Chapter 367 A Hug

Han Shiyan felt happy and sped up his hand.

"Sir! This is so amazing! There is actually a bluestone slab under this stone... This horse is so amazing!"

"Well, I'm waiting for you to carry a box of gold from the treasury and use it as Brother Ma's fodder money," Han Shiyan said, with a bit of relaxation in his tone.

The shock on Chang Guan's face dissipated instantly, and he suddenly became a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "Young master asked me to wait for my arrival! He stopped knocking because he was concerned about his marriage. He must have known that we were coming!"

He said, breathing into his hands! Then he squatted deeply, exhaling from his Dantian, dug his hands towards the edge of the bluestone, and with a sudden force, the bluestone fell to the ground, revealing a dark hole.

When Han Shiyan saw this, he lay on the edge and shouted down, "Taking care of family matters! You can stay below!"

Gu Shiwei held the long sword and jumped back slightly. Some gravels on the edge of the bluestone fell with a crackle, and they all fell into the secret room.

The moonlight suddenly poured into the dark room, illuminating the small square world.

Gu Shiwei glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the old man lying on the wall, reaching out and touching everywhere. He looked like a gecko about to climb up the wall.

Jing Li, who was sleeping dazedly in the corner of the room, seemed to feel something, so he gave a warning and fell asleep again.

"Yes! But I can't use my Qing Gong now. Jing Li's condition is not good. Is Chang Guan here? Ask him to come down and carry someone."

"You came here quickly enough! I thought you wouldn't find me missing until tomorrow morning when you went to look for me at home. It's still midnight, how did you find out that we were kidnapped?"

As Gu Shiwei said, he saw Han Shiyan put down a lantern.

He was lying on top of the secret room. Above his head was a sky filled with stars. The Milky Way was visible to the naked eye like a white gauze.

Han Shiyan's handsome and reliable face suddenly enlarged, as warm as that orange lantern, just like when she was young, she practiced martial arts in the courtyard until midnight and could see her father and mother when she turned around. The light that turned on for her.

Gu Shiwei's breath froze and he quickly looked away.

She couldn't look at it anymore. If she looked at it again, she would become greedy.

When she lowered her eyes and raised her head again, she returned to her usual big smile, "Han Yushi, please don't reach out, or I'm afraid I'll drag you down. Have you seen the clues I left? My horse Isn’t it amazing?”

Han Shiyan was stunned and didn't answer.

It's just that they haven't seen each other for a few hours, and Gu Shiwei's originally bloodless face is now as pale as paper, and the unwiped blood at the corners of his mouth is so dazzling. Just like red plum blossoms in the snow.

She used to be very thin, but Han Shiyan had never felt any vulnerability in her.

She has always been so powerful, so powerful that people ignore that she is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

But tonight, although Gu Shiwei was still smiling, Han Shiyan felt inexplicably that as soon as she touched her, she would turn into a handful of dust in his hand and dissipate into the world.

Han Shiyan reached out his hand to Gu Shiwei without even thinking about it.

Gu Shenwei hesitated for a moment, but still grabbed the hand stretched out towards her. As she used the strength of that hand to jump up, the lantern in Han Shiyan's hand fell into the dark room...

Gu Shiwei didn't have time to exclaim before he ran straight into Han Shiyan's arms. The embrace was extraordinarily warm, with a faint fragrance of grass and trees, so elegant that it was almost inaudible. Han Shiyan's hand was extremely hot, as if it was going to burn a hole in her back.

Gu Shiwei came back to his senses in an instant and laughed, "Han Yushi, you really need to practice martial arts well. I see you can't even pull someone up."

Han Shiyan only felt that his arms were empty. Gu Shiwei was like a feather, brushing past his heart and flying past the tip of his nose, and then left quickly.

He looked at Gu Shiwei's bright eyes and wanted to say something...but his face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said to Chang Guan not far behind Gu Shiwei, "Why don't you go down and save people! "

The moonlight is very beautiful tonight, and this may be the only chance in his life for a hero to save the beauty.

He could feel that Gu Shiwei tonight was very different from the past, and the atmosphere between them was also very different.

It is obviously a very suitable time to express your feelings, but the long view is really difficult for people to ignore!
He jumped up and down on his back, clenched his fists with both hands, winked and twisted his expression, and shouted silently: "My young master finally...finally...wuwu..."

This guy was even more excited than the monkey king on the mountain when he saw the peach forest. He was about to ascend to heaven!

Changguan smiled and jumped towards the dark room, "Chi Wuzuo, I can bring you and Mr. Jing up together. It's okay. I'm strong! There's no problem with thirty more. Hahaha, I'm used to moving on weekdays. Yes, my young master asked me to carry a bucket of ginseng soup to Mr. Gu!"

"Yeah! I will carry a bucket of gold tomorrow! Our master said that even if Mr. Gu wants the stars in the sky, we have to carry a bucket of gold down."

Han Shiyan, who was standing above, listened to Chang Guan's words, and the veins on his forehead twitched, "I didn't say anything."

Gu Shinwei burst out laughing. She raised her head and looked at the stars in the sky, "Well, Chang Guan speaks more boldly than Li Taibai, unlike you."

"How are you? Can Poisonous Forest Poison Woman cure it? The carriage is parked on the official road outside the dense forest. You won't be riding a horse when you go back."

Han Shiyan said, and then added, "Jing Li and the old man detoxified themselves and went to live with me. Yizhuang may not be safe now, and Sangzi Lane is too small. The house next door to me..."

Gu Shinwei took a gentle breath. Without the internal energy protection, the old wounds in her body seemed to surge out all at once, and even breathing was a little painful.

"Well, I'm going to pack things up in Shili in the next two days. I bought the house. Then I'll ask you to take more care of Shili and Xiaojing."

Han Shiyan was overjoyed and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Okay!"

"Oh, do you want the wine and the snacks? Do you want the meat in the lotus leaf buns too? What about those?"

"Those don't want, who knows what stinky stuff they are, these are mine, not a single needle can be left behind."

Gu Shiwei listened to the conversation between the old man Zuo and Chang Guan below and twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

She cleared her throat and walked a few steps to the side with Han Shiyan. When the little bay horse saw that she was safe and sound, he immediately rushed over and nuzzled her with its head! Seeing Gu Shiwei touching its nose, it stretched out its tongue and gently licked Gu Shiwei's palm.

"Good guy! You have done a great job this time!"

Little Zaohong raised the horse's head and glanced at Han Shiyan proudly. The arrogance of a villain almost overflowed from its horse's face.

"Do you know any of the high-ranking and powerful people in the government, like your uncle, are from Suzhou?"

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