Chapter 125 We are not stingy
Su Qingqing confronted the three dogs for a long time before the female dog took a step back.The two puppies followed the mother dog and took a step back.

Probably they just wanted to come to Su Qingqing to ask for some food.

Su Qingqing fed clouded leopards in the mountains several times, and the female dog should have been seen.

At this moment, the branch suddenly trembled, and Banban moved his body.

The two puppies suddenly raised their heads and whispered "woo woo woo" at the spots on the branches, as if they were warning.

Su Qingqing took out a few pieces of beef jerky that were [-]% to [-]% dry from the oil paper bag hanging on her waist, and threw them in front of the three dogs together with a few grains of lard residue cooked last night.

The two puppies took two cautious steps back when Su Qingqing threw the dried meat.

But the bitch didn't move a step, tilting her head to look at Su Qingqing, and then at the dried meat just under her neck.

Su Qingqing said: "Eat it, it's just for you."

As if she understood what Su Qingqing said, the bitch lowered her head and sniffed the dried meat, and then the lard residue. She stretched out her right forelimb and pulled the small particles of lard residue in front of the puppy on the right, and then moved towards it. Pulling it to the left, he also picked out a few pieces of lard residue for the puppy on the left.

This is an impartial dog mother.

The two puppies saw that their mother was eating dried meat, so they cautiously bit into a piece of lard and took a step back before eating.

Beef jerky was brought to Datang by Su Qingqing when she traveled through time.

The fresh meat brought from modern times has been eaten long ago because it cannot be stored, but various dried meats can still be stored.

She carries beef jerky with her as a snack and eats it when she's hungry.When she was a child, she was severely starved for three days and three nights. She had a shadow of hunger and could not bear to be hungry.

As for the lard residue, that’s for the little guy Banban.

Banban seemed to know that this was food that belonged to him. When he saw Su Qingqing feeding the dog, he immediately barked "Ouch!". Unhappiness could be seen on the little cat's face, which made Su Qingqing amused.

"We are domesticated, be generous, you have a lot to share!" Su Qingqing smiled and took out one, put it in the palm of her hand, and handed it to the little guy on the branch.

Banban jumped up, jumped onto the palm of Su Qingqing's hand, picked up the lard residue, and ran back to Su Qingqing's shoulder with a "swish".

The little cat-like thing is only about the size of Su Qingqing's hand and can fit anywhere.

"Hey, don't drool on my shoulder, you know? Otherwise, I'll kick you out." Su Qingqing turned her head and said to Banban, who made an "ouch" sound from her throat, as if in reply.

Such a small amount of dried meat and lard residue was not enough to fill the gap between the teeth. The three dogs and the little lynx Banban finished it quickly.

Su Qingqing simply took out the remaining beef jerky and lard residue, and while feeding the dogs and lynx, she took the water in the water bag, rinsed her left hand, and started eating the beef jerky.

She went into the mountains to work without breakfast in the morning. After cutting grass for a long time, she was also hungry.

People in small fishing villages have the habit of washing up at dawn and going to work in the fields. They work until the sun is shining brightly before coming back to cook breakfast.

There is no way, Lingnan Road is very hot, so we can only do more work when it is cooler in the morning and evening.

Everyone has to work hard and avoid heatstroke, but they have to leave early and come back late.

The same goes for fishermen, who even go out to sea to fish before dawn.

Fish from Lingnan Road in the Tang Dynasty are quickly transported to the fishing boat dock and sold to fishmongers.

When fishmongers receive fresh seafood from fishermen, they must quickly transport it from the fishing boat dock to the vegetable markets in various towns.

The vegetable market in Datang usually opens in the afternoon because vendors and farmers outside the city and town are still busy with transportation in the morning.The chariots and horses of the Tang Dynasty cannot be compared with those of later generations. In the era when the chariots and horses were very slow, everyone's pace of life would also slow down.

Fishermen who live near the sea usually finish fishing in the morning and stop fishing in the afternoon.Because of the fishing boat pier, there are basically no fishmongers coming in the afternoon.

If the fish caught in the afternoon is sold the next day, it will not be fresh, it will be worth the price of cabbage, and it may not even be sold.

This is not like the docks in later generations that have supporting icehouses where seafood can be processed with ice and vacuum packaging before being shipped to all parts of the country.So that people in non-coastal areas can also eat seafood.

Speaking of which, even in later generations of China, in the decades, fishermen did not fish in the afternoon.The preservation method of seafood is the same as that of the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, either salting it into salty products or drying it into dried products.

Things like icehouses did not develop until the 90s and [-]s.

The Chinese people in the early days also had a very hard life.

High-yield grain, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers are all things that will happen later.It is unbelievable to say that these earth-shaking changes took place in just three to forty years.

By the new century when Su Qingqing was born, children with two parents no longer had to suffer much.Because the first group of people have endured the suffering of several generations for future generations.

Today's farmers and fishermen in the Tang Dynasty live as hard as the early New China people.

However, there are people who are more miserable than them.

For example, the female dog may have died somewhere unknown to its owner.

There are many mountain people without household registration hiding in the forests of Datang Mountain. They can grow their own food, but not salt.

They don't dare to go to markets and temple fairs to purchase salt openly. They can only sneakily find some villages or ethnic minority tribes to buy salt, and sometimes they even go down the mountain to grab it.

If you fail to grab it, just swipe your account and try again. Maybe you can get a good pregnancy in your next life.

In the small fishing village, half of the villagers attached to Yaliu Villa are branches of the Chen family; the other half are fishermen at sea who have spent half their lives fighting against wind, waves and sharks, and are relatively fierce.

Therefore, no mountain people dared to come here to rob them, so they all honestly exchanged them for meat.

People in small fishing villages also welcome mountain people to do business, because the price of meat in the hands of mountain people, whether it is fresh or dried, is far cheaper than the market price. It is simply priceless.

Once you trade with them, the village will feel like celebrating the New Year.

It's a pity that the mountain people are coming less and less now, and the last transaction was more than half a year ago.

Looking at the bitch in front of her, Su Qingqing remembered its former owner. The runaways in the mountains were worth less than ordinary farmers.

If the good citizen is gone, Li Zheng still has to come and see it to determine whether it was a natural death or a criminal case.

If you die naturally, you don't need to bother much. You can report it to the elders in the township, who will then report it to the person in charge of household registration in the county government, and the household can be cancelled.

If it is a criminal case, the county government will also come to investigate the case.Good citizens cannot be killed just by asking. There are many official procedures to go through.

Although the detection rate is not high, someone will come to investigate.If someone takes care of it, it will be a deterrent.

But the mountain people are different. No one cares where they die.Officially, these fugitives themselves are non-existent people, and no one cares about their life or death.

Like the owner of this dog, he will rot in this mountain when he dies.The people in the small fishing village just lamented that the mountain man was probably gone.

Part of the reason for the miasma on Lingnan Road is related to the harmful substances produced by undisposed corpses (mostly animals, a few people).

(End of this chapter)

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