Chapter 353 Sudden Death
"Let's go and see Tao Ran. We only have ten days. After the truth comes out, we will buy dumplings and wine and go see your father."

When Han Shiyan heard Gu Shiwei mention Gu Younian, he was worried that she would be sad, so he stood up first.

Gu Shinwei nodded, and the two of them did not stay at Han Chun Tower for long and walked straight towards Tao Ran's house.

"It's a coincidence that when Tao Ran was transferred from Suzhou to Bianjing, he bought the Wang Shen family's old house."

When Gu Shiwei listened, she felt a little sentimental in her heart. She used to visit Wang's house for her father Gu Younian, but now she still remembers how she got there.

She thought, grabbed Han Shiyan, jumped up to the roof again, and the two of them galloped in that direction.

When they arrived at Tao Ran's house, a loud cry soared into the sky, making Gu Shiwei's head buzz.

She stood on the roof and looked down, only to see an old woman weighing about 200 pounds sitting on the ground and crying, "My son! My son! How can you scream?" My white-haired person will give it to the black-haired person!”

"If I had known, I would have suppressed you and made you dig dirt with us for the rest of your life in the countryside. I didn't want you to be an official or a job!"

"My mother would rather you plow the fields every day, feed the pigs every day, and grind every night, than go away at such a young age!"

She howled, and when she saw a thin old man squatting in the corner with a confused look on his face, her voice became a little sharper, "You bad old man! It's you who wants to make my little Wu Guangzong proud of his ancestors, yes You killed him!"

"To show off your father's lineage and honor your father's ancestors, even if I marry a chicken in the field, it would be better than marrying this thing like you! My son!"

The aunt's cries were so loud that it sounded like she was an unrelated relative of Wujiang.

Gu Shiwei listened, but she couldn't laugh at all. She looked at Han Shiyan aside with a solemn look, "Could it be that Tao Ran..."

Although she was asking a question, she was sure of it without Han Shiyan answering it.

They went to ask the King of Qi, who was hanging himself; they went to ask Yuan Huo, but Yuan Huo became a murderer; they came to ask Tao Ran, and Tao Ran died...

From now on, she won't be called Gu Shatou, and Han Shiyan won't be called Han Miemen. They will have to change their names and call them Sending the Plague God!
"What we thought of, he also thought of, and he once again walked in front of us."

After listening to Han Shiyan's words, Gu Shiwei looked around and felt a chill running down his spine.

That person knew their actions well, and maybe there was a pair of eyes staring at them somewhere somewhere right now.

The aunt was still crying and howling, and the old man huddled into a ball and kept silent. Suddenly, a group of people wearing white mourning clothes appeared in the yard, and the yard was suddenly crowded, all of them were moaning. cried into a ball.

The servants were busy in an orderly manner and began to build the mourning hall and change the lanterns. There was also a young man with red eyes, wearing hemp and mourning, preparing to report the funeral.

Gu Shinwei's keen eyes fell on a person in the courtyard. The man was wearing a dark brown robe. He looked about fifty years old and had a serious look on his face. Everyone in the Tao family was in a mess. He was the only one who was calmly arranging the funeral arrangements.

As if sensing Gu Shiwei's gaze, the man raised his head and looked towards the roof, and happened to meet Gu Shiwei's gaze.

Both of them were stunned.

Gu Shiwei frowned and lowered his voice and said to Han Shiyan, "Looking at Mian Shan, he must be the former butler of the Wang family."

Seeing that his whereabouts had been exposed, Gu Shiwei did not hesitate, grabbed Han Shiyan and jumped into the courtyard.

Their sudden appearance shocked the Tao family.

The two-hundred-pound woman suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Bring me my hoe! Where did the thief come from, how dare you come to trouble my son! Poor him, he can't even feel at ease on the road to hell... ...Watch if I don't beat you to death!" She said, with red eyes, she was about to rush towards Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan.

But before he could run a few steps, he was grabbed by the housekeeper.

"Madam, please don't be impulsive. This is a family matter of the Imperial City Department and the Han Yushi of the Yushitai."

The woman suddenly became mute. She thrust the hoe into the hand of the maid next to her and stood behind the housekeeper with some restraint, looking at the two of them warily.

"You two adults are here to look for my son? But you are a step too late. My son... he has already gone..."

Gu Shiwei hugged his fists towards Tao Ran's mother and said, "Old madam, I would like to express my condolences. I wonder if you can let me go in to see Mr. Tao one last time."

Mrs. Tao listened and looked at the housekeeper for help. The housekeeper nodded and took a step forward.

He saluted Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan, "You two, follow me."

Without waiting for Gu Shanwei to ask a question, he sighed, his voice a little low, "My master was accidentally hit by an arrow when he was suppressing the rebellion last night. The arrow pierced his chest, and he asked Doctor Shan from the Imperial Hospital to draw his sword and stab it. Medicine, it looks like his life is no longer in danger.”

"But just after lunch, things suddenly worsened. I sent someone to take the master's post to ask for the imperial doctor Shan. Now the imperial doctor hasn't come yet, but the master has already..."

Gu Shiwei listened carefully, but did not make any statement.

The main courtyard is still the same main courtyard, but it is very different from the way it used to be in Wang Shen's mansion. There are also Suzhou embroidery screens in this room, and paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls, but it feels like everything is out of place.

It’s that feeling of waiting for the poor to suddenly become rich, and wanting to pile up all the good things in the house.

The room was quiet, and a woman sat blankly beside the bed. Next to her was a copper basin with water in it. There is a stool beside the basin, and the shroud is placed on the stool.

But she didn't do anything, just sat quietly by the bed.

Hearing the footsteps of Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan, the woman turned her head, her absent-minded eyes gradually gained focus, and she looked at the housekeeper inquiringly.

"Madam, these are Mr. Gu from the Imperial City Department and Mr. Han from the Yushitai."

When Mrs. Tao Ran heard the title of Imperial City Secretary Tong Yushitai, her expression changed drastically and she stood up, "My husband has just passed away, and the house is in chaos. Please don't take offense at neglecting the two adults. I don't know why you are here." ?”

Gu Shiwei returned the greeting to Mrs. Tao, "My condolences. We have a case and want to ask Mr. Tao some questions."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on Tao Ran's body on the bed.

He was only wearing fur trousers, and the gauze wrapped around his upper body was untied, with blood stains scattered aside. There was indeed a bloody hole on his chest, which looked very shocking. The wound looked poorly healed, red, swollen and filled with pus.

In addition, there are many large and small scars on Tao Ran's body. Judging from how fresh they are, they must be from yesterday.

Except for the chest, Gu Shiwei found no other obvious fatal injuries.

His lips were not purple, and there were no marks on his neck. He was not strangled to death. There were also no visible signs of poisoning. Even the blood dripping from his chest was bright red.

Gu Shiwei frowned.

Could it be that Tao Ran suddenly died suddenly at this stall?

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