Chapter 350 Tacit Partner
"How many jobs does a person who joins the army do? I don't know how much salary the imperial court will give him?"

Gu Shiwei clicked his tongue, Dayong's officials had more hair than the monkey's head! The names of the officials are mostly the same. Among the state officials who join the army, there are those who join the army, such as those who join the army, those who join the army, those who join the judiciary, and those who join the household.

At first glance, I thought I heard Zhaodi, Pandi, Niandi, Laidi... I couldn't figure it out at all.

Not long after she joined the Imperial City Division, she only knew that this clerk joined the army and handled cases, but she didn't know that he also received household registration tax accounts.

Han Shiyan shook his head, "The salary is not much, but the power and responsibilities are quite heavy."

"According to Chu Liangchen, the tax money had been replaced with stones when it sank to the bottom of the river. This can only mean that it was stolen before that."

After the big ship sank into the river, Chu Liangchen, as a well-known local corpse collector, was immediately arranged to dive.

At that time, he saw with his own eyes that the seals of the cages were loosened and large rocks rolled out from inside.

"Before the tax money was put on the ship, according to common sense, the then judge Li Jingzhe and Jiang Xun inspected the sealed box together. If Jiang Xun had any problem with guarding and stealing, and he had packed the box with big rocks from the beginning, then that would be It makes sense.”

"And after the case happened, who were the people who went to investigate the disappearance of the tax bank? It was Meng Baisui, the then magistrate of Suzhou, and Jiang Xun."

Although he said this, Gu Shiwei clearly understood what Han Shiyan meant.

It was like the case was handed over to the Imperial City Division, but the person actually handling the case was not Zhang Chunting, but her. The magistrate of Suzhou at that time was in charge, and the person who was really at the forefront, searching for people, salvaging them, and checking whether there were any problems among them was most likely Jiang Xun.

"The left hand checks the right hand, it's really powerful! Of course, the most powerful person is the person behind the scenes. Did he send Jiang Xun away with a piece of gold? Or did the reward also include the "Eagle Watching" picture? "

Gu Shinwei said with a sarcastic look on his face.

If Chu Liangchen hadn't come out of nowhere, the previous tax and bank case would not have been regarded as a case at all, but would have been handled as an accident.

"A few years have passed, and Jiang Xun has not been promoted. It can be seen that what he wants is not a promotion at all, and he does not have much gold, so it must not be a fortune... Then Jiang Xun cannot be a Bodhisattva alive and take the risk of confiscating his family and exterminating his family to steal taxes and money. What does he want?"

"You can't be as big as the man behind the scenes, right? Ou Song's paintings are worth thousands of gold, but the reason why he is worth thousands of gold is because he is the official's favorite."

But Jiang Xun would rather hide the painting in a darkroom and eat dust than present it to an official to seek promotion and fortune.

If this thing is not used to flatter people, it is just a piece of waste paper.

Han Shiyan frowned and deeply agreed with Gu Shiwei's words. What does Jiang Xun want?

"If you don't ask for promotion or wealth, even if you only have favors left," Han Shiyan said with a heavy tone, "Now that Jiang Xun is dead without any evidence, we only have ten days. It's not easy to go to Suzhou to investigate. I will make arrangements later. Take a long look and go to Jiangnan."

Gu Shinwei nodded, "The time of Jiang Xun's death is too coincidental."

"Look at the time when this happened. After the Qi Wangfei Que case, they discovered the existence of another group of people, so they secretly investigated the tax bank case and found out about Jiang Xun... so they sent Ma Hongying there. Suzhou."

"King Qi knows about the existence of the other party, so why doesn't the person on the other side who hides deeper know about the melon King Qi?"

"As soon as Ma Hongying moved, the news was received over there and Jiang Xun was killed directly. Although Hongying said that there was no doubt about Jiang Xun's death, but that he died of a serious illness. But why didn't Jiang Xun die sooner or later? He died when Ma Hongying went there? "Not to mention that Ma Hongying is not a liar, even if she was, Jiang Xun's family would not allow her to look over Jiang Xun's body with her hands when a stranger came to the funeral hall for no apparent reason.

To put it another way, to kill a person, you don't have to wipe his neck with poison.

King Qi was in a desperate situation. Didn't he accept someone's arrangement to hang himself?
If Jiang Xun cheated and exchanged tax money because of a favor, then why would it be difficult for him, a terminally ill man, to end his life early for a favor?

Han Shiyan was convinced that Gu Shiwei and he seemed to share the same head, and they would always want to go to the same place.

He thought, and below the words "Wang Yushi", "Guan family" and "Han family" written by the two people before, he wrote the words Jiang Xun and Li Jingzhe, tax bank case.

His hand paused in the air and he wrote a new name "Tao Ran".

Gu Shiwei curiously asked, "Who is Tao Ran?"

Ever since Chu Liangchen's case came out, Han Shiyan had gone to check on the people and colleagues involved in the tax and bank case, and the Yushitai monitored all civil and military officials. It can be said that he knew everything about the officials in the court, and they were all well-connected.

"Jiang Xun can open the door, but he is only one person. No matter what, there is no way to remove the tax money and replace the gold ingots with big rocks. A box of gold and a box of rocks are not the same weight or movement. "

"Onlookers can't tell the difference, but the person escorting the tax bank can't feel anything strange at all?"

"So if you want to hide the truth, you can't just have the two box inspectors, Jiang Xun and Li Jingzhe, but you also have to bribe the escort. The person who escorted the tax bank back then was Tao Ran. Tao Ran was demoted because of the unfavorable escort, but in recent years But it’s like the sun is rising... right under our noses.”

Han Shiyan did not give in. "Like Yuan Huo who died just now, he is now the deputy chief inspector in front of the palace. It can be said that he has risen through the ranks."

Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan looked at each other with a heavy look in their eyes. Although they knew that the person behind the scenes held a high position, it seemed that he had more real power than King Qi.

"Look at the people under King Qi. People like my grandfather have become his right-hand men. Even the most famous assassin of that day has only become a commander in the Imperial City Department. I can do this as soon as I come in. Officials still need to plan carefully for many years..."

"No one will say anything shabby about him..."

Han Shiyan was speechless, but that was not because he was shabby.

"What about Li Jingzhe now?" Gu Shiwei pointed at the name on the paper.

Han Shiyan shook his head, "Li Jingzhe was impeached by my master Guan Yushi last year because of corruption, and he died in exile."

Gu Shiwei frowned, "Then Magistrate Xia and Li Jingzhe are both far away in Suzhou. Why would Yushi Guan join them?"

These two people are related to the people behind the scenes.

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Han Shiyan to answer, she recalled seeing Liu Yang arranging the complainant, and she instantly realized, "So it was Yushi Guan who received the petition from Suzhou."

Han Shiyan nodded, "Yes, I calculated the time. Li Jingzhe died on the road to exile, slightly earlier than Jiang Xun."

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