When Gu Shiwei walked in, Jiang Boyu was sitting at the table playing chess with him.

The window of the elegant room is a regular circle. There is a small bridge, flowing water and a tree with flowers outside the window.

A pure black cat was lying on the bluestone, basking in the sun, flicking its tail from time to time, and was full of satisfaction.

There is a copper incense burner placed next to the low table. It looks like a hill. There is a hollow opening on the top of the mountain, and smoke rises in curls.

I don’t know how far away someone is playing the piano.

Even if he doesn't know much about music, he can still hear the noble meaning in the music.

"Here you go, do you know how to play chess? Why don't you play a game with me?"

Gu Shinwei raised an eyebrow, took out the long sword from her waist, placed it on the low table, and placed the wooden box that Li Mingfang gave her next to the sword.

She sat down cross-legged opposite Grand Master Jiang without any image, "It's too fast to draw the sword while kneeling, so I'd better sit cross-legged to avoid accidentally injuring someone's life."

Upon hearing this, Taishi Jiang stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation, "You are welcome, little friend."

Gu Shinwei raised his eyebrows, picked up the white pieces in the chess box, and randomly placed one on the end of the game.

"There are only me and the Grand Master here. If the Grand Master is not afraid that I would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one person go? After all, I am here for revenge."

Master Jiang smiled softly and dropped a sunspot, "You are Gu Younian's daughter, how could you kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Rather than killing your enemy, you want to find out the truth and let him die a worthy death."

Gu Shinwei looked at Jiang Boyu across from him with a mocking look, her fingers gently rubbing the hilt of the sword. Suddenly, she suddenly pulled out the sword from the scabbard, and directly held the gleaming sharp weapon to Master Jiang. on the neck.

The fierce sword could break hair with a blow, and a few strands of beard fell off almost instantly.

Jiang Boyu did not move, but a middle-aged man suddenly appeared behind him. The man looked so ordinary that he could hardly be found among the crowd, but his eyes made people feel extraordinarily familiar.

Although it didn't look very obvious in the room, the eyes of the person in front of him seemed a bit lighter than those of ordinary people.

He held a scimitar in his hand and pointed it towards Gu Shiwei's face.

Jiang Boyu frowned and said with some displeasure, "Chang Yin, step back. Gu Xiaoyou won't kill me."

The person named Chang Yin flashed and disappeared into the house.

Gu Shiwei clicked his tongue, put the long sword back into its scabbard, sat down cross-legged, and placed the second chess piece.

"Don't you know whether Master Jiang is innocent or not?"

"Aren't you afraid of me? Do you believe me? Why do you have to find guards to hide aside when you play chess? This is not enough. They also threaten me with Li Mingfang. Gee, this kind of strategy should be written into a booklet for civil and military officials to read every day. That’s it.”

There are so many people under Grand Master Jiang that his sons and nephews alone can fill the cemetery.

However, he chose to ask Li Mingfang to invite her. In the end, he knew that she cared about Li Mingfang and used her as a bargaining chip.

Grand Master Jiang took the sunspot and thought seriously. When he heard Li Mingfang's name, he raised his head and looked kind-hearted.

"Ming Fang is a scholar and a wise man. It is my Shiro who has reached a high level. The two of them are playing music and playing music together. They will be father and mother soon. We elders are very happy to see it."

Li Mingfang is pregnant?
Gu Shiwei was a little surprised. Li Mingfang didn't mention this matter to her in the carriage earlier.

Grand Master Jiang said, finally landing on this sunspot.

"My son has been wild and often injured since he was a child. Mingfang also specially studied medical skills for him. She is quite talented in this field. If Gu Xiaoyou is unwell, you can ask her to prepare a pill for you." Gu Shiwei Looking at Taishi Jiang, his expression turned cold.

Grand Master Jiang smiled lightly. He picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea for Gu Shiwei.

"Try it, this is grain tea."

"It must have been twenty years ago, when Gu Xiaoyou wasn't born yet. From the looks of it, we old guys are really old."

"At that time, I was the magistrate of the state in Hedong. First there was a severe drought and then there was an earth dragon turning over. There was no harvest in the fields. It can be said that people died of hunger all over the fields. People exchanged their children for food and chewed the soil and died. There were many people who died almost every few steps. It's a corpse."

"At that time, I was as high-spirited as Gu Xiaoyou. Not only did I spend all my wealth, but I also forced the squires to provide relief. No one in our state died of hunger."

"A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. My Wulang was kidnapped by a squire and burned to death in the local temple."

"When I left office, the people came to see me off and gave me this grain tea..."

Gu Shenwei lowered his eyes and looked at the tea cup. It was said to be tea, but it was actually water made from roasted whole grains, with a smell of burnt wheat.

Master Jiang said, his eyes were slightly red, but soon he started to smile again.

"It's a good thing for young people to be sharp. When I saw Gu Xiaoyou in the court today, I couldn't help but miss the old things in my heart. So I took out the grain tea to drink again, and it still tasted the same as before."

Gu Shiwei listened, picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Her drinking behavior was not elegant at all. She drank gurglingly and sighed after drinking.

"This tea is really good! It has been stored for twenty years and it has not become infested with insects or mold. It is really amazing!"

"I heard Taishi Jiang's story, why not Taishi Jiang also listen to my suggestions."

"We in the underworld should also follow the example of the underworld and make a merit book for each person. For example, Grand Master Jiang sacrificed his life to save the people, and his merits were increased by ten. Then he killed one person, and his merits were reduced by one. If he killed another person, his merits were reduced by one... If he didn't kill enough ten people, his merits would be reduced by one. , as long as the merits are high, it will be regarded as sinless.”

"what do you think?"

The smile on Taishi Jiang's face faded. He looked at Gu Shiwei quietly and reminded, "It's time for Gu Xiaoyou to make a move."

Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows and casually dropped a white stone, "Grand Master, I wonder how much merit I have for rescuing the driver when I get back the national seal? How many lives can it be worth?"

"In this way, the monks in Wufu Temple can chant sutras during the day to earn merit, and work as assassins at night to earn bounties! They really have a bright future."

As Gu Shinwei spoke, she smiled at Taishi Jiang, showing her neat and white teeth. She picked up the surrounded black stones and threw them into the chess basket nearby.

"If Grand Master doesn't take it seriously anymore, I will win this game of chess."

Master Jiang didn't make a move this time, he looked at Gu Shiwei with burning eyes.

"So, Gu Xiaoyou thinks I was the one who stole the tax money and instigated Li Changxing to assassinate the official family?"

Gu Shiwei blinked, "What do you think?"

Grand Master Jiang shook his head, "Gu Xiaoyou, it seems you can't listen to my good advice."

"I am an old acquaintance of your father Gu Younian. When he was trying to solve the weapons case, he asked for help from the East Palace, and I was the one who made the connection."

"Some things are not what you see on the surface. Maybe in the end, you will find that you are nothing but a gun in the hands of others."

"Just like the people in the world only think that Zhang Chunting, your imperial envoy, is a sycophant who charms the monarch, who knows that he is the emperor's son!" (End of Chapter)

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