemnly, "Look, there's blood on its feet?"

Seeing Han Shiyan nodding, Gu Shiwei threw the cat away, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

She gestured to Han Shiyan, telling him to follow her, then stepped forward and kicked her hard...

There was only a loud bang, and the locked door was kicked to pieces like a fragile piece of tofu and shattered into dregs.

Gu Mancang's mouth opened wide. When he saw Mrs. Niu running out after hearing the noise, he shook his head desperately and pointed at the long sword hanging on Gu Shinwei's waist.

The old lady Niu wanted to curse, but when she saw the sword, she didn't dare to speak.

Gu Shiwei ignored them and looked into the room. It was in a mess. Clothes were piled in a mess on the corner of the bed. There were still uneaten broad beans with moldy cores on the table.

By the window at the door of the house, two pairs of cloth shoes were thrown in a mess, emitting a suffocating smell.

There was no one in the house.

Seeing this, Gu Shiwei nodded towards Han Shiyan.

Han Shiyan walked in, opened the kicked-in doors, and looked for them on the ground, "It should be here. The cat's bloody footprints started from here and continued towards the door. The cat's footprints are still there. , indicating that Sun Changshan has not cleaned the ground."

"There is no obvious pool of blood on the ground. It is impossible for the cat to have blood on its feet out of thin air. Then there is most likely something going on underground in this house."

Gu Shinwei nodded and said to Han Shiyan, "Get out of the way."

As she spoke, she knelt down, stretched out her hand and knocked on the ground, then dug hard along the cracks in the floor tiles, and directly pushed the floor aside.

Gu Mancang, who was standing at the door and didn't dare to come in, saw the thin arms overturning the big stone so easily, and his eyes almost fell off!

Who will dare to say that pretty girls are not tough in the future?

Look at Gu Jijian, she is tougher than a two-meter strong man!

Gu Shiwei couldn't hear Gu Mancang's inner thoughts. She followed the hole and looked down. Sure enough, she saw a corpse inside. The corpse had a black cloth wrapped around its head and was tied up with ropes. It looked like it was alive. She looks like a big rice dumpling.

There was a dark coffin nail stuck in his heart.

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