Chapter 414 The scheming Han Shiyan

Han Shiyan felt his head was dizzy. He felt that he was surrounded by a hundred squawking ducks and that he was about to sink to the bottom of the pond.

"Father, grandma, you go out first! I want to rest for a while!"

Consort Han also wanted to teach him the 108 ways to serve his wife, but the eldest princess grabbed his ears and dragged him towards the door.

The room suddenly became quiet, and the sound of rain falling under the eaves became louder.

The lush osmanthus leaves blocked a corner of the window.

Han Shiyan listened to the sound of rain quietly, and suddenly all his sleepiness disappeared. He coughed lightly and sat up with difficulty on the bed with his hands.

He lowered his head and stared at his fingers.

The fingers were clean and white, the nails were trimmed very cleanly, and there was a thin layer of calluses on the fingertips, which were traces of calligraphy practice.

There is a significant difference between Gu Shiwei's sword-wielding hands.

Han Shiyan sat like this for a long time, then put on his clothes, got out of bed, and walked to the table.

Most of the time, he lived in his own small courtyard. That is to say, he had been away from Bianjing for too long this time and experienced major events such as King Qi's rebellion that almost killed him. Only then was the eldest princess forced him to come back and stay for a few days. .

Han Shiyan stretched out his hand and pulled out a wooden box hidden under a pile of articles.

The box looked a little rough, and there were marks left by the carving knife. It was not painted with paint, but was simply painted with a layer of tung oil.

Han Shiyan stared at the big box and opened it.

There was a thick stack of paintings placed in the middle of the box. The picture in front of her was Gu Shiwei standing on a bamboo raft he had built with his own hands. A pink peach blossom branch rushed towards her, right next to her ear. , like a hairpin.

She stood there and looked at him with a smile.

This was newly painted after he returned to Bianjing.

Below this painting, there is a thick stack.

Han Shiyan flipped through the pages, showing the way Gu Shiwei was eating snacks until her cheeks were bulging, the way she was hanging on the wall of Kaifeng Mansion watching the fun, and the way she was running wildly on the roof with him in her arms... …

He remembered it very clearly. He was so dizzy at that time that he almost didn't vomit.

Before I knew it, a box was filled, which was thicker than the classic book of poetry.

Han Shiyan thought and picked up the pen on the table. He wanted to draw Gu Shiwei in the rain today, but until the ink on the tip of the pen dripped and smeared on the paper, he couldn't start.

Han Shiyan thought and gently put the pen down.

The cold wind made his head feel dizzy. He couldn't help but open the window. The raindrops outside fell in and hit him directly in the face. The coldness made him wake up instantly.

He looked out the window, and in a daze he seemed to see the red clothes flashing past the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

That touch of red was like bright blood, and it was the flamboyant robe of the Imperial City Secretary.

Han Shiyan stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him fell to the ground with such a collision.

But he didn't care about this, he jumped out of the window and rushed behind the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. However, there was nothing behind the tree, not to mention the clothes, even the red color seemed to be his illusion. .

Han Shiyan raised his hand and stroked his forehead. His whole body was burning hot. He must have been burned.

He thought, turned around and wanted to walk towards the house. He could only take a few steps, but suddenly turned back and arrived at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree again.

Han Shiyan thought and pursed his lips. He raised his hand and marked a height in front of himself, which was Gu Shiwei's height.

You can see the red clothes from the window in the house. That should be where he is standing. His height... then his head should be here. Because of Qinggong, even though it rained, there were no footprints left, but my hair was close to the osmanthus branch...

found it! Hair hanging from branches.

Han Shiyan thought about it and plucked a long black hair from the osmanthus branch. The hair was wet from the rain and still had crystal water drops on it.

It wasn't that he was confused because of the fever. Gu Shiwei was indeed standing in his courtyard earlier. As Han Shiyan thought about it, the hand holding his hair trembled slightly, and a low laugh came from between his teeth.

Simply sick!
Gu Shinwei, who was hiding behind the roof, looked at him standing there laughing, her heart trembled, she turned around and lay on the roof, and the rain fell and hit her face.

She doesn't like wearing a hat or a raincoat.

Earlier, the two of them were talking about something in the rain on the street.

Now one is getting rained by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and the other is getting rained on the roof...

It is simply a serious illness!

She shouldn't have come.

She thought of a way out and was about to leave.

But Han Shiyan suddenly ran towards the window, turned it in again, hurriedly put the paintings into the wooden box, and covered it carefully.

His desk was against the window, and rainwater fell in, threatening to wet the paintings.

Compared to the sick and tired look before, with half of his body covered in loess, Han Shiyan looked much more energetic now. Although his eyes were black and blue, at least his eyes were no longer dazed and distracted.

He picked up the pen that had been dipped in ink and started writing quickly on the paper.

Stroke by stroke, there was no pause in my hand at all, and I just kept writing one by one.

Every time he wrote for a while, he would glance at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree out of the corner of his eye.

Han Shiyan's yard was bare except for an osmanthus tree that couldn't hide anyone.

Gu Shiwei watched from a distance and did not come closer.

Han Shiyan's face was abnormally flushed and he coughed from time to time. It was obvious that he was seriously ill. He sat there writing furiously, writing one page after another.

Gu Shiwei couldn't see it clearly, he just felt that it was all densely packed with words, and every piece of paper was filled to the brim.

After he finished writing, he coughed a few more times, hung the clothes on the back of the chair, then lay back on the bed again, and closed his eyes after a while.

The surroundings were extremely quiet. Apparently the eldest princess and her husband had given orders to send away all the servants.

Gu Shiwei looked at it for a long time and saw that Han Shiyan was motionless. Then he walked to the window and jumped in with a slight flip.

Han Shiyan lay motionless on the bed, looking like he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Gu Shiwei came closer and reached out to touch his forehead, which was horribly hot.

She quickly retracted her hand and sighed softly when she saw that Han Shiyan didn't wake up.

When she returned to Sangzi Lane earlier, she was soaked all over and was shocked. He cooked her a large bowl of ginger soup, boiled mugwort water for her to take a bath, and said nonchalantly. Learn a lot about not getting cold.

As she listened, she thought of Han Shiyan.

When he came to his senses, he was already in front of the Han Mansion.

She had internal energy to protect her body, and Han Shiyan was indeed ill.

Gu Shiwei stood by the bed and looked at the man in front of him quietly. When he was sleeping, he had completely lost the fierceness he had in the early morning and the courtroom, and was instead well-behaved and fragile.

Because of illness, my hair was spread down, and there were still drops of water on it that had not been wiped dry.

His lips were much redder than usual due to the fever, which added a bit of beauty to the coldness.

It looks like a peach blossom cake covered in syrup...

Gu Shiwei likes this kind of snack from Han Chunlou.

Why did this guy use a beauty trap even when he was asleep? Even his sleeping position seemed to have been carefully designed and arranged according to her preferences...

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