The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 446 Bianjing heard of the urgent call

Chapter 446 Bianjing heard of the urgent call
Gu Shiwei took the medicine and pinched open the white wax shell. Inside was a green and transparent pill that looked like a glass bead.

Almost as soon as the shell shattered, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire small bamboo building.

When the old evil doctor heard this, he cried out in pain, "Eat it quickly! This medicine is passed down from our ancestors. If you take one pill and take one less, I won't be able to prepare it myself."

Gu Shiwei did not hesitate and stuffed the pill into her mouth. The pill melted in her mouth. The musty smell made her almost spit it out. The musty smell was followed by a bitter taste...

How painful it is! Gu Shiwei felt that it was simply worse than all the hardships she had endured in the past sixteen years put together!

Gu Shiwei felt a wave of nausea in his heart and almost didn't spit it out! She wanted to vomit, but the pill had already melted in her mouth, and she couldn't spit it out even if she vomited.

"Open your mouth."

Gu Shiwei listened to Han Shiyan's familiar voice, and immediately opened her mouth, and stuffed a candied fruit directly in. The sugar was wrapped in honey, and the sweetness of the honey wrapped in sugar neutralized the bitterness, making her instantly feel like she was saved. .

Gu Shiwei looked at the old evil doctor with a faint look, "You don't have a few ancestral medicines left, so you just wait and see what others are doing, save some and not save others!"

If you can save it by just giving it a few injections without using ancestral medicine, then it will be saved easily.

If you need to use ancestral medicine, just pretend to be evil. Although I can save you, I don’t want to save you because you don’t like it!
The old evil doctor choked suddenly. He covered his mouth and coughed until his face turned red and he almost lost his breath.

After a while, he blew his beard and stared at Gu Shiwei angrily, "What are you talking about? How can I be that kind of person!"

Gu Shinwei grinned, and that smile spoke for itself, you are that kind of person!

Han Shiyan on the side listened to Gu Shiwei's argument with the old evil doctor and just stared at her face. Soon after taking the medicine, Gu Shiwei's complexion improved a lot and he finally felt relieved.

The old evil doctor was so embarrassed and angry that he called to his granddaughter who was holding the little bell, "Zhuling, you and I go together to make the Seventh Turn Resurrection Soup."

The little girl named Zhuling nodded obediently. She glanced at Han Shiyan secretly and couldn't help but said, "Sister Gu, I really envy you. I've seen all the bulls in a radius of 800 miles. No one is good-looking and infatuated.”

"If you have any secret techniques for finding beauties, can you teach them to me? I'm not greedy. Finding five is enough."

Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan fell silent at the same time.

Five, aren’t you greedy?
The old evil doctor listened, but sneered, "You are young and don't understand. If you find one like this, you have to give up the other four. Are you willing to give up? It's better to tie him up directly as my grandfather taught you before. Take a bowl of soup and eat it... worry less!”

The grandfather and grandson discussed it as if no one was watching, and walked out directly.

"What did you see in your dream before? It can't be true that I didn't slap you inside, so you're not used to it..."

In fact, she often attacked Han Shiyan every day, but she rarely took action.

As she spoke, she raised her eyes and met Han Shiyan's affectionate eyes.

Gu Shiwei's heart skipped a beat. She swore that Han Shiyan's eyes were looking at the minister who was being cheated on. The minister felt that this guy wanted to have a sadistic love affair with him.

Before Han Shiyan could say anything, Gu Shiwei felt pain in her internal organs as if on fire. Her feet went soft, and she immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to close her eyes and regulate her breathing.

The bitter medicine was like a rushing air current, traveling in her body, as if it was crushing all her internal organs, and then giving birth to new ones inch by inch. Gu Shiwei wanted to reassure Han Shiyan that he was relieved .

But she had no time to care about it at the moment. She only felt her body trembling, as if she had been fished out of the river.

I don't know how long it took, but the severe pain finally disappeared. Gu Shiwei waited for a week before slowly opening his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she fell into a warm embrace. Han Shiyan sat cross-legged opposite her. Almost as soon as she opened her eyes, he immediately knelt down and stood up to hug her into his arms.

Gu Shiwei was stunned for a moment, then gently hugged Han Shiyan's waist with his hands. Han Shiyan's embrace was warm, and there was a faint scent of incense on her clothes, like the warm fragrance of pear blossoms in her childhood memories.

"I'll tell you some good news. The Seven-turn Resurrection Soup is not for drinking, but for taking a medicinal bath."

Gu Shinwei hummed softly, "Han Shiyan, what should I do? I will probably harm you for the rest of your life."

"Well, let's go together and harm Dayong for the rest of our lives."


In the early autumn of Shenghe's 30th year, a heavy rain fell, and the bluestone road was covered with yellow and green leaves.

As soon as the weather cools down, crab-stuffed orange and mutton soup become popular again. No matter how the world changes, the food shops are always in full swing.

People were lined up in front of the gourd soup shop in the market outside Xi Neiye Gate. The boy who greeted guests in front of the door changed at some time. He was darker than Liu Yang, tall and thin, and showed a smile when he smiled. Beautiful white teeth.

I heard that he was the nephew of the shop owner who was far away in the countryside. He came here to help earn some money so that he could return to his hometown to marry a wife in the future.

"Where did Liu Yang go?" A diner who returned to Bianjing for the first time asked curiously.

The boy had obviously been asked too many questions, and he answered fluently, "He has received a great fortune, and he has become the minister of Dali Temple, Han Jingyan, Master Han. In the future, he will be admitted to the scholar examination. See you next time, maybe You are about to call Master Liu."

The old customers all felt honored, and everyone started talking with a smile on their face.

At the window of the shop, Gu Shiwei raised his eyebrows at Han Shiyan, "Look, Han Yushi, with such a ready-made wife like you, Liu Yang chose your cousin instead of being close to him. ”

The old evil doctor has an evil nature, but he is very sloppy in his medical skills. He says it will be good in seven days, but it will be good in seven days.

After these seven days, Gu Shenwei, thinking about Zhang Chunting, turned around and returned to Bianjing with Han Shiyan non-stop. The journey was very fast, and finally entered Bianjing city before dawn today.

It seems that nothing has changed in the city, even Zhang Chunting's work for King An seems to have come to an end.

Gu Shiwei pricked up his ears and listened all morning, only hearing some scandalous anecdotes.

Han Shiyan took out the money and put it on the table. He stood up with a smile and said, "Liu Yang is good at dancing. I am really not suitable to be his wife."

He has a stubborn and old-fashioned temperament, and his face is full of stubbornness. The path he is taking is not suitable for Liu Yang, but Wang Jing can give it a try.

It's just that it's too early to say this at this time, so it's okay not to mention it.

The two of them had finished their meal and did not stop much. They got on their horses and galloped towards home.

This journey was full of dust, and even young people like Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan felt quite tired.

Gu Shiwei only thought about returning home as soon as possible, drinking a large bowl of lotus root and pork ribs soup made by Shili, then bathing and changing clothes and sleeping well for a day and a half. Fortunately, Zhang Chunting was alive and well in front of Prince An, and the situation in the court was now very stable with no abnormality, which made them breathe a big sigh of relief.

"Taking care of your family affairs, Yushi Han, please stay here!"

A high-pitched shout came from behind. Gu Shiwei and Han Shiyan looked at each other, turned around, and saw a chamberlain dressed as a palace man galloping over on a horse.

"You two adults, please stay. The officials are urgently summoning us. I also ask you two adults to come with our family immediately."

I only have one update today due to my day off, and the book is almost over! The second update will be made up tomorrow, okay!

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