The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 421 You have to be careful about Zhang Chunting

Chapter 421 You have to be careful about Zhang Chunting

Master Jiang said, turning his back and no longer paying attention to Jiang Silang.


Jiang Silang called out loudly, knelt in front of the cell door, and kowtowed three times.

He wiped away his tears and stood up suddenly, running towards the way he came from.

Gu Shiwei saw something was wrong with him, so he followed him quickly.

The prison suddenly became quiet until the footsteps could no longer be heard. Only then did Master Jiang turn his head with red eyes.

He wiped the corners of his eyes with his big sleeve and said calmly, "Yu Shi Han did not leave with Gu's relatives. He probably had something to say to me."

Han Shiyan hummed softly. He suddenly wrote the account book silently, not just to arouse Gu Shiwei's curiosity.

"I've looked at the account books, and there are some discrepancies. No matter how much the Jiang family gambles, it won't create such a big hole."

"Suzhou's tax money, a boatload of gold ingots... you and I both know how big a sum it is. You filled it all in to make up for the amount embezzled back then."

"You asked the Canglang Mountain Hong family to help you get so much money through disaster relief. Where did it go?"

Han Shiyan said, shaking his head at Taishi Jiang, "Back then, the middle palace had a fierce fight with Concubine Su. If Jiang Dalang's gambling caused such a big fuss, there is no reason why Taibao Li didn't hear about it and let this heavy blow go. opportunity for the enemy.”

"In other words, the person who dares to seduce Jiang Dalang into a big bet cannot have ulterior motives."

Either there is a wealthy businessman who wants to follow Taishi Jiang's path, and deliberately pulls a trick to lure Jiang Dalang into the trap, and then makes an exchange without having to lose the money and write it off.

Either it was the work of a political enemy who wanted to use Jiang Dalang to dislodge the grand master, and he wanted his life but not his money.

Master Jiang did not speak, but looked at Han Shiyan with a complicated and deep expression.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "Yu Shi Han is thinking too much. My eldest brother failed to live up to his expectations and took his sweetheart, Chang Sui, to be his concubine. Chang Sui held a grudge in his heart and seduced him into gambling. His ambition is so great." If you are not strong, you will indeed lose a lot of money.”

"The money in my house has been gone long ago, and for this reason my fifth son lost his life at a young age."

"I won't make you laugh if I tell you this. Our family really couldn't afford the money at that time, so we had no choice but to take the risk."

"After paying back the money, I sold the young boy and the concubine in my eldest son's room. The extra ones were shipped back to Bianjing to give wives to several of my sons. They wanted to marry the right person. How can a girl do this without a betrothal gift?"

"If a daughter who is a legitimate daughter wants to marry into a good family, how can she do it without a generous dowry?"

"That's how the money goes."

Han Shiyan's expression did not change and he shook his head again.

"Jiang Dalang obviously didn't know that Li Mingfang and Jiang Silang would end their relationship righteously. His emotions were sincere when he roared in court, and he was not acting. After all, he is not that good. He doesn't know your plan to leave a way out for the Jiang family."

"This plan of yours must be made with the presence of officials. Otherwise, with Wang Yihe's temperament, he will never be fooled by your statement of severing ties."

If you just say that severing ties can prevent the family from getting together, then it won't be a mess.

First, he did not open an ancestral hall and delete his name from the family tree, and second, he did not register it with the government... Jiang Silang is still a Jiang family member, and even if Li Mingfang has not received a divorce letter, she is still the wife of the Jiang family. If no official pardoned them, Wang Yihe should have sent them to prison in accordance with Dayong Law.

"Jiang Dalang left the Jiang Mansion and went to the palace to invite officials at the same time as Gu Shiwei and Wu Jiang escorted you to Kaifeng Mansion. And as soon as we started to interrogate the case, the officials came. What kind of face does Jiang Dalang have? He rarely comes out. "The palace officials will leave the palace immediately?" "It was already very late and the palace doors were locked. How were you sure that the officials would come out?"

"How can you be sure that the officials will agree to your plan?"

Master Jiang pursed his lips and looked at Han Shiyan quietly, as if he wanted to see through him.

After a long while, he said with red eyes, "I suddenly thought that when I was Han Yushi's age, I was also a good official who devoted myself to the people, and wanted to get to the bottom of everything and discuss right and wrong."

"At that time, I would never have imagined that I would become so unrecognizable when I grow old."

"Become the person you hate the most."

He said, shaking his head a little decadently, "I know what you are suspecting."

"I have been with the officials and ministers for decades, and there is a certain friendship between the emperor and the ministers. Moreover, the officials are old. Once people get older, they tend to be soft-hearted, especially towards old ministers like us. I rely on this. Just give it a try."

"I have said everything that needs to be said about the case, and there is nothing to hide."

"I can't steal money from officials and then give it to officials..."

Han Shiyan did not pause and corrected him directly, "What you stole was Dayong's silver, not the official's silver. Dayong's silver is placed in the treasury, and official's silver is placed in the private treasury. They cannot be confused."

Upon hearing this, Taishi Jiang sighed helplessly.

"Han Yushi should not get into trouble. Rather than this, I advise you to keep an eye on the imperial city envoy Zhang Chunting. King Gou Jian of Yue lied down and hid his courage to destroy Wu, and Han Xin endured the humiliation and finally became famous..."

"Zhang Chunting has suffered so much humiliation in the past, how can he have any admiration for the official family?"

"The prince is his biological brother, he can kill him without mercy... He can kill his brother, but how can he not kill his father and kill his brother!"

"After the crown prince passed away, the official's health deteriorated day by day. He was already old, while the second prince was still young... Zhang Chunting is now in his prime..."

Master Jiang said, stood up, walked to the cell door and approached Han Shiyan.

"I have done a lot of wrong things, but I really care about Dayong and don't dare to relax...Earlier, he wanted to clear up Gu Younian's grievances, and he still had some scruples. Now that the case has been settled, he has no worries at all. He can be restrained."

Han Shiyan listened thoughtfully, but shook his head.

"These words must have been spoken by the Grand Master to the officials a long time ago. Before Zhang Chunting could commit any act of rebellion, the Grand Master had already sentenced him to death. People who think like the Grand Master, in this city of Bianjing, in this How many people are there in the temple?"

When you want him to eradicate dissidents, let him be the dirtiest and sharpest sword.

When he was no longer needed, he began to dislike the sword as too scary. Where in the world can there be such an unreasonable reason?

"The Grand Master told me this just because he wanted to use me to let Gu Shiwei be the lock to restrain Zhang Chunting."

"It's like you used Li Mingfang to restrain Gu Shiwei."

"Why didn't Grand Master tell Han that Zhang Chunting killed his brother because you were the ones who locked him up in advance out of fear? If not, how could you find a point to criticize him so righteously today?"

Just because he doesn't like party strife or wielding power doesn't mean he doesn't understand, he just doesn't have this ambition.

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