Chapter 377 Floods and Floods
Seeing Han Shiyan, he stopped talking.

Gu Shiwei put his index finger to his mouth and let out a hiss.

She put her hands behind her head and said to Han Shiyan with a smile, "I know you feel that now is not the time to investigate Zhou Zhao's death. After all, a murder case a few years ago seems to be the same as the Feiqiao case we want to investigate. And the tax bank case has nothing to do with it.”

"But just now when you were talking about the Zhou Zhao case, something flashed through my mind but I couldn't catch it."

"The last time I had this thought, the last thing I thought of was my fellow countrymen."

Han Shiyan looked at the smiling face of the man in front of him and nodded as if he was bewitched.

When he came to his senses, Gu Shiwei had already strode out quickly.

Han Shiyan looked at her back, his face darkened, and he couldn't help but despise himself in his heart.

The official might have learned the skill of beating a cow from across the mountain, so he just hit him on the head and knocked his brains out.

He thought, his eyes moved, and he said to Gu Shenwei, "The first one you said is unlikely. This case was recorded in Kaifeng Mansion. If Zhou Zhao had been hit by a poisonous needle that made him unable to move, then he would be so old. You should find out."

"As for the second case, Zhou Zhao was a refugee, and there was a flood in the Yangtze River at that time..."

Han Shiyan froze as he spoke, and Gu Shiwei, who was walking in front of him, suddenly turned around and looked at him.

"What did you just say? Say it again?" Gu Shiwei asked seriously.

She was frozen in place, her mind was spinning rapidly, and her whole body was excited.

Han Shiyan also had light in his eyes, "I said there was flooding in the Yangtze River..."

"That's right! It's a flood!"

Gu Shiwei became excited instantly, and she felt like her mind was suddenly enlightened!
"I should have thought of it before, when we were eating dumplings. Mrs. Hu said that my father sent them rice during the flood... Then I just thought that they should all be from the same hometown, and the person behind the scenes might not be right. They have great kindness.”

"If it's a flood, then everything will be explained."

As Gu Shiwei spoke, she jumped up and reached out to grab Han Shiyan's wrist. She kicked off and flew out, back to her own yard. Then she kicked Han Shiyan through the door. .

Han Shiyan lowered his head and looked at the hand held by Gu Shiwei, and suddenly his whole body turned red.

He felt that he could no longer disguise himself in front of Gu Shiwei, so he slowly boiled the frog in warm water.

Gu Shiwei hasn't been cooked yet, and he himself is about to turn into a roasted frog.

Gu Shenwei let go of her hand as soon as she entered the door. She rummaged through the boxes and cabinets and took out pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Seeing that the ink had been dry for a long time, she took out a thinner one from the charcoal basin in the corner. The charcoal bar came and was taken in hand.

"Zhou Zhao has read books, and when Grand Master Jiang met him, he was already very knowledgeable."

"That shows that his family was not poor before and had elders to protect him. He came to Bianjing because of the flood. Grand Master Jiang took him into his residence because he had no father, mother or relatives. So can we infer that he is very rich? Maybe he witnessed his family members all perishing in the flood..."

"That's why when he fell into the water, he immediately froze until he couldn't move."

Gu Shiwei said and wrote the word "flood" on the paper. "I have never been able to understand before, under what circumstances the person behind the scenes can make all the fellow villagers fall in love with him!"

"He's not Su Daji. How can he still charm people's hearts? If others don't tell me, Jiang Xun simply violated his own conscience and sacrificed his life and future to help that person steal tax money."

"What if during the flood, Grand Master Jiang was more sincere than Zhou Zhao?"

"When I say this, it seems that some people have preconceived notions about Taishi Jiang as the person behind the scenes. In other words, the person behind the scenes may have saved Jiang Xun and others from the flood, so they have always been grateful to them."

Han Shiyan thought seriously, his brows furrowed, and after hearing Gu Shiwei's words, he continued:

"That year, floods occurred once in a century. Even Bianjing had much more rain than in previous years. Jingzhou, Yuezhou and Jiangnan are all downstream and have developed water systems. Moreover, those places are granaries, and it rains continuously during the summer rice harvest, almost It’s a waste of money.”

As Han Shiyan spoke, he took the charcoal pen from Gu Shiwei's hand and wrote the words "food and money" on the paper.

"I don't know what year the account books we got are from, and there is no record on them. However, the Hong family in Canglangshan is the largest grain merchant in Suzhou, and their account books must be related to money and grain. And how are the rumors spread among the people?"

"It is rumored that the account book will cause shock to the court, and someone will be arrested because of the account book."

"That's why your Imperial City Department thought that this thing would be handed over to Yushi Guan by Song Yu."

Gu Shiwei nodded, her mind was extremely clear at this moment, "Yes, it's easy to be an official, how could you be caught? It has something to do with money and food... It must be because someone's hands are not clean and they can't take it." Something to take.”

"Things related to large amounts of money and food... The reason why we never found out that the tax and bank case had nothing to do with King Qi was because there was a weapon-breaking case. So we preconceptionally thought that with weapons, he wanted money and food. "

"It wasn't until later that we got rid of King Qi's relationship and discovered that there was another person behind the scenes. We always thought he wanted to rebel."

But that person's idea of ​​rebellion was overturned by them not long ago.

That person didn't want to rebel at all, otherwise it would be too wasteful to use such powerful medicine to trap her, the old man, and Jing Li.

He didn't bother with such a good opportunity, which shows that he didn't have the intention at all.

Han Shiyan gave Gu Shiwei an appreciative look, "So it's not a conspiracy, but a flood."

"I have a bold speculation that can connect all the cases together, and it makes sense. Let's see if it agrees with me."

Han Shiyan and Gu Shiwei were talking to each other with great excitement.

No one noticed at all that when they talked about the case, their eyes flashed with the same light and they danced in the same way.

Even Gu Shiwei didn't notice that a piece of Zhang Chunting's clothes was exposed by the door.

"Say it! If you don't say it, then I will!"

Han Shiyan listened to Gu Shiwei's urging and immediately said, "There was a flood in the Yangtze River. That man saved Jiang Xun and others in the south of the Yangtze River, and also touched the food and grass that he shouldn't have touched. But there is no windproof wall in the world. It is very possible that this happened The clues were discovered.”

"At the time of the Flying Bird case, the people behind the scenes may not have known that King Qi was going to take action against the national seal. At that time, he just wanted to use a bigger matter to prevent people from having time to delve into his problems with food and grass."

"And the disappearance of tax dollars is not a conspiracy as we think, but an attempt to fill a hole."

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