Chapter 344 A Picture Scroll

"This is the mountain wall on the left, and these are the river on the right. Oh, by the way, there is an old pine tree on the mountain wall. The whole pine tree stretches out, as if a ghost is waving."

"There are three black spots in the sky. I can't tell whether they are birds, ships or what they are."

Gu Shinwei looked at the vertical mountain wall, the horizontal strips of water, like a tangle of trees, and three stains that were accidentally stained...

It is truly a masterpiece that has never been done before or since!

She pursed her lips and looked at Ma Hongying, "Then do you still remember what a signature is? There is usually a signature and a seal on the painting."

The Yong people were very elegant, and most of the literati had all kinds of seals carved with strange stones. After painting, why not choose one of the fat, thin, round, and flat seal stones to seal it? This is not enough, you have to give yourself an elegant name.

Ma Hongying thought for a while, spread her hands towards Gu Shinwei, and said with some embarrassment, "I just learned the official characters, and the characters for Northern Dynasty and Xixia."

"As long as I can understand the military orders and the intercepted letters from the dog thief, it is enough. As for the rest... I spent all my time practicing martial arts. I don't know what the style of that character is, and I didn't recognize it at the time... I originally thought about going back and painting a gourd, but..."

Ma Hongying laughed even more and couldn't raise her head.

Gu Shiwei instantly realized, what else could it be? Just turn around and forget about it!
What could she say? They say you don’t hit someone with a smiling face, so how could she have the nerve to hit a beautiful girl who was laughing and feeling guilty at the same time!

"It's okay. My grandfather once asked me to memorize the Four Books and Five Classics. I recognized them as soon as I opened the book and forgot about it when I closed the book."

Ma Hongying breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a dry seedling had been watered, she suddenly raised her head and became full of energy again.

"Right! I'm like that too!"

"Perhaps God also thought that our mortal body cannot hold two gods. The God of War has chosen us, and Wenquxing will have no place to squat!"

Gu Shiwei laughed dumbly. Although it was strange, it seemed to make sense.

She thought about it, drank the wine in front of her, stood up, folded up Ma Hongying's "Ghost Drawing Talisman" and stuffed it into her arms, "I still have something to do, so I'll take the first step. Everything has passed. It’s over, just do what you want to do next.”

Ma Hongying also stood up. She took a deep breath and couldn't help but ask, "Don't you think I'm a coward?"

On the one hand, he dared not continue to pursue the truth, and on the other hand, he could not believe that the officials did not have the courage to go to the battlefield again. Compared with Gu Shinwei, who had worked hard for three years to bury the entire clan with his own hands, and who wanted to wash away his father's grievances even after poking a hole that day. , she is simply a deserter who feels ashamed of herself.

Gu Shiwei paused slightly and shook his head.

"I use the sword and you use the hammer, but we are both possessed by the God of War, aren't we?"

She said, without staying any longer, she flashed... and rolled directly out of the second floor, disappearing almost instantly.

Ma Hongying stood there without moving.

Gu Shiwei used a sword. The sword was a sharp weapon that could cut through all evil deeds.

She uses a hammer, which is a blunt instrument, to protect peace.

Just like she changed from a sword to a hammer when she was young, her destiny may have been written from the beginning. Many years ago, she followed her heart and chose the truest Ma Hongying.

There were bursts of footsteps on the stairs...

Ma Hongying turned around and was not surprised to see Mrs. Wang Yushi slowly going upstairs.

"I agree to Madam's request, and I will take charge of this martial arts hall from now on. But I have one request, that is, Wang Quan... I hope that one-third of the money given to me every month can be used to pay To Wang Quan’s family.”

It's not that she doesn't want to give more, she also has to shoulder the responsibility of those brothers who died with her in the stone formation. "I don't want them to know that it was me who gave it to me, Madam, it can be in anyone's name... They don't have to be grateful, they can also be resentful. I just feel ashamed of myself."

"Can you do it, ma'am?"

Ma Hongying said, holding her fists and bowing deeply to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang sighed softly. Her voice sounded a bit majestic. At first glance, she was very different from ordinary ladies in the house.

"Why are you doing this? The officials have asked you to take advantage of your merits and pardoned you. At that time, you had no choice but to do this in order to win the trust of King Qi. If it weren't for you, Lord Zhang of the Imperial City Department, how could you have predicted this? Are you able to control all of King Qi’s movements?”

"What's more, he is a member of my Wang family. If he died for my Wang family, I will protect his family."

Ma Hongying shook her head, "I didn't play any role. The officials didn't trust me, so they used a substitute."

"The Feiqiao killers were not killed by me, but by Gu Shiwei and Wei Changming."

Ma Hongying paused and said firmly, "Even if I played one ten thousandth of the role and the officials pardoned me, I still can't pardon myself."

"Madam, just think that I am a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate, just to comfort yourself."

Mrs. Wang nodded, took a piece of paper from a young maid who was following behind, and handed it to Ma Hongying.

"Appreciation is appreciation, business is business. Here is a contract. If you see that there are no problems, just sign it, and this martial arts gym will be handed over to you in the future."

Ma Hongying nodded and took it without hesitation.

She looked out the window. There were white clouds floating in the blue sky. The big tree branch in front of the door grew sideways, and two sparrows, one big and one small, squatted on it, chirping.

Fighting with each other is a thing of the past, and ordinary life is what the heart longs for.

Ma Hongying thought, retracted her gaze, and gently wrote her name on the piece of paper.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Han Shiyan glanced at the sparrows squatting on the old locust tree in front of the Dali Temple. This tree had some special feng shui, and it was actually covered with bird's nests.

He kept chattering and preaching, just like Han Jingyan when he was a child.

Just now he went to Yuan Huo's house, but as expected he found nothing.

The purse containing lanugo hair and amulets in Lu Yi's mouth was not found, nor was anything special found. The Yuan family cried so hard that when he left, it was already hung with white lanterns.

Han Shiyan withdrew his gaze and stepped straight into the threshold.

"Han Yushi! Why are you here at Dali Temple? I've thought about it all over the place, but I can't think of anything worthy of reference in me! I'm obviously conscientious and self-disciplined, and I don't drink flower wine. Greed for money, three things..."

The name of the person who spoke was Cui Yixing. His ancestors were from a famous family. Although they lost their former glory in the Yong Dynasty, they still had good family traditions and many talents.

Cui Yixing, a young Jinshi, rose through the ranks and is now the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

In the past, the minister of Dali Temple was old and neglected the affairs of the Dali Temple. Cui Yixing took over the duties of Dali Temple. Han Shiyan had many dealings with him in the past. In the past, the two of them were classmates in Guozi School, and they could talk to each other.

"Isn't it serious?" Han Shiyan replied lightly.

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