After the lunch break, all members of Tajiguli's group went to catch the sea, otherwise they would have another sweet potato feast in the evening.

Because they don’t know how to cook the vegetables grown on their own land next to the courtyard, and cooking seafood is relatively simple, just add water and salt.

Su Qingqing's group also decided to go to sea. Compared with the sweet potato dinner, a seafood dinner is better.

The seafood brought by Su Qingqing has been purified by her water god energy, so she is not afraid of the nuclear sewage from the foot pot chicken.

It's just that every trip to the sea consumes too much. Su Qingqing read a book at noon and fell asleep directly in front of the camera.

In the yard, Shen Zhiyan and the others were playing games so loudly that they couldn't wake her up.

If she didn't come to call her, she could sleep until night.

What's outrageous is that the popularity of Su Qingqing's live broadcast room has not fluctuated much.

Even after she fell asleep, the audience didn't leave much.The group of people were not bored at all and watched her sleep for more than two hours in the live broadcast room.

Later, Shen Zhiyan suggested taking a boat to go to the sea. Zhu Tingxiao said that Su Qingqing was the darling of the sea, and he must call her with him when going to the sea.

Shen Zhiyan didn't mind, but she wouldn't object to Zhu Tingxiao's words face to face.After all, they are top-notch, and their fans have amazing fighting skills, so she doesn't dare to offend him.

So the three people ran to the bottom of the tree house and called Su Qingqing up.

When the people in Group A came to the beach, all members of Group B were already rushing to the beach.

The small courtyard is equipped with a fishing boat, which was prepared by the program team and parked on the small pier by the sea.

It’s just that from yesterday to now, no one has thought of using it.After all, several people were seasick when we came here.

If Shen Zhiyan hadn't mentioned it, Zhu Tingxiao and others would never have thought of this.

Shen Zhiyan actually didn't want to take a boat that much. She got seasick when she came to the island yesterday.

But there was nothing she could do. Just now, her exclusive director, who was also her communicator, hinted that she would go to sea on a boat.

As a member of Lemon Channel, of course she has to cooperate with the program team.

The four of them, Su Qingqing, walked to the beach, greeted Tajigul, Wang Mengxing and others who were rushing to sea, and asked them if they wanted to go to sea together.

Tajiguli definitely refused. She was seasick and vomited several times yesterday and was still frightened.

Wang Mengxing also suffers from seasickness, so he would rather catch the sea under the sun.

What's more, he just rented the show crew's mud horse and is now catching jumping fish. If he changes his mind at the last moment, he will suffer a big loss.

Wang Liming also said that he would continue to go to sea and work hard for their dinner, and would not go fishing in the sea. After all, fishing for the Air Force in the sea was still very risky.

The only one left in Group B, Jiang Yuelin, had just caught a yuan crab and had some fun chasing the sea, but he also refused to go out to sea.

So the only people who go to sea are Group A.

Before boarding the fishing boat, Shen Zhiyan said with a wry smile: "I don't know if I will get seasick on the fishing boat, but I hope not."

At this time, Chen Peihua also remembered Shen Zhiyan's seasickness and asked her if she wanted to change her mind. She was willing to accompany her to the sea.

Of course Shen Zhiyan said no!

Just kidding, leaving the top Zhu Tingxiao by his side and joining Chen Peihua would mean saying goodbye to attention, she wouldn't choose it.

Besides, it was she who suggested taking a boat out to sea first.

So all members of Group A went to sea.

This is a single trawler with a fishing net at the stern.It looks half-new but not old. The program crew asked the fishermen on the island to rent it. The person in charge of driving the boat is the boat owner.Four guests and two photographers (Sun Photography in charge of Su Qingqing and Mao Photography in charge of Zhu Tingxiao) boarded the boat together, and at the same time there were people on the shore holding drones to follow.

Except for the old fisherman and the boat owner, everyone else was wearing life jackets just in case.

The sound of the diesel engine "chugging" sounded, and the small fishing boat named "Victory" left the dock.

White foam rolled up at the stern of the boat and set off towards the blue sea.

If you ignore the disgusting things that chickens do to the sea and only look at the blue and vastness of the sea surface, as well as the endless blue sky and white clouds, then under the same scenery of sea and sky, blowing the fresh and moist sea breeze, it is quite refreshing.

Shen Zhiyan was very excited at first, and imitated Ruth's example and opened his arms to embrace the sea.But it didn't take long for her expression to change.

Seasickness doesn't just disappear.

Everyone in the barrage was laughing at her. She was so happy that she became sad. She still shouldn't be too arrogant.

Once on board, the live broadcast room was filled with Shen Zhiyan's voice. Fans of Su Qingqing and Zhu Tingxiao had already expressed their dissatisfaction in the barrage.

Shen Zhiyan felt dizzy and uncomfortable, and the captain asked her to go into the cabin and lie down for a while.She had no choice but to accept it, because she might start feeding the fish if she stayed any longer.

Su Qingqing is also forced to smile now. The modern sea is like a piece of scarred jade, which makes people feel distressed.

In fact, her water god energy had not recovered much, but as soon as she came to the sea, she couldn't help but lose consciousness and use the water god energy to flick the sea water, not only to explore it, but also to heal its scars.

When the boat reached deep water, the owner stopped the boat and told everyone to prepare for fishing.

In fact, it is not far from the island. You can clearly see the houses on the island from the boat.

If it is truly professional sea fishing, this is obviously not a good place.

But Su Qingqing and her group are just recording the show. For safety reasons, it is not suitable to leave the island too far. They can just have fun in the offshore.

Zhu Tingxiao asked Su Qingqing: "Little sister, can you fish?"

Su Qingqing shook her head: "I've never fished before, how about you?"

"I learned it for filming before, so I have the skills, but it's hard to say how lucky I will be." Zhu Tingxiao said with a smile, and then asked Chen Peihua, "Sister, can you fish?"

"Haha, I have never fished before in my life. The first time I ever fished was directly in the sea." Chen Peihua replied with a smile.

There were four guests in the group, one was seasick and the two were completely new to fishing, so Zhu Tingxiao took on the responsibility of the fishing master and taught them how to fish.

While Zhu Tingxiao was helping the two of them fix their fishing positions, the boat boss kept grinning beside him, making the former lose his confidence.

"What's wrong, Master Yuan, am I right? Is sea fishing different from river fishing?"

When Master Yuan looked at the camera, he came over and his expression became a little stiff. He stumbled to express that he was right.

"Oh, that's good."

Having said that, Zhu Tingxiao stopped trying to continue teaching and regarded it as the end of the explanation.

The three of them started fishing, occasionally speaking a word or two.

Su Qingqing's water god energy has long since left the body, and is now repairing the coral reefs on the seabed not far away.

Undersea forests and coral reefs play a vital balancing role in the marine ecosystem.

But the coral reefs in this area are lifeless, obviously damaged, and the balance is disrupted.Therefore, it directly affects the health of the ecosystem here, resulting in very few fishery resources in this area.

Su Qingqing's conscious patrol had not found many marine life before, so she began to sink her mind and work hard to repair the coral reefs, which was more efficient than purely purifying the sea water.

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